Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Sweet and Sour
Marriage is under attack notably from its old enemy the Church of England. They have just backed proposals to give un- married couple the same rights a Married couples. I like being married. I like it so much I’ve done it twice already. If don’t get my head out of the computer a third may be closer than I would like .
Anne Atkins fairly points out that Church marriage is a very inessential parvenu to the Christian faith, but nonetheless I `m going t use good old fashioned Tory argument here. It works.
Co-habiting couple are five times more likely to split up than married ones and once they become parents six and a half times more likely to than their married equivalents. So if it works, especially for children .Why exactly do we have to undermine it an every turn? Is it because it’s logical?
How are we know what’s logical? Do we really think we know everything there is to know about a problem?
It might be logical to take the shortcut over the field and not bother with the meandering but well-trodden path . Off the moderniser skips and is soon in the clutches of a hidden swamp . New does not equal better. I hope our party does not forget that, in its rush to be media friendly. Lets keep marriage, and support it when the homosexualist (Auburn Waugh’s word …how I miss him), Church of England; has not
Madonna has been told she will get no special treatment from the British Authorities. LIES. If that were the case she might as well give up now. Well done Mathew Parris on Sunday for pointing out the national scandals that are the adoption agencies. This appalling bureaucracy frustrates would be adopters for years with it petty rules of race, life style and other subjectively judged hurdles. The result is children in Foster homes where conditions are noticeably worse than prisons. Somebody needs to take them on .I have rather high hopes that Madonna might just be the one to do it. She’s a game bird.
No one cares though because it’s the Jews ,that’s right Ken Livingstone’s favourites The report of an all party parliamentary enquiry noted a sharp increase in attacks and deplored that fewer than one in ten anti semitic incidents are brought to court . Why is the left so forgiving to anti-Semitism? Could it that at one time there were six Jews in Margaret Thatcher’s cabinet? We must offer the Jewish communities our support as we would to any law abiding embattled minority. They contribute so much and deserve to be accorded more respect in this country.
I can see the justice in this. It is less clear why we should be taxed by Ken Livingstone simply to get to work. We are in the count down to the extension out to the West of the congestion charge .King ken has been as underhand as ever. He is deliberately slowing his 4000 new traffic lights up to the date. This at least is what the Conservative Group in the London assembly claim and I can quite believe it,
Good old Daily Mail now why was it was Ken hated them? Oh yes because they supported the Nazis in the 30s.This absurdly a -historical point is a lie .It is entirely clear he hates them because they tell everyone what a fraud Ken Livingstone is. He is, after all, able to forgive the PLO who actually fought on Hitler’s side. They are also telling the truth on Speed cameras. First was the indisputable evidence they do not cut down accidents, then the warning of a massive extension using new super camera technology, finally the truth that it’s all about revenue… Tremendous Work
I have never seen X factor before and it was as awful as you would you expect from the dying main stream media .Look at the Gazette nowadays “ Wearing her undies turns me on “ and lots of shock that the prostitutes they advertise on their back page are moving either to or from Upper street . I hope the clients able to catch them. If they catch something else they are in luck; Archway STD Clinic is one of the few in London not performing dreadfully. (Stats out today).
Any way X factor: Afloat though one was on a high tide of tiresome drivel beneath it all was the luminous glow of real talent. Leona Lewis sung “I`ll be there” the old Jackson Five Number and took on Michael when he had the sweetest voice there has ever been. I remember Mariah Carey trying and failing on the same test. This girl is different, when she sang …” Don’t you know baby yeah yeah” she soared away and won my heart forever. … she really is special.
Houston we have a problem, she isn’t black. She is however “blacking up “to play Marianne Pearl in the new film about the beheaded journalist’s widow. Now you might think there were plenty of black actresses who could play the part. You would be dead right. None of them are “intimately acquainted “with Brad Pitt however, whose production company bank rolls the film. Some things never change do they?
“Don’t you want Gordon Browne to lead the Labour Party…... I do !” Oh yes I enjoyed that . People always say how talented Tony Blair is but not only is David Cameron making him look a fool but I remember William Hague did the same thing . I literally punched the air . Thank you and goodnight Mr. Blair , your time is over.
Labour is Killing off Tories (?)...and more
I suppose in a global sense it isn’t unusual to directly assault the health of your opponents but we haven’t seen much of it here since…was it 1745? Good old Labour has taken us back in time by removing our hospitals.
For ten years they have presided over a mis-management disaster in the NHS and now, in a desperate attempt to set their trust houses in order, accounting procedures applicable to trusts have been changed to force a reckoning. Closures are inevitable but some closures are more inevitable than others.
