What a cheek! If we had listened to Gordon Brown no one would have been
able to buy their own council house, unions would run the country and we'd
probably be speaking Russian. He is a conviction politician - convicted of
robbing people's pensions, stealth taxed and failing to reform the NHS.
David Cameron
Brown has gone too far . Emboldened perhaps , by the population wide bout of amnesia concerning his complicity in everything Tony Blair and he did he has taken ‘ein fur die Strasse’ been rumbled . The idea that without reference to David Cameron his attempt to nab minor useful idiots is motivated by a wish for a unity government is patently absurd This nauseating sanctimonious posture called , like Blair`s a “ New Type of politics “ has finally succeeded in undermining his ill gotten reputation for honesty , a reputation he inherited for no better reason than not being Tony Blair.
Better still he has given David Cameron a chance to go on the offensive without endangering his carefully cultivated swing voter constituency , cultivated I should point out by genuine and sometimes difficult change not meaningless gestures. He has given David Cameron a chance to defend Lady Thatcher without appearing “right wing “and let no one be in any doubt David Cameron like any mainstream Conservative is a great admirer of Lady Thatcher . It has been difficult for him to say so much and I expect he relished giving Malcolm Rifkind licence to tell few home truths
“Sir Malcolm Rifkind has accused Mr Brown of 'dishonesty' and coming close to 'abusing' his position by his 'deeply cynical' party political point-scoring.
It followed another difficult day for Mr Cameron in which major Tory donor Johan Eliasch announced he was quitting the party to advise the Prime Minister on the Amazonian rainforests“
Brown’s claim to be a conviction politician and an admirer of Thatcher is savaged by Peter Osborne today. For these reasons .
1 He opposed her when she defeated the Unions
2 He ridiculed her privatisation programme
3 He wrote “ Where There is Greed” which trashes her reputation and misrepresented her motives
His claim to be a conviction politician requires a Dali-esque sense of perspective
1 He opposed Britain’s entry into the Common Market. In 1983
2 He supported extensive Union Power
3 He was in favour of the European single currency
4 He was in favour of nuclear disarmament
5 He supported punitive taxation
6 He voted for the invasion of Iraq
Gordon Brown`s Claim to wish to build a consensus in the middle is a tactic tried by many before him and it is to counterbalance his extreme left wing constituency in the Party. He looks to ugly to be a showman to dull to be a salesman but if you look at what he is doing ans has done he is only a different presentation of Blairism.
Brown has never been in the open before and this was the reason for his unexpected bounciness. He seemed much fresher to the public than the political class allowed to .There has been a lot of silly fawning of late but now we see the King has no clothes and the crowd begin to titter He is in the open and this is the first evidence that he does not have a sure hand in manipulating image despite his remorseless devotion to that end .
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
Rugby Is Better Than Football
Football is a good game , it has fluidity and elegant balance that justifiably earns it the title "The beautiful game", if I had to choose, however, its Rugby for me .
Firstly I have become ‘retrospectively’ rather a good at it, but its objective superiority springs from having less rules than football .Yes , I am aware there are actually more rules, and they are always bewilderingly in flux, but this is because the concept is far more expansive and like a basic beloved old car , it needs constant tinkering. Football is an artificial game ,whereas forms of rugby spontaneously evolved in every country . The oval ball’s challenge is simply to get a ball over the oppositions line subject to offside strictures common to all games .Crucially football adds the limitation of hand ball . From this point it becomes and has developed into a gorgeous confection and away from tribal conflict
For all the Byzantine sophistication of its offside laws at the breakdown women immediately understand the visceral drama unfolding , football must be explained. There is at bottom something in the puzzled reaction …well what a silly thing to want to do , she might add , ‘Why not just pick it up‘.
An eighteen stone man able to run 100m in 12 seconds and with a good sports brain and magnificent skills will never be able to play football because you cannot carry that sort of strength around .We know however , that in some incontrovertible way Jona Lomuh was a greater man than Maradonna. These are the distinctions and notice the difference in the interest of the world 10,000m--- A fastest man/ 100m - The fastest man ;Middle weight champion--a champion fighter/ heavy weight champion-- The worlds greatest fighting machine. A footballer can only be ‘a’ greatest.
Football lends it self to diva worship . Relatively few supporters play and the club is a theatre , not a real club for most. People are sometimes horrified at the corruption and cupidity of the premier League but is bound to be that way it is a show separated from its sporting heritage and each change of the rule emphasises the distance . It is the Busby Berkeley extravaganza watched by the huddled depression urchins .It is the business we call show . It has controversies courtiers and whispered intrigues , rugby has legends.
The rugby supporter is typically on the side of the pitch reminding the current incumbents of his team of their unworthiness wear the shirt . At international level this very groundedness tgathers and metamorphosizes into an expression of the very soul of a country. The wizardy of the Welsh , the beef and elegance of the English , the panache of the French and the sheer competitive joy of the Australians . An unpleasant tendency to cross the border is still prevalent in the Scottish back row play and the South Africans are still deserve to be punched every now and then.
Rugby is closer to players . It can be a gruelling trial of strength and tactics or a carnival of genii weaving their enchantments , either to those who appreciate the game are mesmerising .True to its roots it has evolved specialisms but the Dales of this world may be unaware there is nothing to stop you having two in the pack or two full backs and most experiments have been tried . It is miraculous that spontaneously specialist cooperation sprang into being and from this comes the fact that Rugby is really a team game in a deeper way than football can ever be. As specialism thrives in the wild so each player is better at his role than a footballer is at the homogeneity of Soccer. Rugby has faster players , it has stronger players , of course, it has better kickers ,it has more devious tacticians and it has mightier warriors .A footballer cannot be so honed to a purpose because the whole game is played by each player.
This last quality is what makes football a thrilling athletic ballet , and I do love it but in the end ballet is not for me . I want to see strength skill teamwork and sprit combined in the grand cathartic heroism that is the glorious game of Rugby football.
Come on England ! You just might surprise them all….
Firstly I have become ‘retrospectively’ rather a good at it, but its objective superiority springs from having less rules than football .Yes , I am aware there are actually more rules, and they are always bewilderingly in flux, but this is because the concept is far more expansive and like a basic beloved old car , it needs constant tinkering. Football is an artificial game ,whereas forms of rugby spontaneously evolved in every country . The oval ball’s challenge is simply to get a ball over the oppositions line subject to offside strictures common to all games .Crucially football adds the limitation of hand ball . From this point it becomes and has developed into a gorgeous confection and away from tribal conflict
For all the Byzantine sophistication of its offside laws at the breakdown women immediately understand the visceral drama unfolding , football must be explained. There is at bottom something in the puzzled reaction …well what a silly thing to want to do , she might add , ‘Why not just pick it up‘.
An eighteen stone man able to run 100m in 12 seconds and with a good sports brain and magnificent skills will never be able to play football because you cannot carry that sort of strength around .We know however , that in some incontrovertible way Jona Lomuh was a greater man than Maradonna. These are the distinctions and notice the difference in the interest of the world 10,000m--- A fastest man/ 100m - The fastest man ;Middle weight champion--a champion fighter/ heavy weight champion-- The worlds greatest fighting machine. A footballer can only be ‘a’ greatest.
Football lends it self to diva worship . Relatively few supporters play and the club is a theatre , not a real club for most. People are sometimes horrified at the corruption and cupidity of the premier League but is bound to be that way it is a show separated from its sporting heritage and each change of the rule emphasises the distance . It is the Busby Berkeley extravaganza watched by the huddled depression urchins .It is the business we call show . It has controversies courtiers and whispered intrigues , rugby has legends.
The rugby supporter is typically on the side of the pitch reminding the current incumbents of his team of their unworthiness wear the shirt . At international level this very groundedness tgathers and metamorphosizes into an expression of the very soul of a country. The wizardy of the Welsh , the beef and elegance of the English , the panache of the French and the sheer competitive joy of the Australians . An unpleasant tendency to cross the border is still prevalent in the Scottish back row play and the South Africans are still deserve to be punched every now and then.
Rugby is closer to players . It can be a gruelling trial of strength and tactics or a carnival of genii weaving their enchantments , either to those who appreciate the game are mesmerising .True to its roots it has evolved specialisms but the Dales of this world may be unaware there is nothing to stop you having two in the pack or two full backs and most experiments have been tried . It is miraculous that spontaneously specialist cooperation sprang into being and from this comes the fact that Rugby is really a team game in a deeper way than football can ever be. As specialism thrives in the wild so each player is better at his role than a footballer is at the homogeneity of Soccer. Rugby has faster players , it has stronger players , of course, it has better kickers ,it has more devious tacticians and it has mightier warriors .A footballer cannot be so honed to a purpose because the whole game is played by each player.
