Saturday, September 29, 2007

Always On My Mind

.....Little things I should have said and done,
I just never took the time.

You were always on my mind,
You were always on my mind.

Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died,
Give me, give me one more chance to keep you satisfied,
If I made you feel second best,
I'm sorry, I was blind.

You were always on my mind,
You were always on my mind

Good luck David Cameron

Friday, September 28, 2007

Won`t Get Fooled Again

(If you are going to wear the Flag do it with some style Gordon)

WE have had a chat about the 1997 election in which the Saintly Mr. Cassilis has passed a scented hanky before his courtiers nose at the reek of partisan acrimony wafting from this admittedly Brown detesting Blog.( His blog which will soon be up in the top spot is terrific do look its on the blog roll). Full of humble contrition I have resolved to be positive from this point on.

Let me say then, that I am absolutely positive that Brown is the most dishonest and incompetent politician that I recall . Can we stop all this “man to be reckoned with “, rubbish. He has made a pigs ear of everything he has touched( Tax credits and welfare most importantly). I think it’s the claim to be a new type of politics that really makes you laugh the hollow broken laugh of a dying white face mime artist though. Lets have a wander though the delightful garden of ‘new politics’ shall we, and compare it with the stinking quagmire of little smiling Bamby from whose glib mendacity OUR LEADER is so keen to be distanced.......

-Enters Downing street outlining priorities as education and the NHS and “To be a government that seeks to restore trust in the politics of this country ...That is our objective, for the people of Britain. Today , enough of talking its time to do .”

Brown-Enters Downing street outlining priorities as “ Change in our NHS , change in out schools , change to build trust in government ...That is my promise to the people of Britain, and now let the change begin “

Blair - Mandy, his PA , gets cabinet office minister and snooping role
Brown -Ed Milliband , his PA gets cabinet office minister and general; snooping role

Blair - Appoints SDP founder Roy Jenkins to chair commission on electoral reform
Brown- Appoints Shirley Williams as adviser on Nuclear proliferation

Blair - Appoints former Conservative front benchers Chris Patten and Michael Heseltine as Millenkium Commisioner and RUC enquiry person or something
Brown- Appoints former front benchers Mercer and Bercow as advisers on security and children with learning difficulties

Blair- Holds hour long meeting with Margaret Thatcher in Downing Street within three weeks of Moving in
Brown- Holds hour long meeting with Margaret Thatcher in Downing street within three months of moving in

Blair -Dithers over referendum about whether to rule our EU entry, brown noses Sun editor Stuart Higgins, sticks his snout into the Diana story and alters Party conference rules to end composite motions which had been used to embarrass the leader .

Brown- Dithers about whether to rule, out referendum on EU treaty, brown noses Paul Dacre of the Mail, sticks his snout into the McCann story and changes conference procedure to end emergency motions raises at the last minute which had been used to embarrass the leader.

For god`s sake didn`t anyone ever listen to the Who....

Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again
No, no!


Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss

Can I suggest this Ditty for the Tory conference


Good Lord today is the 6th of these earthshaking events for self and Mrs N and I have discovered that it is either the Iron or the Sugar anniversary. Accordingly I have bought the lazy bint a new Iron and intend to say “ Get on with my shirts sugar” ,to mark the occasion.

Women know your place

A Wee Fib

Brown lies is large ways we know but also in small ways . His silly book "Ordinary Heros" is presented as conversations he had with when in fact it was all gatherered by a pet "Charity " and ghosted into a misleading shape.He met almost none of them. His speech was cobbled together form Al Gore`s and I didn`t really notice at the time but Mathew Parris brilliantly nails him for trying to imlicate David cameron in the ERM debacle which stemmed from policy descisions Brown himself supported.He should have stuck more rigidly to the Big Lie theory ,these slips tell us what sort of man he is