Let’s take a look at Sussex for example:
Hospitals under threat in Sussex:
Worthing (Con) -
Mid Sussex (Con) -
Chichester (Con) -
Eastbourne (Con) -
Hastings (Lab) -
So 4 hospitals in Conservative held seats under threat to the 1 in a Labour seat. Not surprisingly, the Brighton hospital (where there are 3 marginal Labour seats) is completely safe.(The only good thing is that the downgrading of Crawley hospital a couple of years ago will lose Laura Moffatt her seat at the next election)
As Labour have also made it difficult to apply for information under the freedom of information act by instituting a fee they are attacking the truth on all sides. If you are lucky enough to live they won’t tell you what is going on anyway. I cannot tell you all how very much I admire them.
Britain is clearly yearning for its opportunity to vote Brown -nose out of office but in the meantime people are voting with their feet. Such is the gleeful exodus from Nu-Lab desolation zones that inevitably Conservative areas fill up with people. This is why the boundary commission were due to award us about 40 seats. Somewhat calamitous for the enemy, this, as they were already relying on a highly questionable Scottish dispensation which in effect doubles their heartland’s votes. Not only that but taxes on average are sucked out of the South and pumped into the North and Celtic fringe via the Barnett formula in the case of Scotland. The boundary commission is crucial, and as with all important constitutional issues Labour are cheating. They have cooked up an absurd dispute concerning Ed Ball and his wife and this fiction will delay proceedings for very long time. They may even get past the next election. Surely there must be some Labour MP`s, looking at the lengths they have to go to hoodwink the electorate, asking themselves, what is the point of us then? Don’t ask me
Surely not, what state would dream of criminalizing most of the population. Well America did it. To Nu Lab it was the right idea they just weren’t sneaky enough. You have to do it stealthily (you know like the taxes), by the time the final jigsaw piece slots in you we almost like the picture. There is a proposal that Beer wine and spirits should carry government health warnings. That how it started with smoking and from a health point of view they may have a better case with booze. From health warnings, to a ban on advertising. From a ban on advertising, to a limited scheme say in Northern Ireland regulating drinking. From there to a ban in certain premises and so on until there is a ban in public streets and pubs. This has just happened to smokers in the West End. Eventually they will allow you to drink only in your own house under the supervision of three Social Workers who will cluck to each other and take your children away. You think I`m fantasising. That is exactly what anglers said when they watched the hunting ban from afar “But we are too many!” they thought Now they face an uncertain future of Government interference.
The fight to save our right to get hammered starts here and we will need to fight to keep this vital part of our lives. I wonder when we will hear the first mention of passive drinking.
Manacur Olsen has a good description of a Monarchy. A stationary bandit. Indeed the aristocracies of the West are often derived from nomadic Warrior elite who preyed on agrarian peoples before settling down. Their problem was that if they actually starved their prey to death they would cut of their own revenue .They lived in an increasingly symbiotic parasitical relationship with the country.
Thus our monarchy evolved into the democracy we know today. Unfortunately with the great expansion of the state of the 20th century we have pretty much gone back to where we started. Socialist derived ideas seemed to imply that the state actually created wealth .It does not. Next time Gordon Brown takes credit for the economic good fortune of the last ten years bear in mind he didn’t make, do, or sell a damn thing. We did it, the agonised parasite-state’s host. The state is now so large that it has become more like a faux country of its own .Parts of it compete with other parts to suck in resources and the notion of having to keep the poor wealth producer alive is forgotten . We are often wrong to ascribe innocent motives to the spread of control. The beast we fed until it ate the whole freezer is simply shouting. FEED ME. SEYMOUR FEED ME! Sometimes I could swear I hear a speed camera whisper just that.
YUM YUM, LIB-DUM SLEAZE (Is that a Chinese dish?)
Lib-Dum Sleaze, shame on you. I really shouldn’t laugh but I think this is about the best Liberal scandal since Jeremy Thorpe took the all time record by plotting to kill his gay lover. They accepted £2,400,000 from Scottish crook Michael Brown currently residing in a cosy cell. Oh please Mr. Electoral Commissioner, make them give the money back. You will notice by the way that this seriously dodgy scam is ignored by the BBC. The relatively minor Hamilton business was a six month soap opera so thanks Corporation for showing us whose side you are on. It is entirely possible that the Libs will have to come up with £30 each, but don’t celebrate too soon. As hardly any of them do anything economically productive we will have to bail them out as usual.