This last quality is what makes football a thrilling athletic ballet , and I do love it but in the end ballet is not for me . I want to see strength skill teamwork and sprit combined in the grand cathartic heroism that is the glorious game of Rugby football.
Come on England ! You just might surprise them all….
Emily Thornberry Is A Disgrace
This story was flagged up by Justin Hinchcliffe a week ago and then by Hatfield girl yesterday and now it is not only in the Daily Mail but also in the Housing Association Press. Emily Thornberry who sent her children to Grammar school and pontificates about cycling despite weighing as much as a whale has been a standing source of embarrassment for the Old Hard Left local Labour Party and has already shifted her position from extreme Trot to Blairite . Now she seems to have shifted again from a fan of selection for her children to the exploitation of hard pressed local housing stock.
Her tenants are on her Parliamentary team and they include to my knowledge one odious little lickle-spit crawler James Murray 8 and ¾ Islington youngest Councillor who himself attended St. Paul`s School for £20,000 pa ...its not as if he needs the cheap accommodation is it . He has thus far wasted everyone’s `s time sending apple for teacher essays on parking and so on to the Gazette and will be cease pretending to give a toss about Islington any time now.My contempt for him is depthless
How can they face themselves in the mirror , how can they dream they re fit people to run anything still less remove money from hard working families to hand out to their constituency of dependents . Words fail me ... but no for long don`t you worry
A member of a government scrutiny committee has sparked controversy after buying a home from a housing association for her parliamentary aides to live in.
The MP for Islington South & Finsbury Emily Thornberry and her family bought the property from Ujima Housing Group for £572,000. Ms Thornberry sits on the Communities and Local Government select committee.
The property is one of several in the street which was sold against the will of the housing association's tenants. They claimed they contacted Ms Thornberry for support last year as they felt they were being turned out of their homes. The MP's office denied there had been any involvement with the tenants before the house was bought. The name of Ms Thornberry's husband, deputy high court judge Christopher Nugee QC, is on the deeds of the house. Ms Thornberry's office said she had bought the property for young people 'she knows' in their early 20s .
Ms Thornberry - who has championed social tenants' rights - issued a statement saying: 'We bought this property in the spring at auction. This is not about property speculation - we are providing cheap and cheerful accommodation for some young people.' Ms Thornberry - who would have seen that the property belonged to a housing association at the auction - asked for a meeting with housing minister Yvette Cooper last year to complain that Islington council was 'giving in to developers' and building luxury flats instead of affordable housing (Inside Housing, 27 October 2006). Ujima Housing Group was unavailable for comment.
Update - A local Activist has provided me with further information and background . I have had to tidy up his grammar and punctuation a bit but otherwise its almost up to the rigorous standards I require .......
Ujima, the housing association is question has been under a cloud since signally failing to build the number of new homes they committed to building _ by a very lng chalk. In fact they have lost their 'partnership' status from/ with the Housing Corporation, which regulates housing associations. I see that they have also now been given planning permission for an ugly new development in Tottenham, much against the wishes of local residents, and wihout the slightest regard for the environmental impact. But Labour councils let housing associations get away with murder. By the way, Ujima exists specifically to provide homes for black people (did you know that this kind of racism was allowed and publicly-funded?). I was concerned to see that their website does not give the name of a single senior executive or trustee _ very unusual for any organisation _ I wonder why they keep such a low-profile? it would be very interesting to know how mnay of their key people are labour party memebrs, councillors or donors _ 'partners' thereof......
Her tenants are on her Parliamentary team and they include to my knowledge one odious little lickle-spit crawler James Murray 8 and ¾ Islington youngest Councillor who himself attended St. Paul`s School for £20,000 pa ...its not as if he needs the cheap accommodation is it . He has thus far wasted everyone’s `s time sending apple for teacher essays on parking and so on to the Gazette and will be cease pretending to give a toss about Islington any time now.My contempt for him is depthless
How can they face themselves in the mirror , how can they dream they re fit people to run anything still less remove money from hard working families to hand out to their constituency of dependents . Words fail me ... but no for long don`t you worry
A member of a government scrutiny committee has sparked controversy after buying a home from a housing association for her parliamentary aides to live in.
The MP for Islington South & Finsbury Emily Thornberry and her family bought the property from Ujima Housing Group for £572,000. Ms Thornberry sits on the Communities and Local Government select committee.
The property is one of several in the street which was sold against the will of the housing association's tenants. They claimed they contacted Ms Thornberry for support last year as they felt they were being turned out of their homes. The MP's office denied there had been any involvement with the tenants before the house was bought. The name of Ms Thornberry's husband, deputy high court judge Christopher Nugee QC, is on the deeds of the house. Ms Thornberry's office said she had bought the property for young people 'she knows' in their early 20s .
Ms Thornberry - who has championed social tenants' rights - issued a statement saying: 'We bought this property in the spring at auction. This is not about property speculation - we are providing cheap and cheerful accommodation for some young people.' Ms Thornberry - who would have seen that the property belonged to a housing association at the auction - asked for a meeting with housing minister Yvette Cooper last year to complain that Islington council was 'giving in to developers' and building luxury flats instead of affordable housing (Inside Housing, 27 October 2006). Ujima Housing Group was unavailable for comment.
Update - A local Activist has provided me with further information and background . I have had to tidy up his grammar and punctuation a bit but otherwise its almost up to the rigorous standards I require .......
Ujima, the housing association is question has been under a cloud since signally failing to build the number of new homes they committed to building _ by a very lng chalk. In fact they have lost their 'partnership' status from/ with the Housing Corporation, which regulates housing associations. I see that they have also now been given planning permission for an ugly new development in Tottenham, much against the wishes of local residents, and wihout the slightest regard for the environmental impact. But Labour councils let housing associations get away with murder. By the way, Ujima exists specifically to provide homes for black people (did you know that this kind of racism was allowed and publicly-funded?). I was concerned to see that their website does not give the name of a single senior executive or trustee _ very unusual for any organisation _ I wonder why they keep such a low-profile? it would be very interesting to know how mnay of their key people are labour party memebrs, councillors or donors _ 'partners' thereof......
Tories go Pinky and Perky
Conservatives Broaden Constituency in Preparation for Glorious 1000 year Reign by Appealing to Gay People – Story Of The day
'David Cameron's Conservative Party has taken a further step in attracting new supporters by advertising on a gay website. PinkNews.co.uk is hosting a series of adverts featuring the Tory leader as part of the party's efforts to attract the "pink vote". The website, which provides news to the gay community in Britain, says the adverts are the party's first political advertising campaign in the gay media Ananova.
And if any a so called core supporters are offended as far as I am concerned they can f--- off. I have had it with geriatric old biffers offering the ghoul Brown useful idiots. Conservatism is not about keeping things the same its about a handling change and adding to the traditions and culture we value .....best not get me started but suffice to say I was about to mention TS Elliot ...( coat? get? thought so ....)
Moron Of The Day
'An 18-year-old burglar who vandalised a children's campsite building was caught because he wrote his name on a wall at the scene, a court has heard.
Peter Addison, of Heaton Mersey, Stockport, and his friend Mark Ridgeway of Poynton, Cheshire, smashed crockery and let off fire extinguishers...Apart from writing his own name in black marker pen at the Toc H centre in Adlington, Cheshire, Addison also left his gang's name on the wall - The Adlington Massiv!. The teenager vandalised a Garden Birds of Britain poster by adding "R Gay" ' - BBC Website.
Ikky Story Of The Day
'Two sisters have kept their dead mother in an undertaker's fridge for ten years - so they can visit her every weekend. Josephine and Valmai Lamas could not bear to bury mum Annie after she died in 1997, aged 84. Instead, they have shelled out more than £13,000 to keep her in cold storage at a funeral parlour' - The Sun.
'David Cameron's Conservative Party has taken a further step in attracting new supporters by advertising on a gay website. PinkNews.co.uk is hosting a series of adverts featuring the Tory leader as part of the party's efforts to attract the "pink vote". The website, which provides news to the gay community in Britain, says the adverts are the party's first political advertising campaign in the gay media Ananova.
And if any a so called core supporters are offended as far as I am concerned they can f--- off. I have had it with geriatric old biffers offering the ghoul Brown useful idiots. Conservatism is not about keeping things the same its about a handling change and adding to the traditions and culture we value .....best not get me started but suffice to say I was about to mention TS Elliot ...( coat? get? thought so ....)
Moron Of The Day
'An 18-year-old burglar who vandalised a children's campsite building was caught because he wrote his name on a wall at the scene, a court has heard.
