“Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless with misery. He rose from the table; and advancing to the master, basin and spoon in hand, said: somewhat alarmed at his own temerity: 'Please, sir, I want some more.'”
Of course the Security Services want more time , they always will !
Cross dressing abounds in the New-statesman and Speccie this morning on Labour`s "visionary" 56 days detention. The Spectator opines that most would be happy for Mooslims to be banged up for decades,pending charges, and that if 28 days is already high for a developed democracy,then we are far more in the merde than the rest.Indeed we are, and whose fault is that?. The left Liberal Ostriches that imported a nation within a nation intent on our destruction, thats who. See Melanie Phillips Londonistan on that score....
Anyway, despite Gordon Brown and his Party being responsible for the crisis, the Spectator is supportive of the extension .This is rich Brown sauce. He has created a mess and then requires prescriptive powers to mop it up ! The support of authoritarian elements like the Mail`s Editor, Paul Dacre can be relied on.It was discussed ,no doubt ,over Dinner at Chequers where he is a frequent Brown noser.
To me it’s a little like forgetting who burnt the Reichstag building in the first place . But Brown is rather like slow motion Nazism on may ways as Dave-Boy-Greenish ,gleefully pointed out.Labour`s 'British jobs for British workers' mirrors BNP Literature in the same ilk exactly
After the 7.7 slaughter,so quickly forgotten while the Press obsesses over Iain Blair’s relatively minor crime of incompetence, investigators spent a fortnight just getting access to the site,and a further six weeks to complete forensic enquiries .In such circumstances Iain Blair, and MI5`s Mr. Evans, would love more time .MI5 would like us to believe that the relative peace we observe is the product of their vigilance. The timing of the terrifying Manchester speech was , of course , government prompted. So do they have an operational point ?
I doubt it makes a blind bit of difference.If a bureaucracy has 56 days then you can be quite certain that is how long they will take and still, like little Oliver, ... want more .
Martin Bright , the New Statesman lefty , notes sourly that the Conservative decision to defend our Liberties, has lead to a bizarre situation.. On 28 days and ID cards Conservatives , Law Lords and Liberal Britain are on one side while the Labour Party is on the other. Nothing bizarre about that Martin ,and I do not much relish your company for what its worth.
I think Conservatives have got this right . I do not see sufficient advantage in an increasing the period of detention without charge which was 48 hours in 1997. I also think that politically Cameron has once again out foxed Brown. Brown looks at Polls at thinks” Tough on Terrorism “is a winner. In gross numbers it is , but in the vital swing seats it is not . Liberal Britain predominates here . Liberals and Conservatives equally detest Mr. B`s authoritarian strutting and fake flag waving. It was his poor marginal seat analysis that caught Brown out over the phantom election.
In Simon Jenkins` book “ Thatcher and Sons “he mentions that after the Brighton Bombing our Saintly Margaret, of all virtues , did not respond with a raft of illiberal legislation , but by requesting that Marks and Spencer’s opened early so survivors could replace clothes lost in the blast. ... Brown is wrong on this and he has misjudged the British people . They do not want to sacrifice Liberties , they want the security services to pull their fingers out and do their job. 28 days is enough..
I see that £30 billion taken from the Suburbs are injected towards improving life in the inner Cities has had , according to Policy Exchange , had no effect whatsoever. In fact there was a widening gap in personal income and unemployment levels life expectancy and the usual markers.
Whilst I lived in Islington I noticed that dependency culture had much to do with the intractability of such problems and in particular the Council housed population for whom work involved massive marginal. Spraying money at the weed will only make it deeper rooted
Years ago all this was predicted by Frank Field who began to think beyond welfare . He was , as we know , stymied and ejected by Gordon Brown whose collectivist vision is oil to reforms water.At the moment we have ample assistance to find a job but while the carrot is in place ,there is no stick .That is does not work will suprise only polticians of the left.