Behold the use of the regional body to confuse and frustrate the electorates wish for accountable government. As I have many times described the parlous state of Islington I shall not rehearse the story again . Suffice to say we are the capitals second most crowded local authority and if collapsing schools ,riots and social disintegration are anything to go by we need no more Social housing at all . James Kempton himself said Ken`s London plan turn our Borough into a 21st century Slum. Now we see this headline
“ Council Boss Claims Victory in Homes Battle with Mayor “
What is their great victory , what dragon have bold Sir Kempton ( and his partner Tim) slain . Instead of 1160 new homes per year we are getting 900 new homes per year. This apparently is crucial and will turn Islington into a paradise ( not a slum …?). Er could I have a word please ?
1 It was Newmania not Kempton who conducted a press campaign against Ken Livingstone and to which he replied . At the time James was promising a Council House bonanza in the Tribune and at the same time assuring the Gazette readership he was doing the reverse . I have the letters .
2This wonderful victory is only reducing a higher target that was floated back to what Ken had always wanted in the first place Isn’t it a good trick . Ken is happy, he gets his Houses ( and his votes) . Prescott is happy as his Town and Country Planning act cannot even be detected bearing down on us . James is happy because he looks a hero ;so everyone’s happy . Did I forget someone . Oh yes the people of Islington . We are not happy .We have been lumbered with the Socila problems we did not want in the first place We having had our democratic right to object removed . Ouch.
Why do silly old men try to update themselves with what they think is contemporary slang . According to Salman Rushdie veils “suck” . Is he trying to impress his pretty young purchase whats-her -name . We can hardly tell him to act his age or he will be obliged to offer her a warm Werthers Original to suck on instead of the…..current arrangement . David Blunkett is , of course the reigning champion of cringe and I heard him use the words “Street cred “and “take him out “ on Andrew Marr`s Sunday programme .He doesn’t even have a ridiculously young lady to impress any more .Did you notice? He has mentioned it just a bit .
By the was Salman Rushdie is a seriously overrated author and a coward by his own admission . He was one of the self regarding group of Liberals that talked about themselves as if they were in a Gulag during Margaret Thatcher’s glorious years of achievement . He has been on my little list ever since. Same with Harold Pinter . He ,at least, was a good writer . I may have to go and see the Caretaker which I noticed is being revived..
The opportunities to gloat just keep coming don’t them. The poor dears are stuck with a single issue Green Party woman who just won’t compromise. She has voted against a plan to force all new developments in the Borough to have 20’% renewable energy. We are not told why (by the gazette), but my guess is she will vote for nothing that isn’t a full, return to the days of the horse and cart. Faced with the reality of their posturing what do the Libs find? They don’t like it. Well done Councillor Katie Dawson. You are a silly obsessive pseudo religionist but you at least mean what you say.
Emily Thornberry is a woman who clearly eats more than your average African village before her morning coffee. She lives in mouth-watering Georgian Splendour in Barnsbury and sends her children to Grammar school. With her life of conspicuous consumption you might think she would shy away from lecturing the rest of us. Not a bit of it. She is on about taxing 4 x4 gas guzzlers at £1800, greening buses and tells us to get on our bikes. She has bought a Toyotas Prius .This says more about her than Newmania ever can.
Does it not occur to her that her lifestyle of privilege and spending is entirely at odds with her supposed anxiety for the environment? How does she imagine all the consumer delights she wears and uses are made?
She claims she uses bicycle to get around. All I can say is anyone who can stay that fat and exercise regularly should be in a circus not a Parliament. She is of course lying. If she cycled 10 feet the bike would collapse as would her cardio vascular system.
I suppose in a global sense it isn’t unusual to directly assault the health of your opponents but we haven’t seen much of it here since…was it 1745? Good old Labour has taken us back in time by removing our hospitals.
For ten years they have presided over a mis-management disaster in the NHS and now, in a desperate attempt to set their trust houses in order, accounting procedures applicable to trusts have been changed to force a reckoning. Closures are inevitable but some closures are more inevitable than others.
Let’s take a look at Sussex for example:
Hospitals under threat in Sussex:
Worthing (Con) -
Mid Sussex (Con) -
Chichester (Con) -
Eastbourne (Con) -
Hastings (Lab) -
So 4 hospitals in Conservative held seats under threat to the 1 in a Labour seat. Not surprisingly, the Brighton hospital (where there are 3 marginal Labour seats) is completely safe.(The only good thing is that the downgrading of Crawley hospital a couple of years ago will lose Laura Moffatt her seat at the next election)
As Labour have also made it difficult to apply for information under the freedom of information act by instituting a fee they are attacking the truth on all sides. If you are lucky enough to live they won’t tell you what is going on anyway. I cannot tell you all how very much I admire them.