Peter Addison, of Heaton Mersey, Stockport, and his friend Mark Ridgeway of Poynton, Cheshire, smashed crockery and let off fire extinguishers...Apart from writing his own name in black marker pen at the Toc H centre in Adlington, Cheshire, Addison also left his gang's name on the wall - The Adlington Massiv!. The teenager vandalised a Garden Birds of Britain poster by adding "R Gay" ' - BBC Website.
Ikky Story Of The Day
'Two sisters have kept their dead mother in an undertaker's fridge for ten years - so they can visit her every weekend. Josephine and Valmai Lamas could not bear to bury mum Annie after she died in 1997, aged 84. Instead, they have shelled out more than £13,000 to keep her in cold storage at a funeral parlour' - The Sun.
Sense and Sensibility
Sorry but I have recycled some material from my previous post here. I was going to take it down but it has alreadyelicited some thoughtful responses so there it stands as a testament to the …ahem creative process( lack of imagination)
A report has concluded that political correctness allowed a pair of homosexual foster parents to sexually abuse children in their care,( Adapted from the Telegraph article ) . Social workers were reluctant to investigate Craig Faunch and Ian Wathey for fear of being accused of prejudice Instead, they were viewed as "trophy carers" who had a "badge" which made their actions less questionable. (in fact)….they had been using the boys for sexual gratification.
The two were jailed last year for a string of offences against four boys, aged between eight and 14, at their home in Pontefract, West Yorks.
The victims were among 18 children placed with the pair, Yorkshire's first homosexual foster parents, between August 2003 and January 2005.An independent inquiry concluded that the children were let down by "failures in performance" …The panel, found: "The fear of being discriminatory led them to fail to discriminate between the appropriate and the abusive.” ." ….Michelle Elliott, of the charity Kidscape, said: "Common sense went out of the window when they allowed political correctness to take over in this case."
I have commented before on the way the BBC kept the incidence of AIDS among African immigrants a secret Lets have a look at what this Political correctness is and why it is so pernicious an evil. It is , I would argue, a special type of emotional thinking , the modern " Sensibility" but not the only one
It starts with the laudable aim of defending the weak against the strong . For this reason it is more acceptable for religious fundamentalists to deliberately kill as many innocent civilian as possibly?( Hamas suicide bombers ) than for a Liberal democracy , Israel, to selectively kill terrorist leaders responsible for a wave of suicide bombers. It is taken as read that the world will demonstrate against the tribal prejudice of white South Africans but ignore the equally tribal prejudice and occasional slaughter of other Africa ruling tribes that happen to be the same colour as the ‘oppressed' . Do they expect more from the whites ? There is a recurring theme of sublimated superiority certainly .
Once the left ,usually , have defined a group as victims, the attitude ossifies into an unbreachable wall protecting its members from all rational thought . For example the Dutch film maker Theo Van Gogh was ritually murdered for insulting Islam but the Guardian automatically sided with the “powerless” Islamic Dutch Morroccan killer. Look at the way the deaths of 52 innocent people were reported as compared the accidental killing of one innocent Brazillian. I don`t defend the Police , but the coverage of the fifty two was obliterated in days by this more agenda friendly story.
Essentially the formula is this
1 Identify the victim or victim group
2 Support them and their interests ,irrespective of any other factors
Thus America is always wrong even pitched against China but Tibet is always right against China ( and correctly in my view in the latter case).. One of the problems of identifying the victim group is that its personality becomes a single unit . For this reason little thought is given to homophobia amongst Jamaicans , or forced Marriages , or the cruelty of halal butchery as compared to the endless Parliamentary time wasted of fox hunting. I like the contrast between the Independent headline and the Telegraph concerning a suppressed report by the European Monitoring Centre showing Muslims were responsible for attacking Jews
INDEPENDENT- White Men Blamed as Attacks on Jews Rise- (Lie )
TELEGRAPH- EU ‘covered up’ attacks on Jews by young Muslims ( True)
Becoming part of a victim group makes you invulnerable hence the clamour to become one . Naughty boys now have “Attention -Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”
“The way you feel about it “ increasingly trumps “ the way it is “ in a process His Grace has coined the word Diana-isation for. Campaigning against word poverty makes everyone feel good but attacking African leaders for poor governance is a 'downer '.Not a pop star to be seen..
Liberal guilt spreads and diffuses the semi understood categories .Greg Dyke described the BBC as hideously white . How so , Asians are over presented as law schools and medical colleges but noone would calling them hideously Asian?
When the white West was supposed to be breeding beyond control over population was rarely from our screen .It was agonised over with all the pre apocalyptic relish of latter day environmental ululators . Now population growth is largely caused by immigration and identifiable racial groups .” Wanting fewer brown babies “ as Tony Benn put it cannot be said.
Sometimes the self flagellation becomes chortlesome . Decca Aitkenhead claimed that Jamaican homophobia was the result of 400 years of slaves being sodomised by their white owners…. Rather than condemning attitudes a better emotion she wrote “Would be culpability” . The jaw drops .
We the good and virtuous people of this land have to retain our balance in a tidal flood of emotionalist hypocracy . When Ken Livingstone greets Yusuf al-Qaradawi because he is a major religious leader we must ask if he would meet a Christian leader with similar views. This leader would have to advocate the creation of theocratic state where homosexuality is punishable by death, wife beating permitted free speech , trade unions individual liberty democracy and protest crushed. I somehow doubt it . The Westerner is always guilty .
Ken recently cried like a ludicrously bloated baby when apologising to Jesse Jackson for white enslavement of blacks .He says nothing about the Arab enslavement of the same people over a longer period which is still ongoing .
I have been wondering if there is a right wing version of the emotion trumping the facts. I am going to carefully suggest there may be...
Instinctively one believes that acts against children allow us to suspend all rational distinctions but should we ? We would agree would we not that to look with lustful thoughts at picture of a child being raped ,depraved as it is , cannot be as bad as raping a child . That does not seem to have applied in the case of Chris Langham who was publicly convicted of what is almost a “Thought Crime" of equal seriosuness . I am aware ,naturally ,that support for such a repellent industry as child pornography is physical abuse by proxy ,but that there is still a distinction between this and actually molesting a child .
.I suggest that in this difficult case we should still be clear minded enough to distinguish between a man’s soul for which he answers to God, and his actions, which we may punish with far greater severity here. Where are Liberty for Chris Langham ? We on the right are quick to support Liberty when they spot the encroachment of the concept of thought crime into jurisprudence and common acceptance even when it is those “ countenancing “ terrorism but silent on his behalf . His crimes are quiet severe enough to warrant considerable punishment imprisonment ,of course, but they could have been a lot worse. That is the truth
It is not easy to look at emotive subjects with sense but when I look at the horrifying results for the boys in the charge of Craig Faunch and Ian Wathey when clear judgement was suspended , I see we must always be on guard against allowing sensibiltiy to defeat sense.
A report has concluded that political correctness allowed a pair of homosexual foster parents to sexually abuse children in their care,( Adapted from the Telegraph article ) . Social workers were reluctant to investigate Craig Faunch and Ian Wathey for fear of being accused of prejudice Instead, they were viewed as "trophy carers" who had a "badge" which made their actions less questionable. (in fact)….they had been using the boys for sexual gratification.
The two were jailed last year for a string of offences against four boys, aged between eight and 14, at their home in Pontefract, West Yorks.
The victims were among 18 children placed with the pair, Yorkshire's first homosexual foster parents, between August 2003 and January 2005.An independent inquiry concluded that the children were let down by "failures in performance" …The panel, found: "The fear of being discriminatory led them to fail to discriminate between the appropriate and the abusive.” ." ….Michelle Elliott, of the charity Kidscape, said: "Common sense went out of the window when they allowed political correctness to take over in this case."
I have commented before on the way the BBC kept the incidence of AIDS among African immigrants a secret Lets have a look at what this Political correctness is and why it is so pernicious an evil. It is , I would argue, a special type of emotional thinking , the modern " Sensibility" but not the only one
It starts with the laudable aim of defending the weak against the strong . For this reason it is more acceptable for religious fundamentalists to deliberately kill as many innocent civilian as possibly?( Hamas suicide bombers ) than for a Liberal democracy , Israel, to selectively kill terrorist leaders responsible for a wave of suicide bombers. It is taken as read that the world will demonstrate against the tribal prejudice of white South Africans but ignore the equally tribal prejudice and occasional slaughter of other Africa ruling tribes that happen to be the same colour as the ‘oppressed' . Do they expect more from the whites ? There is a recurring theme of sublimated superiority certainly .
Once the left ,usually , have defined a group as victims, the attitude ossifies into an unbreachable wall protecting its members from all rational thought . For example the Dutch film maker Theo Van Gogh was ritually murdered for insulting Islam but the Guardian automatically sided with the “powerless” Islamic Dutch Morroccan killer. Look at the way the deaths of 52 innocent people were reported as compared the accidental killing of one innocent Brazillian. I don`t defend the Police , but the coverage of the fifty two was obliterated in days by this more agenda friendly story.