............. I’ll start with the smaller: a sneaky little fib and hardly worth rebutting, but revealing of character because it was something Gordon Brown certainly knew to be untrue, didn’t need to say, but said anyway just to purchase some minuscule and momentary advantage for himself. In words cut from the text distributed to the media, but which I heard him deliver, he said this: “The current Conservative leader was the principal economic adviser to the Chancellor of Black Wednesday and he stood alongside Norman Lamont...” David Cameron was not, of course, the principal economic adviser to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He wasn’t an economic adviser at all. He was a special adviser; there were scores of them; still are. They don’t count for diddly-squat, many are barely out of university, their opinions on big economic decisions are neither relied upon nor, in most cases, even sought, and Mr Cameron, as it happens, was 26, an age at which the young Gordon Brown was still railing against Margaret Thatcher’s legacy. Nice, however, to see him paying homage to her on Thursday. Anyway, just make a note and file it away: an illustration of how carelessly Mr Brown twists when it doesn’t matter..."

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mad Hattersley

Is there any more disgusting a human being than Lady Hattersley`s Lover, Roy .As a politician I could out up with him but since his presumed senility kicked in he has maintained a drivelsome stream of breathtaking preposterousness . He pointed out that Brown is quietly quiescent to the left`s demands for increased income redistribution and smugly quotes Crosland as a template for the Scottish socialist( New Statesman)
Clutching himself with revolting flabby glee at the prospect of Brown cutting the Jacob`s from wage earners he can think of only one thing that provides quite such the unmanly wriggling ecstasy..

“ ..the sight of hazel Blears “ Tony`s little ray of sunshine “- wildly applauding her new hero …”

Vomit of the year …gotta be close . There is a serious point here though . By gesturing at conservative shibboleths like immigration ( which also solves his BNP problem) , Brown is getting away with murder ( most foul). No-one has asked what his intentions are on taxes and he has given no undertaking not to increase them .Why not ? Labour wanted detailed and costed manifesto commitments years ahead of an election but Brown is about to grab power without any scrutiny whatsoever of his core political position.

Irwin Selzer, a balanced and at times pro Gordo figure, spelt it out “ Goodbye prudence , hello profligacy, The Chancellor who insisted that every benefit be costed and paid for - our of higher taxes more often than not - has morphed into the PM who has never met a cost benefit he is not prepared to sponsor “For god`s sake Conservative Part sort it out and start asking the big question How much ?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Golden Brown

Couldn`t get that old Stranglers song off my mind on the train home ..sorry ..any better ideas?

Gordon Brown taxes for fun
Rumplstiltskin left less un-spun
Bambi was drowned
Won`t make a sound
Never around
With Gordon Brown

Cash for honours , Gordons aghast
All those years and he never asked
From whence it came
Blair took the blame
He can`t be found
Just Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown ,of clunking fist
Never was, a Socialist
Ten years of spend
That was his friend
Put underground
By Gordon Brown

Everything the same as it was
But we don`t mind too much because
Snowball is dead
Napoleon’s head
Recently crowned
King Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown, British as beef
From the English he is a thief
If you’re a Scot
You get the lot
Billions of pounds
From Gordon Brown

Brown Will Wait

I have had a thought about the question of the moment, and it is my prediction that Gordon Brown will not be tempted by his chimerical 11% lead and will go round to next year at least if not beyond.. Think back to Tony Blair , even those who voted against him were not eaten with bitterness and many thought the divided Conservatives had it coming . Gordon does not have this luxury
Golden Brown ( taxes for fun) does not just want an administration he wants psoterity .The ephemeral swing voters may swing like a car-key party but they do not a move opinions like the politically informed enemy. These are some of the reasons why Brown will walk into a firestorm of loathing from day one .

Cash for honours – Brown ran the election campaign does anyone think he didn`t known where the money came from
Tax- 38% state governed expenditure has become 45% on his watch
Tax Credits – Delivered like a clown school graduate and failed at huge expense
Democratic deficit – His use of British-ness sets new levels of sheer cheek
Welfare- It was he who organised the expulsion if Frank Field and the genuine attempt by New Labour to reform welfare . Today 80 % of the 96 billion is something for nothing.
Public Services- he more than anyone has been the puppet master engineering a regime of cash without reform to the destruction of health education and policing

Polls cannot show you how much your opposition hates you but Gordon knows and he knows the importance of an irreconcileable resistance.
Much has been made of the example of Callaghan who dithered until the Winter of discontent . What about the example of Major though ? He had a 15% lead on the basis he was not Margaret Thatcher and with great skill charted a period of consolidation. He faced , however, the implacable opposition of those who had never had the chance to vent their rage on Thatcher. When it went wrong it was the end not only for Major but the Conservatives to this day. Brown was there to watch as the Conservative project rotted.