Britain is clearly yearning for its opportunity to vote Brown -nose out of office but in the meantime people are voting with their feet. Such is the gleeful exodus from Nu-Lab desolation zones that inevitably Conservative areas fill up with people. This is why the boundary commission were due to award us about 40 seats. Somewhat calamitous for the enemy, this, as they were already relying on a highly questionable Scottish dispensation which in effect doubles their heartland’s votes. Not only that but taxes on average are sucked out of the South and pumped into the North and Celtic fringe via the Barnett formula in the case of Scotland. The boundary commission is crucial, and as with all important constitutional issues Labour are cheating. They have cooked up an absurd dispute concerning Ed Ball and his wife and this fiction will delay proceedings for very long time. They may even get past the next election. Surely there must be some Labour MP`s, looking at the lengths they have to go to hoodwink the electorate, asking themselves, what is the point of us then? Don’t ask me
Surely not, what state would dream of criminalizing most of the population. Well America did it. To Nu Lab it was the right idea they just weren’t sneaky enough. You have to do it stealthily (you know like the taxes), by the time the final jigsaw piece slots in you we almost like the picture. There is a proposal that Beer wine and spirits should carry government health warnings. That how it started with smoking and from a health point of view they may have a better case with booze. From health warnings, to a ban on advertising. From a ban on advertising, to a limited scheme say in Northern Ireland regulating drinking. From there to a ban in certain premises and so on until there is a ban in public streets and pubs. This has just happened to smokers in the West End. Eventually they will allow you to drink only in your own house under the supervision of three Social Workers who will cluck to each other and take your children away. You think I`m fantasising. That is exactly what anglers said when they watched the hunting ban from afar “But we are too many!” they thought Now they face an uncertain future of Government interference.
The fight to save our right to get hammered starts here and we will need to fight to keep this vital part of our lives. I wonder when we will hear the first mention of passive drinking.
Manacur Olsen has a good description of a Monarchy. A stationary bandit. Indeed the aristocracies of the West are often derived from nomadic Warrior elite who preyed on agrarian peoples before settling down. Their problem was that if they actually starved their prey to death they would cut of their own revenue .They lived in an increasingly symbiotic parasitical relationship with the country.
Thus our monarchy evolved into the democracy we know today. Unfortunately with the great expansion of the state of the 20th century we have pretty much gone back to where we started. Socialist derived ideas seemed to imply that the state actually created wealth .It does not. Next time Gordon Brown takes credit for the economic good fortune of the last ten years bear in mind he didn’t make, do, or sell a damn thing. We did it, the agonised parasite-state’s host. The state is now so large that it has become more like a faux country of its own .Parts of it compete with other parts to suck in resources and the notion of having to keep the poor wealth producer alive is forgotten . We are often wrong to ascribe innocent motives to the spread of control. The beast we fed until it ate the whole freezer is simply shouting. FEED ME. SEYMOUR FEED ME! Sometimes I could swear I hear a speed camera whisper just that.
YUM YUM, LIB-DUM SLEAZE (Is that a Chinese dish?)
Lib-Dum Sleaze, shame on you. I really shouldn’t laugh but I think this is about the best Liberal scandal since Jeremy Thorpe took the all time record by plotting to kill his gay lover. They accepted £2,400,000 from Scottish crook Michael Brown currently residing in a cosy cell. Oh please Mr. Electoral Commissioner, make them give the money back. You will notice by the way that this seriously dodgy scam is ignored by the BBC. The relatively minor Hamilton business was a six month soap opera so thanks Corporation for showing us whose side you are on. It is entirely possible that the Libs will have to come up with £30 each, but don’t celebrate too soon. As hardly any of them do anything economically productive we will have to bail them out as usual.
Behold the use of the regional body to confuse and frustrate the electorates wish for accountable government. As I have many times described the parlous state of Islington I shall not rehearse the story again . Suffice to say we are the capitals second most crowded local authority and if collapsing schools ,riots and social disintegration are anything to go by we need no more Social housing at all . James Kempton himself said Ken`s London plan turn our Borough into a 21st century Slum. Now we see this headline
“ Council Boss Claims Victory in Homes Battle with Mayor “
What is their great victory , what dragon have bold Sir Kempton ( and his partner Tim) slain . Instead of 1160 new homes per year we are getting 900 new homes per year. This apparently is crucial and will turn Islington into a paradise ( not a slum …?). Er could I have a word please ?
1 It was Newmania not Kempton who conducted a press campaign against Ken Livingstone and to which he replied . At the time James was promising a Council House bonanza in the Tribune and at the same time assuring the Gazette readership he was doing the reverse . I have the letters .