Essentially the formula is this
1 Identify the victim or victim group
2 Support them and their interests ,irrespective of any other factors
Thus America is always wrong even pitched against China but Tibet is always right against China ( and correctly in my view in the latter case).. One of the problems of identifying the victim group is that its personality becomes a single unit . For this reason little thought is given to homophobia amongst Jamaicans , or forced Marriages , or the cruelty of halal butchery as compared to the endless Parliamentary time wasted of fox hunting. I like the contrast between the Independent headline and the Telegraph concerning a suppressed report by the European Monitoring Centre showing Muslims were responsible for attacking Jews
INDEPENDENT- White Men Blamed as Attacks on Jews Rise- (Lie )
TELEGRAPH- EU ‘covered up’ attacks on Jews by young Muslims ( True)
Becoming part of a victim group makes you invulnerable hence the clamour to become one . Naughty boys now have “Attention -Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”
“The way you feel about it “ increasingly trumps “ the way it is “ in a process His Grace has coined the word Diana-isation for. Campaigning against word poverty makes everyone feel good but attacking African leaders for poor governance is a 'downer '.Not a pop star to be seen..
Liberal guilt spreads and diffuses the semi understood categories .Greg Dyke described the BBC as hideously white . How so , Asians are over presented as law schools and medical colleges but noone would calling them hideously Asian?
When the white West was supposed to be breeding beyond control over population was rarely from our screen .It was agonised over with all the pre apocalyptic relish of latter day environmental ululators . Now population growth is largely caused by immigration and identifiable racial groups .” Wanting fewer brown babies “ as Tony Benn put it cannot be said.
Sometimes the self flagellation becomes chortlesome . Decca Aitkenhead claimed that Jamaican homophobia was the result of 400 years of slaves being sodomised by their white owners…. Rather than condemning attitudes a better emotion she wrote “Would be culpability” . The jaw drops .
We the good and virtuous people of this land have to retain our balance in a tidal flood of emotionalist hypocracy . When Ken Livingstone greets Yusuf al-Qaradawi because he is a major religious leader we must ask if he would meet a Christian leader with similar views. This leader would have to advocate the creation of theocratic state where homosexuality is punishable by death, wife beating permitted free speech , trade unions individual liberty democracy and protest crushed. I somehow doubt it . The Westerner is always guilty .
Ken recently cried like a ludicrously bloated baby when apologising to Jesse Jackson for white enslavement of blacks .He says nothing about the Arab enslavement of the same people over a longer period which is still ongoing .
I have been wondering if there is a right wing version of the emotion trumping the facts. I am going to carefully suggest there may be...
Instinctively one believes that acts against children allow us to suspend all rational distinctions but should we ? We would agree would we not that to look with lustful thoughts at picture of a child being raped ,depraved as it is , cannot be as bad as raping a child . That does not seem to have applied in the case of Chris Langham who was publicly convicted of what is almost a “Thought Crime" of equal seriosuness . I am aware ,naturally ,that support for such a repellent industry as child pornography is physical abuse by proxy ,but that there is still a distinction between this and actually molesting a child .
.I suggest that in this difficult case we should still be clear minded enough to distinguish between a man’s soul for which he answers to God, and his actions, which we may punish with far greater severity here. Where are Liberty for Chris Langham ? We on the right are quick to support Liberty when they spot the encroachment of the concept of thought crime into jurisprudence and common acceptance even when it is those “ countenancing “ terrorism but silent on his behalf . His crimes are quiet severe enough to warrant considerable punishment imprisonment ,of course, but they could have been a lot worse. That is the truth
It is not easy to look at emotive subjects with sense but when I look at the horrifying results for the boys in the charge of Craig Faunch and Ian Wathey when clear judgement was suspended , I see we must always be on guard against allowing sensibiltiy to defeat sense.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Do We Believe In Thought Crime ?
I was always a bit concerned about the whole Chris Langham thing …this of course means I secretly wish to normalise child abuse……no I abso-fucking lutely do not . I am as appalled as anyone but , if I `m honest I find myself a little concerned about the way he was treated or at least the way the Public and blogasphere reacted.
His crime , as far as children were concerned was not physically abusing them but down-loading images of their abuse and by implication having lustful thoughts about them. I take it that I am not going to be accused of not recognising the hideous moral deformity of watching child rape for pleasure but it is essentially a “Thought Crime “ and not a real crime . I am aware naturally that supporting for such a repellent industry is itself a form of physical abuse by proxy but that there is still a distinction between this and actually molesting a child .
I believe there is an important boundary here and it should not be blurred. In this difficult case we should still be clear minded enough to distinguish between a man’s soul for which he answers to God, and his actions, which we may punish with far greater severity here. Where are Liberty for Chris Langham ? We on the right are quick to support Liberty when they spot the encroachment of the concept of thought crime into jurisprudence and common acceptance even when it is those “ countenancing “ terrorism but silent on his behalf . His crimes are quiet severe enough to warrant considerable punishment imprisonment of course but they could have been a lot worse.
As I write this I am horrified that I do …. Is it wrong , I `m genuinely not sure.
His crime , as far as children were concerned was not physically abusing them but down-loading images of their abuse and by implication having lustful thoughts about them. I take it that I am not going to be accused of not recognising the hideous moral deformity of watching child rape for pleasure but it is essentially a “Thought Crime “ and not a real crime . I am aware naturally that supporting for such a repellent industry is itself a form of physical abuse by proxy but that there is still a distinction between this and actually molesting a child .
I believe there is an important boundary here and it should not be blurred. In this difficult case we should still be clear minded enough to distinguish between a man’s soul for which he answers to God, and his actions, which we may punish with far greater severity here. Where are Liberty for Chris Langham ? We on the right are quick to support Liberty when they spot the encroachment of the concept of thought crime into jurisprudence and common acceptance even when it is those “ countenancing “ terrorism but silent on his behalf . His crimes are quiet severe enough to warrant considerable punishment imprisonment of course but they could have been a lot worse.
As I write this I am horrified that I do …. Is it wrong , I `m genuinely not sure.
The Use Of Slaves-( By God )
The Text Today will be Exodus 21.7.-11
When a man shall sells his daughter as a slave
She shall not go out as male slaves do .If
She does not please her master, who has
Designated her for himself, then he shall let
Her be redeemed; he shall have no right to
Sell her to foreign people , since he has
Dealt faithlessly with her .If he designates
Her for his son, he shall deal with her
As a daughter. If he takes another wife to himself ,
He shall not diminish her food , her clothing or her marital rights .
And if does not do these things for her , she
Shall go out for nothing without payment
Of money
And anyone thinking of not treating their slaves in the manner approved of by God had better bear this in mind in the gentle and loving New testament
If a man does not abide with me , he is cast
Forth as a branch and withers ; and the
Branches are gathered , thrown into the fire
And burned
(Gentle ...John)
But it could be worse
If your brother, the son of your mother or
Your son or your daughter, or the wife oif
Your bosom, or your friend who is as your
Own soul, entices you secretly; saying “Let us
Go and serve other gods “... you shall not
Yield and listen to him , nor shall you
Eye pity him, nor shall you spare him,nor
Conceal him; but you shall kill him
Your hand shall be first against him to put
Him to death. You shall stone him to death
With stones....
( Deutoronomy)
Jesus Christ,... that harsh although the end bit is a bit redundant isn’t it ?
Here Endeth The lesson and “ Let all who are under the yoke of slavery regard their masters as worthy of honour (Timothy)
He`s a nice guy that God isn`t he
When a man shall sells his daughter as a slave
She shall not go out as male slaves do .If
She does not please her master, who has
Designated her for himself, then he shall let
Her be redeemed; he shall have no right to
Sell her to foreign people , since he has
Dealt faithlessly with her .If he designates
Her for his son, he shall deal with her
As a daughter. If he takes another wife to himself ,
He shall not diminish her food , her clothing or her marital rights .
And if does not do these things for her , she
Shall go out for nothing without payment
Of money
And anyone thinking of not treating their slaves in the manner approved of by God had better bear this in mind in the gentle and loving New testament
If a man does not abide with me , he is cast
Forth as a branch and withers ; and the
Branches are gathered , thrown into the fire
And burned
(Gentle ...John)
But it could be worse
If your brother, the son of your mother or
Your son or your daughter, or the wife oif
Your bosom, or your friend who is as your
Own soul, entices you secretly; saying “Let us
Go and serve other gods “... you shall not
Yield and listen to him , nor shall you
Eye pity him, nor shall you spare him,nor
Conceal him; but you shall kill him
Your hand shall be first against him to put
Him to death. You shall stone him to death
With stones....