We know we’ve been conned and Brown knows we know . 11 % is tempting but he will be fighting for every inch of his programme if he bounced Britain into the “Second Phase”.I think he will try to establish a level of tolerance in the opposition which will be as important as sheer votes for any momentum to be maintained .

I freshen my disgust daily but others may be weak. Keep the faith.Maintain your hate

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The All Blacks Are Coming

The government is holding talks with a leading black pressure group to see whether any future change in the law to let parties choose parliamentary candidates from shortlists made up entirely of ethnic-minority candidates could work in practice, Harriet Harman, Labour’s deputy leader, said yesterday.
After Ms Harman, also secretary of state for equalities revealed to conference that she had called in Operation Black Vote, its director, Simon Woolley, welcomed the move as necessary and urgent. The Conservatives had a better record in recent months than Labour in getting ethnic minority candidates into safe or winnable seats, he told the Guardian.
“It’s a positive and bold measure. What they want from us at Operation Black Vote is to make the case for all-black shortlists. Partly it’s come from pressure within the organisation but also the fact that in the last four months the Labour party has broadly failed to select any number of BME [British minority ethnic] candidates from winnable seats. They are being outdone by the Tories,” Mr Woolley said. He is writing a paper for Ms Harman which he hopes will be ready in six weeks. [Via The Guardian]

Dreadful idea for so many reasons I hardly know where to start:

1 It says blacks are useless without a leg up
2 Don`t say they face racism , other disadvantaged people , like the poor , for example , do not get a free ride
3 The grandfathers of Caribbean blacks faced real racism but performed better in school than the relatively un-discriminated against, current crop. It is the fault of the black community which insists in a black identity and those jealous of their power who cherish the immunity of victim hood. Handy for Ken Livingstone a disaster for the country and the individuals.
4 It is unfair on whites not all whites, the white passed over.
5 It says the colour of your skin defines you when many blacks are beyond that now and desperate to escape from the constraints of their narrow ethnicity
6 What about mixed race people like my son and my wife are they black enough? Will you want a measurement of nose and lips?
7 Why? Who do they speak for? Can I speak for white people then?

The patronising misconceived wrong headedness can scarcely be exaggerated. There is only one ethnicity that matters in England and it is English. Others are incidental and harmless privately but cannot be set up in competition to the inclusiveness of free men and women meeting on equal terms in a tolerant but confident monoculture. Without the need of the left to boldly go and seek out new victims and make sure they stay that way this would all have been sorted a long time ago. Mixed race children are the fastest growing group in the UK. It sums up everything hypocritical about the Hydra headed left. 35 % of labour voters pick the BNP as their second choice BTW…you watch how careful they are about who stands where … you could not make it up

The New Nixon

There was a lot of details and and a paranoid attempt to snuff out anything that might unravel his grand illusion. He is too close fisted to read directly you have to look at what he didn't say .......

TAX...One word
English Parliament - No words
EU Constitution- No words
Civil Liberties - No words
Localism - No words
Individual Freedom- No words
Blair( ie last ten years )- 3 words
Britain 80 words( Scotland 3 words)
Crime - No new Powers
Unions - Supportive
Equality of opportunity is not enough...long passage ( ie redistribution through taxation)
Jokes - None
Other Parties - Do not exist
Marriage - No support
Immigration- Nothing new