2This wonderful victory is only reducing a higher target that was floated back to what Ken had always wanted in the first place Isn’t it a good trick . Ken is happy, he gets his Houses ( and his votes) . Prescott is happy as his Town and Country Planning act cannot even be detected bearing down on us . James is happy because he looks a hero ;so everyone’s happy . Did I forget someone . Oh yes the people of Islington . We are not happy .We have been lumbered with the Socila problems we did not want in the first place We having had our democratic right to object removed . Ouch.
Why do silly old men try to update themselves with what they think is contemporary slang . According to Salman Rushdie veils “suck” . Is he trying to impress his pretty young purchase whats-her -name . We can hardly tell him to act his age or he will be obliged to offer her a warm Werthers Original to suck on instead of the…..current arrangement . David Blunkett is , of course the reigning champion of cringe and I heard him use the words “Street cred “and “take him out “ on Andrew Marr`s Sunday programme .He doesn’t even have a ridiculously young lady to impress any more .Did you notice? He has mentioned it just a bit .
By the was Salman Rushdie is a seriously overrated author and a coward by his own admission . He was one of the self regarding group of Liberals that talked about themselves as if they were in a Gulag during Margaret Thatcher’s glorious years of achievement . He has been on my little list ever since. Same with Harold Pinter . He ,at least, was a good writer . I may have to go and see the Caretaker which I noticed is being revived..
The opportunities to gloat just keep coming don’t them. The poor dears are stuck with a single issue Green Party woman who just won’t compromise. She has voted against a plan to force all new developments in the Borough to have 20’% renewable energy. We are not told why (by the gazette), but my guess is she will vote for nothing that isn’t a full, return to the days of the horse and cart. Faced with the reality of their posturing what do the Libs find? They don’t like it. Well done Councillor Katie Dawson. You are a silly obsessive pseudo religionist but you at least mean what you say.
Emily Thornberry is a woman who clearly eats more than your average African village before her morning coffee. She lives in mouth-watering Georgian Splendour in Barnsbury and sends her children to Grammar school. With her life of conspicuous consumption you might think she would shy away from lecturing the rest of us. Not a bit of it. She is on about taxing 4 x4 gas guzzlers at £1800, greening buses and tells us to get on our bikes. She has bought a Toyotas Prius .This says more about her than Newmania ever can.
Does it not occur to her that her lifestyle of privilege and spending is entirely at odds with her supposed anxiety for the environment? How does she imagine all the consumer delights she wears and uses are made?
She claims she uses bicycle to get around. All I can say is anyone who can stay that fat and exercise regularly should be in a circus not a Parliament. She is of course lying. If she cycled 10 feet the bike would collapse as would her cardio vascular system.
Monday, October 16, 2006
The burqa is an aggressive symbol

But symbols can be powerful and aggressive
“All new religious schools could have to offer at least 25% of their classroom places to "non-believing" children, the BBC has learned. Education Secretary Alan Johnson believes the move could reduce religious and racial tension”
Why the sudden panic about Muslims then?The whole Straw inspired Burqa story was peculiar from the start. When I saw it I thought a transparent attempt of an outrider to chase down stray working class votes after having betrayed then for ten years . People seem to be taking it at face value but nonetheless talking about the wrong things . The issue with the Burqa is not about religious freedom its about cultural context and the meaning it gives to symbols. Sounds like baloney I know but think of this . Suppose I say I have a religion that believes all black people are better of dead .It is entirely plausible that such a religion should exist and I `m sure others can think of near equivalents. Now can I turn up at school with a tee shirt that proclaims the basic tenets of my “faith “? Clearly not . In our culture the fact this is religious is irrelevant it is politically and morally offensive in every way.
So ultimately the label religion is incidental . Politically ,is the wearing of a burqa something we might find offensive in to our culture? Perhaps yes . It says women are to be subjugated . Sex is evil and its mostly the fault of women. It also gives a political message of support for Islamic extremism and terrorism . Teaching at a catholic school in a Orange order attire ? Or a Jewish school wearing a swastika ?To what extent are these example similar or different ? To what extent can we tolerate inflammatory political statements counter to Liberal Western democracy ,especially in a position of trust with children?
I think it is over the line but my main point is that this dress is a symbol which is a deliberate aggressive assault on our values. It is an attack we can either live with or not and these are the terms by which we can decide.
For reasons mentioned above I do not for one second believe Jack Straw cares one way or another.