( Deutoronomy)
Jesus Christ,... that harsh although the end bit is a bit redundant isn’t it ?
Here Endeth The lesson and “ Let all who are under the yoke of slavery regard their masters as worthy of honour (Timothy)
He`s a nice guy that God isn`t he
Tory Punks ?.....

I am finding it really hard to blog at the moment because I am having too much fun bating the self obsessed gimps at Compass. They really are a treasure endlessly retooling their K Paxian fantasy in which the malign forces of Capitalism met is a secret room and plotted to use Milton Friedman to attack the workers . Some of it is priceless but a lot of it is the usual slabs of meaningless gunk pasted from “ An American Woman” and a terrific cure for insomnia . As you might imagine I have made all sorts of new playfellows ...see the love letters I quote below. At the moment they are trying to ignore me and I am desperately trying to resist the temptation to false beards off again and again . Here is some of the more zesty spleen I have enjoyed ...
“ the Jewish side of my family; there are wonderful terms of abuse in yiddish.
But I cant find one that does the trick. Its a blend of "schmendrik" and "shlemiel"....”.......is he peeved with me ?
“ I have to scrape the bottom of my shoe so abundant is his offering. We really do need more air freshener in here.”
(If you think there is an unpleasant smell Lee its probably because you have your head stuck up your arse.I trust you enjoyed not reading this !! :)...I remarked)
"I also have a theory that one of the weapons in the Tory arsenal is the creation of the Tory Punk. He doesn’t speak as if he was educated at Eton, he doesn’t even try to affect the fake accent that lower-middle class Thatcher and Major adopted. They are as smelly and degenerate as any other bovver-boys on the streets, and stupid as hell (safety-pin through the brain). But they go out there and spread the Tory mantra, which usually consists of nothing more profound than "Brown Sucks ! Vote Tory !" That allows Cameron to use racism when needed without actually having to do it himself.
We have had some interesting demonstrations of Tory Punk on these pages in the last few weeks. "Standing orders: go and vomit on Compass!"................... I know that Cameron is using something that has existed for some time, and I know that "punk" bridges otherwise unbridgeable class barriers. But I think you get the general sense of what I was trying to say. I will be pleased to accept a more accurate characterisation."
I rather like this idea of Tory Punks which they mean to imply I come form an inferior social class.. thats solidarity for you .I took it up and elaborated on it.
“....and this poltical log jam seems to be breaking up in the Open Europe Campaign which is attracting cross Party support. It is the dream of the right to reconnect with its working class support and in a sense its happening.
"A new dawn has broke , has it not "
You have a problem don`t you . As capitalism delivers more and more wealth the real reason people vote for you starts to disappear. The real reason is not a K Paxian conspiracy theory about international capitalism, but the prospect of voting other people’s money into their pockets. As more and more rise out of poverty despite new Labour’s efforts to keep them there , the argument for this activity gets weaker and weaker. As greater numbers are dragged into wealth creation the reasonableness of removing one mans earnings and giving them to another man recedes. Now instead of the relief of poverty you actually have to argue that the state will do a better job then a the market. To people that on one day may call the council and on another buy a mobile phone this is a tough sell.
The Labour Party are aware of the problem and underlying decline in their support for such reasons . It is also the reasons successive boundary commissions award seats to the Conservative Party ( and the endless Balls Cooper related ruses to delay the process). Perhaps with the national nausea that begins to surface about the European betrayal the “Progressive” left will finally be cut off from its support , a support that knows little of it and cares less.
I see the attack on the BBC the Guardianistas not very secret weapon as part of this and today their decision to back a Green campaign has been received in such terms that it cannot be repeated. As this cultural strangle hold on access to the media wanes the ability to be different Parties to different classes will be come as redundant as the Lib Dem effort to be different Parties in different locations .
This is what is really happening on the interweb and “Tory Punks “ as we are …..Excitingly called( Thanks ) are the thrilling vanguard
Hit and Myth
Myth-Air travel is usually for hard working families to go to Spain
Truth-“A third of return flights from Britain last year were made by 4% of the population”
Myth - Calls are in a competitive market
Truth “ It typically costs 12p to send a 160 character text message from one British mobile to another. Byte for byte this works out as 12 times what NASA pays to retrieve data from the Hubble Space telescope”
Myth - White skinheads attack Jews
Truth -The problem is almost exclusively due to young Muslims
Myth - Unprotected sex amongst feckless teenagers spreads AIDS
Truth - The incidence of AIDS among hetro-sexulas was and remains largely associated with infected Africa immigrants
Myth- Wage differentials between men and women are caused by sexism
Truth- Life choices and child care breaks are the cause .
UPDATE Good point from Ed
But who makes the other two thirds? Cheap air travel HAS allowed even the poorest of British families to afford a crap package holiday, the fact that the richer fly more is of no surprise at all.
Always worth turning a stat around .The children or Lawyers are six times less likely than the children of the poor to end up in poverty. Turn that around and you wonder how on earth the children of Lawyers manage to be quite as downwardly mobile one time in six.
Truth-“A third of return flights from Britain last year were made by 4% of the population”
Myth - Calls are in a competitive market
Truth “ It typically costs 12p to send a 160 character text message from one British mobile to another. Byte for byte this works out as 12 times what NASA pays to retrieve data from the Hubble Space telescope”
Myth - White skinheads attack Jews
Truth -The problem is almost exclusively due to young Muslims
Myth - Unprotected sex amongst feckless teenagers spreads AIDS
Truth - The incidence of AIDS among hetro-sexulas was and remains largely associated with infected Africa immigrants
Myth- Wage differentials between men and women are caused by sexism
Truth- Life choices and child care breaks are the cause .
UPDATE Good point from Ed
But who makes the other two thirds? Cheap air travel HAS allowed even the poorest of British families to afford a crap package holiday, the fact that the richer fly more is of no surprise at all.
Always worth turning a stat around .The children or Lawyers are six times less likely than the children of the poor to end up in poverty. Turn that around and you wonder how on earth the children of Lawyers manage to be quite as downwardly mobile one time in six.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
The War of Jenkins R `s
My cousin was a policewoman and people were always saying to her 'aven`t you got anyhting better to do !!". She tells me she always said ."Not today sir ". Similiarly I have nothing better to do today that to coninue to criticise Compass. This magnificent snippet about one of its founders was bequeathed to me by Croydonian and you can see his distinctive sniggering style. A Gem.
One of the founder members is a chap called Marquand, and I'd forgotten his major footnote in history:
"He was the MP for Ashfield from 1966 to 1977, when he resigned his seat to work as Chief Advisor (from 1977 to 1978) to his mentor Roy Jenkins who had been appointed President of the European Commission.
Marquand became the subject of an oft-repeated put-down in the House of Commons, during Jenkins' farewell speech. Jenkins, who had difficulty pronouncing the letter r, had said "I leave this party without rancour", whereupon Dennis Skinner heckled "I thought you were taking Marquand with you".
Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Marquand
One of the founder members is a chap called Marquand, and I'd forgotten his major footnote in history:
"He was the MP for Ashfield from 1966 to 1977, when he resigned his seat to work as Chief Advisor (from 1977 to 1978) to his mentor Roy Jenkins who had been appointed President of the European Commission.
Marquand became the subject of an oft-repeated put-down in the House of Commons, during Jenkins' farewell speech. Jenkins, who had difficulty pronouncing the letter r, had said "I leave this party without rancour", whereupon Dennis Skinner heckled "I thought you were taking Marquand with you".
Source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Marquand
Felling A Bit Fisky
I`ve had a go at a fisk...the article is up on the awful Compass site at the top.( See Blog Roll) I just could not resist.
'It is important to think about objectives for the short term, the medium term and the long term, because they are necessarily different.
Yes they are shall we say of differing lengths ..hmmmm you intrigue me …one is shorter than theother …yes yes I `m with you
Compass is logically bound to recognise that Labour will lose some elections sometime!
With 8,000,000 paid for by the state , double counting Scottish votes and controlling the state broadcasting corporation why be down hearted ,.With escalating immigration and dependency growth, not to say a new low in political accountability why not reign for a thousand years . The Brown riech will go on and on and on and at the rate those who resist are emigrating you`ll have the place to yourselves soon. Cheer up
Political parties do not exist merely to provide office for politicians.
Iazzat so …? Coo
Until parliament is elected by proportional representation, Labour will be unable to exert a strong and continuous influence on the political agenda.