Eyes have tuned to the ‘Wisconsin miracle ‘. The star of welfare reform was Governor Tommy Thompson, ...He said
“Welfare reform in Wisconsin began with one simple premise: Every person is capable of doing something. The challenge for government is to help people go from doing nothing to doing something. If we are going to invest money as a society or as a state to help poor families, it makes sense to invest it in ways that will help them enter the workforce and become self-sufficient—instead of sending checks out once a month and in effect just walking away from their needs. To me, the latter is not compassion. Expecting nothing in return and offering no real help is hardly compassionate. That is apathy.”
The vital component is that there is a limit to the time you have at the states expense. Enter, Mr. Stick. Its success has transformed debate across America . There they talk about the “End of Welfare”. The reaction of Cameron and Brown will be the fault line between them . Gordon Brown is known to be dismissive, preferring to spend the tax payers money on means tested hand outs . Cameron , we assume is cautiously interested especially in the context of Iain Duncan Smiths work on out broken society. The rub will be how to empower voluntary organisations to pick up the ultra needy who cannot be left to starve .
I doubt myself that a scheme can be simply transferred from the States to this country. Tax credits for example came from the US but has been a disaster because people here do not understand how to fill in returns and on the other hand understand all to well how to use the system especially the housing system. By working 16 hours you can get a total of £25,000 thereabouts through rent payment and the benefits associated and all that happens is that cheap part time Labour is subsidised by the tax Payer. What a waste of time and the delivery was catastrophic as we know .
I suspect that the property factor, attitudes to independence and the sheer number of state serfs will make it exceedingly difficult to begin solving our self inflicted sicky. In America it took a consensus to bring about reform and I worry that there are far too many vested interests in keeping the poor , poor , for that in the old world.
I am absolutely horrified to learn that the vacuous tart complicit in the "Socks scandal";acceptably ethnic , Blue Peter presenter Konnie Huq is to be jumping ship to ITV .There she he is to be given her own modish political show called “ London talking “ . The adolescent’s pin-up and admittedly pulchritudinous Miss Huq is about as close the New labour estabclishment as you can get . The Asian lefty interviewed Neil Kinncock at the age of 14 for Newsround, was given special access to interview Tony Blair at 10 Downing street and her older sister, Dr Rupa, was shortlisted as Labour's parliamentary candidate in Bethnal Green and Bow. The Huq family is Labour - through and through!
It shouldn't surprise anyone that she supported a fellow lefty in Red Ken! She recently appeared controversially to publicly endorse Red Ken Livingstone , the scourge of Londoners , at a Press Conference supposedly about keeping fit by cycling . Conservative London Assembly member Brian Coleman said King Ken had tuned the event into a Political rant breaking the impartiality rules . The BBC were obliged to apologise to Brian Coleman and claimed they were re writing Miss Huq`s contract to stop her , presumably , trying brain wash to nations children by burning sticky back plastic capitalists
She will be going head to head with Question time and I can only suggest that this vile creepy little sugar coated New Lab spoon sucker is attacked from the word go.
How can some one who SUPPORTS Ken Livingstone and is a committed Labour activist possibly present a current affairs show now when Ken is under threat by lovely Boris . What are ITV thinking of ? Becoming a laughing stock I suppose.Her sheer jejune ignorance should disqualify her from any such role which takes you back the days of Polly Toynbee as Social Affairs Editor at the BBC.
Liberal Conspiracy! Fight it ,and complain about Huq `s licence to warp young and necessarily foolish minds . London is indeed talking and it is saying “ We do not need suck-up New Labour poster girls foisted on us.”

The all seeing Eye alerted me to the familial resemblance between Dangermouse , boss, Penfold and Mervyn King himself living a little dangerously , just now.
'A driving instructor had a 12-inch carrot in his trousers when he gave a woman a lesson, a court was told yesterday. Bespectacled Stephen Cooney, 51, put the pupil's hand on his groin to pretend that he had an erection - then took the carrot out.