It is also obvious that noone will want to go to Islamic Schools except Muslims which demonstrates the tawdry opportunism of the quota initiative
Darfur Tragedy(reposted)
Did anyone notice? On October the 1st, Israel withdrew from Southern Lebanon drawing this dreadful conflict to a close. Under cover of darkness, a column of tanks and about 200 Israeli soldiers slunk home. We must all give thanks that a war that claimed some 1800 lives is over. I suspect that no one much did notice, and this makes me rather angry.
It was only recently that local Liberal and Labour politicians were advertising their distress at the tragedy. Amongst the many who went into print were James Kempton, Emily Thornberry and Lucy Watts. Some thought it odd that the war provoked such a public reaction from “local” officials, but I took them at face value. Not any more; all of these people stand in my eyes as pious frauds until they speak out on Darfur
Darfur hits a Lebanon total of deaths every ten days and the current butchers bill is estimated by NGO`s at 400,000. It is not a natural disaster; it is the ethnic cleansing policy of the Khartoum Government. Last year, under international pressure, a Comprehensive Peace Treaty was agreed for South Sudan and the nervous calm holds good. Everything hangs in the balance now, most urgently for Darfur, but also for the South. So why, when the smallest voice could help, are our local representatives silent?
We can only speculate. A Jewish attack on advanced Hezbollah positions pricks their consciences. An Islamic Arab mass genocide against Black African Christians does not. I shall try to think the best our local spokesmen. The arrival of the formally agreed UN force is , after all, of considerably more importance. There is one condition though; that James Kempton, Emily Thornberry Lucy Watts, join me in condemning Islamic Arab slaughter of African black men and women in Sudan, today.
It was only recently that local Liberal and Labour politicians were advertising their distress at the tragedy. Amongst the many who went into print were James Kempton, Emily Thornberry and Lucy Watts. Some thought it odd that the war provoked such a public reaction from “local” officials, but I took them at face value. Not any more; all of these people stand in my eyes as pious frauds until they speak out on Darfur
Darfur hits a Lebanon total of deaths every ten days and the current butchers bill is estimated by NGO`s at 400,000. It is not a natural disaster; it is the ethnic cleansing policy of the Khartoum Government. Last year, under international pressure, a Comprehensive Peace Treaty was agreed for South Sudan and the nervous calm holds good. Everything hangs in the balance now, most urgently for Darfur, but also for the South. So why, when the smallest voice could help, are our local representatives silent?
We can only speculate. A Jewish attack on advanced Hezbollah positions pricks their consciences. An Islamic Arab mass genocide against Black African Christians does not. I shall try to think the best our local spokesmen. The arrival of the formally agreed UN force is , after all, of considerably more importance. There is one condition though; that James Kempton, Emily Thornberry Lucy Watts, join me in condemning Islamic Arab slaughter of African black men and women in Sudan, today.
Gordon Browns one man campaign to resuscitate the Union is I assume motivated by a disinterested desire for the old dispensation to continue…do you think ?. He has made a heart rending plea for families not to be split asunder citing the 800,000 Scots living in England .That would be the same Scots whose opinion was not sought when the ridiculous devolution settlement was voted on .
Putin has called the killing of Anna Polit Kovskaya “Disgustingly cruel” . That everyone in the world knows who was responsible makes his bleeding heart considerably more disgusting
( Woman in Burka - Does my bomb look big in this) FATNESS
We are going to die of fatness , well that’s if the bird flue , the dangerous dogs the global warming don’t get us first. If anyone wants to kill me can I request you passive smoke me to death . Better hurry though their about to outlaw smoking out side pubs in the West end. Well you know how residents of Soho value their peace , why else would you move there?
Thankyou Caroline Oakes for sending me the GLA`s crime bulletin. Top of the list is the finding of the Statistics Commission that public confidence in Police figures will only be restored if they are removed from the Home Offices control . Or to put it another way . Stop Lying !!
Gordon Browns one man campaign to resuscitate the Union is I assume motivated by a disinterested desire for the old dispensation to continue…do you think ?. He has made a heart rending plea for families not to be split asunder citing the 800,000 Scots living in England .That would be the same Scots whose opinion was not sought when the ridiculous devolution settlement was voted on .
Putin has called the killing of Anna Polit Kovskaya “Disgustingly cruel” . That everyone in the world knows who was responsible makes his bleeding heart considerably more disgusting
( Woman in Burka - Does my bomb look big in this) FATNESS
We are going to die of fatness , well that’s if the bird flue , the dangerous dogs the global warming don’t get us first. If anyone wants to kill me can I request you passive smoke me to death . Better hurry though their about to outlaw smoking out side pubs in the West end. Well you know how residents of Soho value their peace , why else would you move there?