More people in England voted Conservative than Labour at the last election they certainly will at the next. You seriously want the farce they conduct in Scotland . Elections are about voting against. PR is designed to exclude this possibility. Still it is at least clear what the point of PR is and I thought I already detested it .
provide an effective, constant counter-balance to capitalism. Social democracy
What is social democracy ? Is that socialism or not ? We are all democrats .I live in society and vote Conservative , Am I social democrat ( Do you get discounts at Wickes ?)
However, social democracy is also committed to the maintenance and observance of a collective, democratic right to reject market mechanisms in other parts of an economy. This right is effectively exercised: i) at the workplace and enterprise level by workers’ representatives; ii) at the local and regional level through community representatives; and iii) in state institutions through political representatives.
WE all agree with this so what ? Except for the bit about Unions who should not exert political power where they do not represent their members views still less finance political parties .Beats selling peerages I suppose but look out for the brown climb donwn after his tough posturing
In western Europe, social democracy has provided an effective counter-balance to capitalism since the 1960s. Its success in modifying crucial parts of advanced economies was not merely the result of winning elections, though social democratic parties in government played a necessary party in achieving it. Moreover, despite the strong resurgence of capitalist production in many other parts of the globe, social democracy in western Europe remains in a healthy, if not vigorous condition.
The only reason Brown has got away with his attack on wealth creation is the strong resurgence of capitalist production in many other parts of the globe . Europe lags and flounders and you admire wait for it …the failing system. Natch
It is important for Compass to work with other European social democratic parties promote social democracy nearer Britain, i.e. in east-central Europe, Russia and the Maghreb.,
Suppose we don’t care what Europeans think we should do and already resent the fact thatv70% of our laws are not decided democratically . You are aware of the historical con trick currently perpetrated by B Ruin of the British ? Are your loyalties wider than to your country then …easy to be a traitor under such circumstances as the left have often proved
reflection on the Labour Movement’s past mistakes.
Like increasing state expenditure from 38% to 45% of GDP and delivering the following ideas of varying usefulness with catastrophic ineptitude
WELFARE and HOUSING- thanks for underclass for which there was no need
DEFRA…everything it touches
IRAQ EXIT…..we had the expertise and ignored it
IMMIGRATION- Four times 90s levels
POLICE_ politicised and useless
EDUCATION- Behind our competitors and a disaster as everyone admits across the spectrum
CONSTITUTION- Lies and prevarication
OPENNESS …..don`t get me started
ID cards £5 billion at a Conservative guess for what
And I `d like to be able to smoke in a pub if Media Bimbo Flint doesn’t mind
LIBERTY - Eroded on all sides surveillance beyond the rest of the world
REGULATION- Destroying communities and businesses everywhere and casting the private sector into self employment then counted as a start up ..genius
I `d say a good time for a change was now whose with me ?
In the 19th and 20th centuries, British and German social democracy struggled to limit the power of an elite which consisted of an aristocracy
I would accept some of this the aristocracy was amazingly porous though and adaptable in this country.The gains are banked and now its just a giant Pack-man eating individuals coopted into their demise by false consultation
Unlike the USA, France and Germany, we are a society whose elite lack any serious interest or stake in production. Indigenous productive capacity, for both low and high technology commodities has been virtually hollowed out. This situation has resulted in two profound problems for British society. Firstly, there is no collective understanding of how British society can reproduce itself.
Non sequitor and nonsensical .The attack non coherence has been achieved by disastrous multiculturalism , immigration , progressive self loathing and the malign influence of the Liberal elite especially via the BBC. It is also a necessary part of Marxist derived theories which see people as economic units and defined by economics ,.They are defined by family and community loyalties held together by culture . All of this has been attacked by welfare , and the general year zero barbarism of the left . The left have connived to equate a minor Jamaican rapper with Shakespeare . This incidentally has made movement between classes much harder…one of the many ways the left have stuck it to the aspirational
People are growing up, being socialised and educated without any clear idea of how they can contribute to the maintenance of prosperity and security in their communities.
Because the state has taken their responsibility for themselves away , their responsibility for each other away their history and their country away . What the best poem the state ever wrote ,,,no I don`t know either.
Not surprisingly, there are no shortage of aspirants for filling this identity vacuum, e.g., those who should emphasise English-ness, those who would limit emigration,
I think you mean immigration or net migration. Almost everyone outside you elite enclave especially labour Party voters . We are English perhaps you have noticed and it is you that have undermined that identity. It is not an aspirant it something considerably deeper than that.people have been known to get killed defending it and uit was eactly this loyalty that saved us from the Hun. The EU have to beg the US to help out in their own back yard.
Every child needs to be able to spend regular amounts of time away from their home community, learning about other communities, cultures and languages. This requirement would help to ensure that British society does not become more ghettoised than it already is.
No they should learn about their own community not have another one foisted upon them by the government which will be like the brown plasticine my son leaves when he has made a pudding of all the colours. What sort of a horror is she describing yanking children out of their homes to be imprinted with alien cultures is she mad ?
Ghettoes are created by Liberal apologists who under value cultural capital usually because they are too wealthy to require it. That’s why 17 black boys have been shot so far in London this year despite no significant racism and endless opportunity. The community their parents had has been destroyed
The disappearance of the old 20th century elite presents a new, bifurcated question
Oh elegantly put !
for British social democrats. Its first branch is whether it is possible to assert the collective, democratic will in the unique conditions in which British society finds itself in the 21st century in comparison to the rest of western Europe. The new elite of money capitalists and IT industries has a SUPRA-national identity. It perceives itself as responsible to no nation-state, and treats the British parliament as stewards and vassals
Vassals …yum yum that’s what we want to be vassals …serfs …slaves … Please let this woman write Ken`s speeches or Browns.
An important short term objective for Compass is to concentrate Labour Party thinking about how to use EU institutions more effectively, in concert with social democrats in the other 26 member states. The transition from the horizon of a single state to the perspective of a multi-state organisation will not be easy for professional Labour politicians. Compass has a crucial role to play in helping them to make it.
So basically you want to fob off the voter with some PR confection whereby they can`t chuck you out and then if that fails appeal to the susperstate which you have sold us to so we have no say in it anyway …this is lovely stuff. Where do I join!! Yippee I can be a vassal I want you to “help me over my difficulties” OK if you can’t manage that please take my children away to learn your correct thinking before I infect them with mine…he is only two there is still time if you hurry…
The second branch is the problem of finding a practical, legitimate means by which the collective will in Britain can be determined. …s. Whilst expert researchers have suggested many new ways of arriving at collective decisions, e.g., citizens’ juries and internet polling, none of these has realised the claims made by their inventors. There is simply no substitute for the process of protracted dialogue between the body politic and its leaders.
Aha we are in the post democratic age as predicted by Mandy and then denied when we asked for a referendum on the sale of the country to Europe. I just have this nagging affection to being able to vote the bastards out …just a silly quirk of mine .
It is crucial that British social democrats acknowledge the lesson which their continental sister parties learned the hard way during the violent 20th century: i.e., that the popular will can be manipulated and used by aspiring elites in destructive, negative ways.
I hear you my sister and Brown is the past master at that is he not when hes not buying you he is lying to you. I begin to like some of this
For a political party or movement to be able to achieve a majority for a particular goal or programme is not sufficient ground for claiming that the goal or programme is legitimate or sacrosanct. Adolf Hitler won elections and the NSDAP were popular.
Oh quite the sooner we make contrary views illegal the better..I `d start with yours yours , how do you like me now !… BTW Give that girl the Godwins law prize for today ..come on shake it up baby …and pop that cork…
Hence the importance of a written constitution and collective adherence to it. These provide important guidelines by which the collective will may be legitimately determined.
A written constitution you have just admitted will prescribe views which the ruling elite do not hold and I bet I know which ones those are going to be . This I assume is how you turn the short term into the long term .Chilling if you weren’t laughing
Oh come on you soppy lot its not hard. What a fascinating insight into the Compass mind which I will throw to the baying masses on my site . Woefully expressed in sentences balanced with unnecessary Latinate pretension and fabulously conceited …I rather like it. I expect this was created at the Metropoltitan University of Toynbee previously Toynbee Polly.
A magesterila romp through the windmills of the lefty mind '
'It is important to think about objectives for the short term, the medium term and the long term, because they are necessarily different.
Yes they are shall we say of differing lengths ..hmmmm you intrigue me …one is shorter than theother …yes yes I `m with you
Compass is logically bound to recognise that Labour will lose some elections sometime!
With 8,000,000 paid for by the state , double counting Scottish votes and controlling the state broadcasting corporation why be down hearted ,.With escalating immigration and dependency growth, not to say a new low in political accountability why not reign for a thousand years . The Brown riech will go on and on and on and at the rate those who resist are emigrating you`ll have the place to yourselves soon. Cheer up
Political parties do not exist merely to provide office for politicians.