'Rod Hunt, prosecuting, told Teesside Crown Court: "When you go to a driving instructor you may expect he would carry a copy of the Highway Code. You would not expect that in the glovebox of his car he had photographs of him naked, close-ups of him holding his penis and close-ups of his penis. And you would not expect a driving instructor to drive around with a 12-inch carrot down his trousers pretending he had an erection...
'"He had placed a carrot in his trouser pocket as a practical joke and he pretended he had an erection as her driving was so good"'
'Mr Cooney told the court that other nude photographs found by police in the glovebox of his Vauxhall Corsa were "practice" pictures. He had received a digital camera for his 50th birthday from his partner last October and took close-up snaps of his penis to test it out.
'"I was trying close-up photography," he told the jury. "Once you have taken the photos you analyse them not so much for the subject, but the quality."
'Mr Cooney admitted putting a carrot in his pocket and telling his pupil her perfectly-executed manoeuvre had given him an erection, but said he did not make her touch him after pointing out the bulge' - The Northern Echo.
Sussex Countryside under attack
Hazel Blears claims that fears for the desecration of the countryside by rapacious developers to house cheap foreign Labour, are over stated .“ Only 10% of Britain is urban” she squeaks in her irritating 'Orville' way.Given the character of vast swathes of the country, and the disproportionate crowding in the South East, that hardly tells the story, but in any case 10% is a lot .
Brown`s re-announcement of measures to squeeze another 3 million houses onto irreplaceable green belt land will appear to be helping the young to afford homes . It will not as long as demand is inflated by inward migration.Actually the indigenous people of this country are replacing themselves at about 1.3 . The main reason for this implosion is two incomes being required to afford the mortgage . Children are delayed . There are now more first time mothers between 30 and 34 than between 25 and 29, with insufficient obstetricians and gynaecologists for the ensuing complications. Obstetric haemorrhage is a new plague and while this is partly a valid choice for women it is also one forced on them by delayed adulthood. Clearly without the continued influx of large family immigrants this problem would soon have corrected itself
Labour`s response is feeble .They will not have an overall annual limit because they know they will miss it and they are terrified of the truth becoming publicly available .
Many people who have thought those raising alarms on immigration were somehow ‘nasty’ but they will not feel the same way when the green land in their back yard is turned over to poorly planned 21st century slums . Of the 3,000,000 new homes the need for which is created by past immigration 1,000,000 will be inhabited by newbies yet to arrive . We are in an insane vicious carousel creating a real environmental disaster as well as a cultural fracturing we will not recover from
The National Trust, with more members than all the Parties put together is planning to use its money to try to stave off the government by buying up lannd . The charities commission will be used against it as it will ,perforce, be adopting a political stance . Local people everywhere , many of whom have assume they were Liberals, will be aghast at the plans to bulldoze their county and their Community into history . The National trust reflects the real wishes of the people better than the Labour Party
The proposed Home and Communities agency is designed to assist the process whereby planning decision are taken centrally and local objections can be overridden. Even building organisation warn that past slum creating mistakes are likely to be repeated with no infra-structure to support these living machines. The knock on problems for carbon emissions, and any sort of environmental policy are obvious . Population is always the Elephant in the tea room for environmentalists deflating , as it does , their sense of their own Saintliness
For this government, the living machine will be re-configured to its satisfaction. We must rage against the machine .The destruction of the country must be resisted locally as well as nationally . I intend to play my part and anyone who does not is .....“ Letting down future generations “( A Government Source )
PS I accept that immigration and indeed all free movement is a good thing but the rate is now well over four times what it was in 1997. Far too fast unless your only interest is in cheap and docile Labour for big business.
I have altered my blog to reflect the famous association of my new Town,Lewes ,with fireworks.It may be a bit busy , I `ll think about it . Meanwhile I have illustrated this spanking newness not with something denoting the 'new' but .......( yuk yuk)Here are a couple of funny stories .
