.....Little things I should have said and done,
I just never took the time.
You were always on my mind,
You were always on my mind.
Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died,
Give me, give me one more chance to keep you satisfied,
If I made you feel second best,
I'm sorry, I was blind.
You were always on my mind,
You were always on my mind
Good luck David Cameron
N you are fabulous and your blog is excellent.
However, after reading this post I must now throw up.
Enjoy the conference, x
*!@!**!! BRILLIANT!
Auntie Flo'
Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a nulab
But she was Tory true
Now she's taxed & ruled to blazes and she had it coming
And she knows what she must do
Get back, get back,
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back.
Get back to where you once belonged.
Get back loretta. go home
Get back, get back.
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back.
GET BACK, to where you once belonged.
Get back loretta
Your popas's waiting for you
Wearing his Tory Blues
And sack cloth and ashes
Get on home loretta
Get back to where you once belonged
Get back, get back.
GET BACK to where you once belonged.
Auntie Flo'
I must now throw up.
Tsk tsk I `m sure you mean "Re-appraise my priorities "
Get Back Gordon
I doubt Tom Paxton would appreciate the sentiment. Ramblin' Boy or Going to the Zoo Tomorrow would probably me more apt!
Or even I can't help but wonder where I'm bound!
Tom Paxton...you`ve lost me ?
Words and music are very similar to Tom Paxton's earlier "Last thing on the mind" - listen if you don't believe, in fact if Paxton wasn't so anti-lawyer I supsect he would have a very good case. Tom being a leftie folk singer(or devil if you wish) of coures has all the best tunes!
Always On My Mind. written by Wayne Thompson, Mark James, and Johnny Christopher ...
T Boy on the money as ever sigh...will he never learn
Folk Music ...you deserve eachother , my favoutire moment recently was Kief lighting up in defiance of the fascist Broonite anti freedom policy
tory boys never grow up said...
I doubt Tom Paxton would appreciate the sentiment.
Oh, tbng, Tom Paxton would LOVE IT!
Little boxes on the hill side, little boxes made of concrete.
And they make Gordon £billions, these 4 million all the same.
There's a grey one and a Black one and a Black one and a grey
And they're all carbon neutral, and they all look just the same.
Little boxes made of concrete with flood retention pond mange
To increase the premiums
of developers and Brown
But when the rain runs off the boxes it floods across the valley
And Brown says "It wasn't me! It's the fault of climate change"
And the people in the boxes all go to the university
Where they all get put in boxes, little boxes, all the same
And there's MPs and lawyers and big business executives
And they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all think just the same
And they all join nulab
and invest in three more boxes
And they all have pretty children and the children go to school
And the children go to summer camp then on to the university
Where they all get put in boxes and they all come out the same
And the boys do biz or politics and marry and raise a family
In boxes, little boxes, little boxes all the same.
There's a grey one and a Black one and a Black one and a grey
And they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same.
Auntie Flo'
tory boys never grow up said...
Or even I can't help but wonder where I'm bound!
Well, come on then, tbng, do a pastiche of it...
Auntie Flo'
Thats one of your best Flo. That is Browns drab Britain isn`t it . People reduced to units of production. Everyone in a box ...
Looks like a lot of people like the idea
Couldn't resist - just the thing for Dave's iPod
Duncan Smith said unite or die
Well it looks like were going to die
And the folks that I meet ain't always kind
Some are bad, some are mad
Some have found the best elsewhere
Some have tried to ease their troubling minds
And I can't help but wonder where I'm bound
Where I'm bound
And I can't help but wonder where I'm bound
I have wandered thru this land
Just marketing a rubbish brand
Tryin to find out what I was meant to do
And the party that I see
Has about as much clue as me
And it looks like they are a wondering too
We had a little girl one time
She had lips like turpentine
The Tory Boys loved her until they went insane
But they were too blind to see
What the girl was saying was plain barmy
And now even the old girl knows this is true
We had Quentin and Bercow back home
But they started out to roam
I hear they were out by Bournemouth Bay
And sometimes when I've had a few
Their commonsense comes ringing thru
And I wonder if I should see the light too
If you see me passing by
And you sit and you wonder why
And if you wish that you were a Tory too
Nail your shoes to the kitchen floor
Lace them up and bat the door
Thank your stars that no one else is bonkers too.
We had Quentin and Bercow back home
But they started out to roam
No harm in having a wanker clear out from time to time...yes yes that is really quite humorous in an irritating way TB.I cannot imagine why anyone would be ahppy to see the sort of regime Brown is ushering in.
Hague was looking very statesmanlike on News 24 earlier. Shame he went all yoof back in the day...
THis appearance thing is absurd Ed..I musty admit I cannot see why Mings age should be a problem personally.
Facts and Facts show that Britain needs a new Government.
If the Conservatives don't stop farting about, and rally behind Cameron,the Party will deserve to be defeated.I notice todays Leader in The Observer is actively recommending that Gordon NOT go for an early election...
Gordon will wait I suspect.
Gordon will wait. He hasn't the balls to call Cameron's bluff. He will lose in 2009/10. The country will be shafted by then.
He will wait because if he goes now he will only have a nmovelty mandate . he knows that those who wold never vote for him wilmalso be implcacbley opposed from day 1 and he will get nowhere on that basis.
he is in an exceedingly good position to win power but in a very bad pisition to use it. I hope his arrtogance and ambition get the better of him
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