Thankyou Caroline Oakes for sending me the GLA`s crime bulletin. Top of the list is the finding of the Statistics Commission that public confidence in Police figures will only be restored if they are removed from the Home Offices control . Or to put it another way . Stop Lying !!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
NHS Campaign . In practice it did the job.

Caroline hob nobs with an OBE.If he was also an Earl , would you call him an earlobe?( Hope to hear more from John Bowis a Conservative of great eminence)
Liberals at play (with your money , above right)
NHS Initiative
The Problems
A: Jonathan Thurgood is always worth listening to and he had problems with this campaign. He feels the NHS disaster has been brought about by the wrong health delivery system. He would support privatisation as an insurance scheme and felt it would be hypocritical to join the campaign when the Conservative Party is not offering a clear alternative .Well, we have to be a broad church and Jonathan’s rigorously intellectual approach must never be allowed to leave the party. The day we become the stupid party I will also have to leave (, and I `m quite stupid). I have a lot of sympathy for his views in general but I can’t quite agree with him on this. He does however have a wider point on the honesty of political discussion which is for another time and agree with. I did have my own criticisms which I have sent to the relevant people
B This campaignwould have benefitted from help with these problems:
1 Labour has not cut NHS spending
2 Conservatives are offering no clear solution
3 It is unclear that there is any agreement in the Conservative party itself
4 No sustained argument is offered and neither are any sources for obtaining back ground information
5 The iconography accuses Labour of cutting when in fact the (correct) accusation is mismangement and incompetence
The answers ( my own)
It isn’t our role now to set out our detailed policies. Devious Nu Lab would cost them at the taxpayers expense (by the treasury) spin them; and fling themn back at us. We are chiefly saying the Conservative Party loves the NHS and can be trusted with it. Labour’s management has been incompetent. We are developing ways to make it better and wish to draw attention to the fact it couldn’t be worse. The debate about privatisation flat mangement and patient empowerment is ongoing and rightly not resolved at this time. We can hardly be silent about problems until detailed policy is formulated. Above all we have to correct the entirely wrong impression that we are not commited to state service provision. How many people stopped simply to say they were eternally grateful to this loved British Institution? So am I!!!
In practice we had a good response especially from public sector workers within the NHS who have suffered Labour’s mal-administration first hand and the sort of discussion an activist might have did not turn up. I do still feel that the Association cannot be treated as sales people who learn their lines and smile. A thoroughly prepared argument and supporting information would have been a help to everyone’s confidence. It would not have been required on the street, so I was half right and half wrong …I think
JOHN BOWIS (MEP OBE) has promised me a piece on Europe and so has Jonathan Thurgood. Let battle commence.
In summary it was a highly intelligent campaign for us be to be involved in and sent a lot of good messages. I think the Association should be treated more as equal partners but then I would. I `m afraid you will hear this moan a fair bit .
WHERE IS ORIEL I saw her letter , but where is she ?
Mike, Patricia,Caroline Oakes (and Football )

MIKE made an appearance at what for him was an unholy hour of the morning (about 1.00 PM). Always such a pleasure to see Mike. He is a thoughtful and kindly chap beneath his hideous outer shell (just kidding). For some reason, I thought of Mike when I was chatting to woman about her soft drugs habit. She said “Well why shouldn’t I, you have a Gin and Tonic ?"… (And some actually). I pointed out that in a supermarket next to the “Fair Trade “ counter her product would be in the “Child Slave Labour “ ,section. Hashish production is often precisely under such conditions. She said she grew her own and I must admit I was a bit stymied. If anyone can think of a good reasons why she should not please let me know. I was reduced to saying it is against the law and you can’t pick and choose but it felt a bit weak. I do believe my last point is a crucial one but it isn’t very impressive. Now why would all this remind me of Mike? Was there a leaflet ……?
Ho Ho Ho you `ll never live that one down I `m afraid. Sorry about that.
A Great Conservative a thought provoker and dedicated Party activist. Thanks for coming along.
PATRICIA- I have never seen anyone deal with people the way Patricia does . (Except perhaps Caroline S. as vital as ever , she hasn`t been all that well and I hope we will all support her in any way she needs ). Nervous youngsters should watch Patricia and her relaxed direct approach with members of the public. I think we saw why the campaigning skills she has which, combined with transparent honesty, are so effective. Most of us could learn a thing or two from her, me very much included.
Great to see you
CAROLINE OAKES - If there is anyone who is the perfect Conservative it is Caroline. A cultured woman who is a classical music booking agent, she is also an Arsenal season ticket holder and deeply embedded into all aspects of community life. She went out of her way to support us despite an exceedingly busy schedule and it is greatly appreciated. Caroline was a big help in our campaign in Hillrise. The truth is that she should be the candidate there and next time I hope she runs. She was resplendent in her hoodie outfit ready for the match.