Dumb Britain
'A lottery scratchcard has been withdrawn from sale by Camelot - because players couldn't understand it. ..players failed to grasp whether or not they had won. To qualify for a prize, users had to scratch away a window to reveal a temperature lower than the figure displayed on each card. As the game had a winter theme, the temperature was usually below freezing.... comparing negative numbers proved too difficult for some Camelot received dozens of complaints on the first day from players who could not understand how, for example, -5 is higher than -6.
'Tina Farrell, from Levenshulme, called Camelot after failing to win with several cards: "I phoned Camelot and they fobbed me off with some story that -6 is higher - not lower - than -8 but I'm not having it' - The Manchester Evening News.
Not Cricket....(inevitably )
'A batsman was shot by a fielder. A row between the players allegedly led to batsman Francis Singh threatening to hit Devan Bascom. As Singh, 36, raised his bat at Bascom, 37, the fielder pulled out a handgun and shot him in the stomach, it was said. Put police in Orlando, Florida, say Bascom will not be charged. Sgt Spike Hoskins said: "He was defending himself from an attack with a bat and has a concealed weapons permit." -
The Daily Star. The message is clear; if your paperwork is in order, you can shoot who you like. This may be England's only chance in the Ashes.
In the New Statesman editorial today there is a shrill complaint that members of the Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology , considering questions of foetal viability has impostors in its midst. These impostors are six ”medical experts “( their inverted commas ), with undeclared affiliations to the Christian medical Fellowship which has an opposition to abortion. The editor goes on....
“Expect more moral prejudices masquerading as science in the coming weeks when the human tissue and Embryos Bill is introduced . More distortions about the escalating number of abortions ...”, and so on . Needless top say there is no single mention of the unborn person in the two densely argued columns of spleen.
This was dealt with in the blogasphere a few days ago I think when Nadine Norris was on the front page of the Telegraph for her principled stand against what she sees as the biased presence of the BMA and the disinformation propagated on the subject of viability. It is a slightly different angle that intrigued me today .The readiness of the left , when it suits them, to consider scientific evidence worthless when the givers of it do not happen to share their views.
I have a certain amount of sympathy for this point of view. Al Gores “Inconvenient Truth “ is currently being foisted on the school population as incontrovertible fact . As we know there are some inaccuracies in it, but that is not the main problem .
The most telling piece of evidence as local Lewes Greeny had was that of a 10% sample of Environmental publications every single peer reviewed scientific journal agreed that we are on a gas mark 5 and only a about 50 % of the general media agreed.
This would show that the Nobel prize winning Gore was to be trusted and not the media . Well as a mixed race family we are less trusting of Nobel prize winners than my towns-woman . Watson of double helix fame was recently opining that Black people were all stupid with a Nobel prize a book out and a living to make He strikes me as not entirely dissimilar to Gore .
More importantly the scientific community are overwhelmingly funded by the state if not the super-state all of who have a vested in interest in a fake emergency as justifying their power grab at all levels . Their careers are not made by publishing “ Small Change Who cares “ articles and should anyone doubt scientists say what they are paid to read the work of epidemiologists for the Tobacco in retrospect. In any case supporting the general view that there is a man made component to global warming means almost nothing. It is also true that excessive Hydrous dioxide to the head has resulted in several deaths.
I doubt we will be banning water as a result.
Scientists are not outside politics and scientific method is not neutral. Furthermore almost tautological findings can be mis-used out of context by those who do have a political axe to grind. What they say about the environment is no more than evidence to be carefully sifted and treated with great suspicion. They have an undeclared interest.

We must recognise that we have a great inheritance in our possession,
which represents the prolonged achievement of the centuries;
that there is not one of our simple uncounted rights today
for which better men than we are have not died on the scaffold or the battlefield.
We have not only a great treasure; we have a great cause.