Iazzat so …? Coo
Until parliament is elected by proportional representation, Labour will be unable to exert a strong and continuous influence on the political agenda.
More people in England voted Conservative than Labour at the last election they certainly will at the next. You seriously want the farce they conduct in Scotland . Elections are about voting against. PR is designed to exclude this possibility. Still it is at least clear what the point of PR is and I thought I already detested it .
provide an effective, constant counter-balance to capitalism. Social democracy
What is social democracy ? Is that socialism or not ? We are all democrats .I live in society and vote Conservative , Am I social democrat ( Do you get discounts at Wickes ?)
However, social democracy is also committed to the maintenance and observance of a collective, democratic right to reject market mechanisms in other parts of an economy. This right is effectively exercised: i) at the workplace and enterprise level by workers’ representatives; ii) at the local and regional level through community representatives; and iii) in state institutions through political representatives.
WE all agree with this so what ? Except for the bit about Unions who should not exert political power where they do not represent their members views still less finance political parties .Beats selling peerages I suppose but look out for the brown climb donwn after his tough posturing
In western Europe, social democracy has provided an effective counter-balance to capitalism since the 1960s. Its success in modifying crucial parts of advanced economies was not merely the result of winning elections, though social democratic parties in government played a necessary party in achieving it. Moreover, despite the strong resurgence of capitalist production in many other parts of the globe, social democracy in western Europe remains in a healthy, if not vigorous condition.
The only reason Brown has got away with his attack on wealth creation is the strong resurgence of capitalist production in many other parts of the globe . Europe lags and flounders and you admire wait for it …the failing system. Natch
It is important for Compass to work with other European social democratic parties promote social democracy nearer Britain, i.e. in east-central Europe, Russia and the Maghreb.,
Suppose we don’t care what Europeans think we should do and already resent the fact thatv70% of our laws are not decided democratically . You are aware of the historical con trick currently perpetrated by B Ruin of the British ? Are your loyalties wider than to your country then …easy to be a traitor under such circumstances as the left have often proved
reflection on the Labour Movement’s past mistakes.
Like increasing state expenditure from 38% to 45% of GDP and delivering the following ideas of varying usefulness with catastrophic ineptitude
WELFARE and HOUSING- thanks for underclass for which there was no need
DEFRA…everything it touches
IRAQ EXIT…..we had the expertise and ignored it
IMMIGRATION- Four times 90s levels
POLICE_ politicised and useless
EDUCATION- Behind our competitors and a disaster as everyone admits across the spectrum
CONSTITUTION- Lies and prevarication
OPENNESS …..don`t get me started
ID cards £5 billion at a Conservative guess for what
And I `d like to be able to smoke in a pub if Media Bimbo Flint doesn’t mind
LIBERTY - Eroded on all sides surveillance beyond the rest of the world
REGULATION- Destroying communities and businesses everywhere and casting the private sector into self employment then counted as a start up ..genius
I `d say a good time for a change was now whose with me ?
In the 19th and 20th centuries, British and German social democracy struggled to limit the power of an elite which consisted of an aristocracy
I would accept some of this the aristocracy was amazingly porous though and adaptable in this country.The gains are banked and now its just a giant Pack-man eating individuals coopted into their demise by false consultation
Unlike the USA, France and Germany, we are a society whose elite lack any serious interest or stake in production. Indigenous productive capacity, for both low and high technology commodities has been virtually hollowed out. This situation has resulted in two profound problems for British society. Firstly, there is no collective understanding of how British society can reproduce itself.
Non sequitor and nonsensical .The attack non coherence has been achieved by disastrous multiculturalism , immigration , progressive self loathing and the malign influence of the Liberal elite especially via the BBC. It is also a necessary part of Marxist derived theories which see people as economic units and defined by economics ,.They are defined by family and community loyalties held together by culture . All of this has been attacked by welfare , and the general year zero barbarism of the left . The left have connived to equate a minor Jamaican rapper with Shakespeare . This incidentally has made movement between classes much harder…one of the many ways the left have stuck it to the aspirational
People are growing up, being socialised and educated without any clear idea of how they can contribute to the maintenance of prosperity and security in their communities.
Because the state has taken their responsibility for themselves away , their responsibility for each other away their history and their country away . What the best poem the state ever wrote ,,,no I don`t know either.
Not surprisingly, there are no shortage of aspirants for filling this identity vacuum, e.g., those who should emphasise English-ness, those who would limit emigration,
I think you mean immigration or net migration. Almost everyone outside you elite enclave especially labour Party voters . We are English perhaps you have noticed and it is you that have undermined that identity. It is not an aspirant it something considerably deeper than that.people have been known to get killed defending it and uit was eactly this loyalty that saved us from the Hun. The EU have to beg the US to help out in their own back yard.
Every child needs to be able to spend regular amounts of time away from their home community, learning about other communities, cultures and languages. This requirement would help to ensure that British society does not become more ghettoised than it already is.
No they should learn about their own community not have another one foisted upon them by the government which will be like the brown plasticine my son leaves when he has made a pudding of all the colours. What sort of a horror is she describing yanking children out of their homes to be imprinted with alien cultures is she mad ?
Ghettoes are created by Liberal apologists who under value cultural capital usually because they are too wealthy to require it. That’s why 17 black boys have been shot so far in London this year despite no significant racism and endless opportunity. The community their parents had has been destroyed
The disappearance of the old 20th century elite presents a new, bifurcated question
Oh elegantly put !
for British social democrats. Its first branch is whether it is possible to assert the collective, democratic will in the unique conditions in which British society finds itself in the 21st century in comparison to the rest of western Europe. The new elite of money capitalists and IT industries has a SUPRA-national identity. It perceives itself as responsible to no nation-state, and treats the British parliament as stewards and vassals
Vassals …yum yum that’s what we want to be vassals …serfs …slaves … Please let this woman write Ken`s speeches or Browns.
An important short term objective for Compass is to concentrate Labour Party thinking about how to use EU institutions more effectively, in concert with social democrats in the other 26 member states. The transition from the horizon of a single state to the perspective of a multi-state organisation will not be easy for professional Labour politicians. Compass has a crucial role to play in helping them to make it.
So basically you want to fob off the voter with some PR confection whereby they can`t chuck you out and then if that fails appeal to the susperstate which you have sold us to so we have no say in it anyway …this is lovely stuff. Where do I join!! Yippee I can be a vassal I want you to “help me over my difficulties” OK if you can’t manage that please take my children away to learn your correct thinking before I infect them with mine…he is only two there is still time if you hurry…
The second branch is the problem of finding a practical, legitimate means by which the collective will in Britain can be determined. …s. Whilst expert researchers have suggested many new ways of arriving at collective decisions, e.g., citizens’ juries and internet polling, none of these has realised the claims made by their inventors. There is simply no substitute for the process of protracted dialogue between the body politic and its leaders.
Aha we are in the post democratic age as predicted by Mandy and then denied when we asked for a referendum on the sale of the country to Europe. I just have this nagging affection to being able to vote the bastards out …just a silly quirk of mine .
It is crucial that British social democrats acknowledge the lesson which their continental sister parties learned the hard way during the violent 20th century: i.e., that the popular will can be manipulated and used by aspiring elites in destructive, negative ways.
I hear you my sister and Brown is the past master at that is he not when hes not buying you he is lying to you. I begin to like some of this
For a political party or movement to be able to achieve a majority for a particular goal or programme is not sufficient ground for claiming that the goal or programme is legitimate or sacrosanct. Adolf Hitler won elections and the NSDAP were popular.
Oh quite the sooner we make contrary views illegal the better..I `d start with yours yours , how do you like me now !… BTW Give that girl the Godwins law prize for today ..come on shake it up baby …and pop that cork…
Hence the importance of a written constitution and collective adherence to it. These provide important guidelines by which the collective will may be legitimately determined.
A written constitution you have just admitted will prescribe views which the ruling elite do not hold and I bet I know which ones those are going to be . This I assume is how you turn the short term into the long term .Chilling if you weren’t laughing
Oh come on you soppy lot its not hard. What a fascinating insight into the Compass mind which I will throw to the baying masses on my site . Woefully expressed in sentences balanced with unnecessary Latinate pretension and fabulously conceited …I rather like it. I expect this was created at the Metropoltitan University of Toynbee previously Toynbee Polly.