FOOTBALL - I had to leave a bit early and went to see St Albans City playing. It was an exciting game and reminded me of what we have lost in top class football. No diving, the thousand strong crowd were good natured, the game was flowing and the players were all connected to the community. Local heroes. . When you see a real game you do remember what football used to be. I loved the long haired fellow getting,"man of the match". Here are some of the comments
“Best set of curlers more likely “
“Because you’re worth it ….
“Do me Vidal do me…?”
Good old English banter .I’ve missed It.!!
Chris Skidmore is back.

( The loony looked like this )
Chris is Back
A really good day for Islington`s North based members and as ever our Association did a marvellous job . Magnificent effort from Duncan W. getting all the material to the right time and place and tremendous to see so many busy people taking some time out of their weekend,to help the cause . Great to see Skidders back . I sometimes wonder if Chris isn’t just to nice . He was stuck for about half an hour with a mad old Chinese chap he referred to as Mr. Miyagi (tut ..tut) .Miyagi wanted to join the BNP . Chris kept smiling and afterwards pointed out the constitution of the BNP would not allow him to join . You have to be White . We discussed this paradox as it applied to sane people. I pointed out that communities like the West Indians who have been here for fifty years now , for the most part think of themselves as British , quite right. They are as likely as anyone to feel threatened when the Labour government assaults their community with unfettered immigration and evil housing policies . There has ,in fact ,been a common cause between such communities and the BNP partly for these reasons. I need hardly point out the grotesque absurdity of such an unholy alliance. Nonetheless the Labour party have betrayed the working class of this country and there is a well of bitterness we can expect to find extremists preying on
I do not bother with lunatics anymore . I sat listening to someone telling me that aliens were infecting our brains with radio waves to turn us all black for a while once . Now I say shooo, go on, move along ! It seems to work.
The main thing is that Chris is back, we badly need him and I hope Two brains Willets will let him out to play a bit more. John Bowis MEP OBE is chatting with Chris
SUZ attacks free speech out of fear.
"SUZ deleted this reply from her blog:I think this makes my point about Liberals and free speach eloquently. Free to agree with her she means . I fear that her self satisfied claim she is often recognised as the BLOG LADY may stem from having slightly mis heard the remark
Newmania said:
"Not me (posting for months ) , your site was recommended to me as a source of comic material this weekend .Presumably if you have dared to pop you head above the parapet around Guido or Iain Dale the anarchist element ( which I am not one of ) found you offensive .
Also do not sulk if you are personally insulted . Noone asked you to put your personal life into a political arena As you have done so you deserve all you get ( expect much more) . Your argument in that I can discern one is the argument from personal nice-ness. It is up to me to point out you are not very nice . It goes like this
I pat doggies , I kiss babies and I take your money because “We all agree we need more Social Workers ( she agrees)". Once again what you claim is the fault of Conservatives is your responsibility. This false position highly typical of the Liberal party which is my interest in (her) blog ,
Also do not imagine for one second that the Conservative Party has dispensed with Conservatives because of some of the pronouncements of the current leader ,which are often misunderstood. My own position in the Conservative Party is more or less central and should you choose to question any of this in any formal way I will give you a lesson in Contemporary British politics you will greatly benefit from.
I do not argue from personal niceness .
This proves I am much nicer than you "
Barring bad language , nothing will be deleted from my blog.
Newmania said:
"Not me (posting for months ) , your site was recommended to me as a source of comic material this weekend .Presumably if you have dared to pop you head above the parapet around Guido or Iain Dale the anarchist element ( which I am not one of ) found you offensive .
Also do not sulk if you are personally insulted . Noone asked you to put your personal life into a political arena As you have done so you deserve all you get ( expect much more) . Your argument in that I can discern one is the argument from personal nice-ness. It is up to me to point out you are not very nice . It goes like this
I pat doggies , I kiss babies and I take your money because “We all agree we need more Social Workers ( she agrees)". Once again what you claim is the fault of Conservatives is your responsibility. This false position highly typical of the Liberal party which is my interest in (her) blog ,
Also do not imagine for one second that the Conservative Party has dispensed with Conservatives because of some of the pronouncements of the current leader ,which are often misunderstood. My own position in the Conservative Party is more or less central and should you choose to question any of this in any formal way I will give you a lesson in Contemporary British politics you will greatly benefit from.
I do not argue from personal niceness .
This proves I am much nicer than you "
Barring bad language , nothing will be deleted from my blog.
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