Are we taking every measure within our power to defend that cause?"
(Winston Churchill Paris September 1936).
from Enoch Powell: Speech, 1961.
(Stolen from hatfield Girl)
Continuing in half baked blogging mode , I went to the Firework display at Lewes last night or rather I arrived in the middle of it unable to get home from the station the entire Town having been turned over to a sort of English festival of hellfire . It was quite impossible to get through the masses all out for the parade and the , some 60,000 in the town with thousands of Policemen drafted in for the night . The march started at the War memorial with the Last post and the first firework spelling “Their finest hour”. Then came the effigies of the gunpowder plotters to be ritually burned later with the Pope . With huge explosions shattering the evening calm , girls dressed in their revealing carnival wear and the drink starting to flow it was a far more primal experience than I anticipated. One felt human sacrifice might begin at any moment .Be-suited and with an inappropriate foldy bike my place in the Whicker man seemed assured.
I was struck at the way the entire town was able to cooperate in such celebration. Young people showing their wares to eachother families clucking and oldsters with twinkling eyes . But then , I was also struck by the fact that there were white people working on the check out in Tescos everyone speaks English. and the schools work. This place still has a cohesion about it that is entirely lost to London and much of the country. You see it in the open handed generosity of the young men who are more like squaddies than gangsters , gruff sometimes but good hearted and loyal to their own. A world away from the venomous glares of the single parent welfare ferals in Islington. You feel it in the way your neighbours cluster round . For example last night my young son became frightened and had to be taken home. Our neighbours, who we met days ago, immediately offered to accompany them back . Stuck on the other side of the crowd I am eternally grateful . People in the shops actually want to talk to you and there is a sense that we all have far more in common than that which divides us.
This sense of a community at one with itself climaxes with the great civic festival of fire when the numerous societies compete for the best float and the best show. Here the Coucil has to get its Parking meters out of the way so the people can move freely .
Norman Baker the unpleasant and toad like Liberal MP is embarrassed at the way it celebrates our military heritage and unashamedly casts out the foreign and the strange. The sight of men dressed as protestant Vicars wielding fiery torches against the scourge of Popery may be a little dated but in some ways it is decidedly contemporary. Gordon Brown and his demonic Labour cohorts by their immigration policy and plans to sell the country to Europe have achieved what Phillip of Spain Napoleon and Hitler could never do .Enslaved the free Englishmen and women people whose way of life is in mortal danger.
PS This coherent ethnicity I am delighted with , obviously has nothing to do with race depite the Tescos comment above.Mrs N comes from Bermondsey , not Africa.It is the rate of change and the worsening fractures between people that concerns me. "We" cannot agree or disagree meaningfully unless there is a "we" in the first place. Inclusion and welcome for all those who love this country !
As coincidences go its not quite up there with Rose and Fred West meeting at the office Party..(“....really you too ...?”) but its still not bad . I walked out into the Farmers market in my new provincial paradise and ran straight into the Conservative Candidate for the area set to attack the fat Fraud Norman Baker , the sitting Lib Dem. His name is Jason Sugarman and he seemed like a thoroughly good sort .I will be playing a full part in combating the dastardly forces of Progressive hypocrisy the moment we have finished un packing.
Coming from Islington I will be able to remind them that their problems “Dog Poo and stray trolleys” , are nothing compared to gangland killings , terrifying estates and social atomisation.. There is a great deal about Lewes worth conserving , in particular from the Labour and Liberal support for mass immigration mostly onto their doorstep
It promises to be plenty of fun bating the local, hot house flower, Liberals . There are plenty of then about which you can tell by the home made soup and clothing shops as well as artists and assorted crustys littering the place up. I am going to watch the world famous Pope burning ceremony tonight by which the citizens of Lewes celebrate their heritage as freeborn Englishmen.
Meanwhile getting broad band, a working washing machine and a new season ticket are occupying my mental life.