References to himself his achievement his hard work his many qualites endless, and he repeats the lie that he went blind playing rugby . In fact he went blind writing adolescent plots to rule the world in tedious and long winded detail under the bedclothes.Attacking David Cameron quite ludicrously over ERM , which he supported is to be expected I suppose but not one hint that the big Government solutions he has masterminded and which have utterly failed need to be rethought in any way.
Do the people of this country really look around and say to themselves , lets have another five if not ten years more of the same misguided polcies whose genesis was after the Second World War ? I detest this fraud with his conjuring show more than I hated Blair and lord knows I loathed him .Brown makes him look like a ,"Pretty straight guy". Money for the services( that comes out of their budget). Coastal policing that consists of renaming a few agencies , academies that are not really academies anymore .Gesture gesture gesture. Gun crime will be cured by ,"trying a bit harder". Brilliant

Does he remind you of Nixon ? Does me, and as for Quentin davies, enjoy your moment you filthy traitorous dupe . Your name will be a synonym for arsehole for all time. Above all if any good people are listening help us thwart Brown`s plan to replace democracy with some PR hocus pocus. Show trial ,juries and surveys whose job is not endorse our glorious bloody leader Herr Braun and his thousand year reich, . He aims to ethinically cleanse the independent English with immigration , social housing bribes and the ever expanding 8 millions strong paid state slaves who are obliged to repeat the party slogan. He wants to obliterate all debate and all opposition. If he is going to get religious on us ( as he did ) lets really go for it

Our Brown
Who art in charge
Hallowed be thy state
Thy One Party system come
Thy will be done in every way
In private as well as in public places
Give us this day some of our own money back
And save us from the temptation of choice
For thine is Britain
The centalised power and the control
Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever


Monday, September 24, 2007

Guardian Defends BBC shock !

Revealing in the article in the Media Guardian today by lefty tart Peter Wilby.
‘Why Right wingers are on the warpath ‘, it follows the current left formula of claiming he gets a bit peeved with the BBC as well, but due to his greater commitment to impartial truth he will put up with it ….,( insert own swear word). His thesis is that the papers are now competing with the BBC on unfair terms on the internet which is why the are especially vituperative…(good point but not for the BBC methinks ), and then there is a nice demonstration of why the BBC simply cannot continue in its current form.

I quote ( with comments I could not resist)

“ But let us be clear what is happening here( he says ) . A business strategy has come happily together with a political agenda . And the aim of the latter is to later the definition of the ‘middle ground ‘ (No just to present it as what it is ) in British life , moving it to the right of any government of the past thirty years ( I think he means the last ten years ….). This would include debating the reintroduction of the gallows ( and why not !!!); raising the temperature on immigration and race relations (Would the truth do that then ? ).; and treating withdrawal from the European Union as a serious option ( In the sense the country does you mean ?). Most important it includes taking a neutral position on global warming and airing the view that it is the invention of climate scientists who are all dedicated anti capitalists .( Well…..I wouldn’t out it like that but …basically yes it is unbalanced as it is ).

(Now this is the key passage in which we see what he think of those who are sceptical of eco fascists or socially conservative in various ways )

I accept that a significant minority of Britons agree with the sceptics ( So significant that it is in fact a majority). Significant minorities are also sceptical of Darwinism, Arab ( does he mean Muslims ?) responsibility for 9.11 and Elvis Presley’s death.

What significant minority disputes Darwinism ?0.5% ?
Can he really claim that scepticism of certain well financed and politically motivated models of climate change is the same as dismissing all of science in effect on the basis of religious belief (which creationism does ) ?Rubbish it is now common knowledge that at the very least exaggerated claim have been made this is a dispute more akin to differing models of Darwinism such as punctuated equilibrium and so on.
Who disputes responsibility for 9.11 A small brain washed religious community of no significance whatsoever.
Who disputes the death of Elvis . Mad people

Who supports the death penalty …about 70%
Who is strongly sceptical of Europe …The majority( hence no referendum,)
Who feels that immigration is too high . Almost everyone !!!

His version of the middle ground requires the subjective belief that various shades of opinion held by the majority and of all educational levels and back grounds are in some way of less value that his beliefs. They can be dismissed in the way a tiny minority of religious extremists and loons can be dismissed. The only possible explanation is that he thinks he is better than everyone lese. I believe the contrary view that he us an arrogant fatuous and barely adult level collumnist e should be available as well . I tend to the latter position

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