A magesterila romp through the windmills of the lefty mind '
Monday, September 03, 2007
Attack Compass
Visit and link to this site- http://compassdirectionforthedemocraticleft.blogspot.com/
Its in a good cause
Its in a good cause
The Hourglass Society
"You don't make the poor rich by making the rich poor." A Lincoln
You may have noticed that talk of income redistribution is showing like a shark`s fin above the sea level for the first time in a long time. We will hear little of it for now but pips will be sqeaking if Brown gets in . His plan for tax on property values to replace Local tax is one horrifying threat for those just about able to keep up with the mortgage. I have been discussing it on Compass …this was in reply to some Guardian Journalist
“The problem is that as Brown has discovered the tax take from high earners increases as you reduce the amount they are taxed because more of them live here and they are at less pains to reorganise internationally . The effect is doubly true of corporate taxation now aid almost exclusively by small to middling companies. That is why even an old socialist like Brown is wary of doing this especially as the revenue to the exchequer becoming quite dependent on this stream. (Additionally because many if them are funding the Labour Party !!!
This why we are becoming what has been called the hourglasss society is which those in the middle get vastly less return for their sacrifices than either end. An ideologically driven desire to misrepresent society as composed of the very rich and the poor ignores the majority who are at shades above the poverty trap and whose lives are rendered worthless by means tested benefits and housing policy . You have to answer where we make up the tax shortfall increasing tax would lead to
Large scale capitalists love the regulation and immigration policies of Brown but SME`s are driven out of existence and all involved detest all redistribution because they know this . The fig leaf of the super rich is always placed upon a naked assault on the middling who are the only source of real income . This would be the view of most suffering our already historically high taxes. It has not gone unnoticed that income redistribution is back on the Labour agenda . It cropped up in the deputy leadership contest and has nosed its way into the pages of the Brownite propaganda rag the new Statesman .Working people like me know exactly who they will come for once they have made the notion respectable again.
You say the markets in the City are rigged ,,..which ones ? The City is not one place or one industry I know something about a part of it and enough to know I know little about the rest of it. Markets are never very perfect but they are vastly preferable to the states waste and inefficiency . You are propagating , albeit slightly recast , another old left Protocols of Zion myth . That of an inter-connected Capitalist conspiracy in which a thing called the City is an entity which it is not its “rigged “ you say ….. This is a fantasy and I do not believe for one second to be frank , you are in any position to make a judgement .
The housing crisis is caused by immigration old age family break-up and social holding being held of the market thereby inflating everyone else’s mortgage. The London effect dos not travel East where there are plenty of affordable properties if you care to browse through Right move …there they sit. Many would prefer a more salubrious area but then the areas they like were not salubrious until wealth made them that way. Its an odd self deluding world we live in on housing and concreting over the SE will not help. There are already lost of places in which noone wants to live . The governments keen understanding of markets to the fore as ever . Incidentally according to the governments own figures 1,000,000 of the supposed 3,000,000 slums due to pave the South will be inhabited by immigrants not yet arrived .
we talk about social incoherence it is not an attempt to cohere the microscopically small super rich group , (like Robinson) with the average .It is to address the social immobility caused by welfare housing and poor education …location location ..location ..as Blair should have said . Education is the key here and one of Labour’s greatest failures .( See Cameron`s excelent initiative this weekend )
Redistribution will eventually target the Private sector middle earning family and that money will be transferred to Public sector Pension funds , Scotland and the £190 billion we currently waste on quangos …lets not even mention the EU £5000 pas per family for what ??!!!!. If you tax the City it will move it already does without any need to physically depart. We would be far better off reducing our taxes to Irish levels thereby increasing the revenue allowing freedom self respect and purpose in our lives which are more vitally effected by the waste of a life spent working that the cash earned by David Beckham
The fact that people whose lives are made to feel worthless as their efforts cannot effect them is a problem we know . Hence the crime wave in the benefits wastelands of London especially crime based around alternative ways of self definition and family grouping …gun crime and gangs . Thankyou Brown and Blair for that and exactly as Frank Field predicted before he was killed off by guess who …….Gordon Brown !
You may have noticed that talk of income redistribution is showing like a shark`s fin above the sea level for the first time in a long time. We will hear little of it for now but pips will be sqeaking if Brown gets in . His plan for tax on property values to replace Local tax is one horrifying threat for those just about able to keep up with the mortgage. I have been discussing it on Compass …this was in reply to some Guardian Journalist
“The problem is that as Brown has discovered the tax take from high earners increases as you reduce the amount they are taxed because more of them live here and they are at less pains to reorganise internationally . The effect is doubly true of corporate taxation now aid almost exclusively by small to middling companies. That is why even an old socialist like Brown is wary of doing this especially as the revenue to the exchequer becoming quite dependent on this stream. (Additionally because many if them are funding the Labour Party !!!
This why we are becoming what has been called the hourglasss society is which those in the middle get vastly less return for their sacrifices than either end. An ideologically driven desire to misrepresent society as composed of the very rich and the poor ignores the majority who are at shades above the poverty trap and whose lives are rendered worthless by means tested benefits and housing policy . You have to answer where we make up the tax shortfall increasing tax would lead to
Large scale capitalists love the regulation and immigration policies of Brown but SME`s are driven out of existence and all involved detest all redistribution because they know this . The fig leaf of the super rich is always placed upon a naked assault on the middling who are the only source of real income . This would be the view of most suffering our already historically high taxes. It has not gone unnoticed that income redistribution is back on the Labour agenda . It cropped up in the deputy leadership contest and has nosed its way into the pages of the Brownite propaganda rag the new Statesman .Working people like me know exactly who they will come for once they have made the notion respectable again.
You say the markets in the City are rigged ,,..which ones ? The City is not one place or one industry I know something about a part of it and enough to know I know little about the rest of it. Markets are never very perfect but they are vastly preferable to the states waste and inefficiency . You are propagating , albeit slightly recast , another old left Protocols of Zion myth . That of an inter-connected Capitalist conspiracy in which a thing called the City is an entity which it is not its “rigged “ you say ….. This is a fantasy and I do not believe for one second to be frank , you are in any position to make a judgement .
The housing crisis is caused by immigration old age family break-up and social holding being held of the market thereby inflating everyone else’s mortgage. The London effect dos not travel East where there are plenty of affordable properties if you care to browse through Right move …there they sit. Many would prefer a more salubrious area but then the areas they like were not salubrious until wealth made them that way. Its an odd self deluding world we live in on housing and concreting over the SE will not help. There are already lost of places in which noone wants to live . The governments keen understanding of markets to the fore as ever . Incidentally according to the governments own figures 1,000,000 of the supposed 3,000,000 slums due to pave the South will be inhabited by immigrants not yet arrived .
we talk about social incoherence it is not an attempt to cohere the microscopically small super rich group , (like Robinson) with the average .It is to address the social immobility caused by welfare housing and poor education …location location ..location ..as Blair should have said . Education is the key here and one of Labour’s greatest failures .( See Cameron`s excelent initiative this weekend )
Redistribution will eventually target the Private sector middle earning family and that money will be transferred to Public sector Pension funds , Scotland and the £190 billion we currently waste on quangos …lets not even mention the EU £5000 pas per family for what ??!!!!. If you tax the City it will move it already does without any need to physically depart. We would be far better off reducing our taxes to Irish levels thereby increasing the revenue allowing freedom self respect and purpose in our lives which are more vitally effected by the waste of a life spent working that the cash earned by David Beckham
The fact that people whose lives are made to feel worthless as their efforts cannot effect them is a problem we know . Hence the crime wave in the benefits wastelands of London especially crime based around alternative ways of self definition and family grouping …gun crime and gangs . Thankyou Brown and Blair for that and exactly as Frank Field predicted before he was killed off by guess who …….Gordon Brown !
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Fight The Compass Lies About Boris
A war has broken out of some intrest on the Compass site (http://www.compassonline.org.uk/) which is in my list. It is interesting because it one of the few times I have seen genuinely differing points of view opposed. This was an especially good comment from Paul D . Please visit the fron and let them know how much you , like me , despise their lies and low name calling ...( The bastards). I was going to post but got carried away with the fun of it all . This was a mighty blow from Paul D who I know from the Boris Blog of old ...
In your assassination job on Boris, could you please explain why the following were not included in the "setting out of his record"?
On the low-paid http://www.boris-johnson.com/archives/2005/04/whos_fighting_for_the_hardwork_1.php
"...the best thing I can do is to publicise this outrage, that in a country of ever rising taxes it is the poorest who seem to be clobbered the hardest..."
On Tories
"Why is the Tory party - the TORY party - proposing an infringement of liberty, when of the 19,000 accidents involving cyclists per year, not a single one involved the use of mobile phones? It may be that it will gratify the resentment and jealousy that burns in the breasts of British motorists, to see the pedallists punished. But that is no way to make law."
On degrees
"We can laugh at degrees in Aromatherapy and Equine Science, but they are just as vocational as degrees in Law or Medicine, except that they are tailored to the enormous expansion of the service economy."
On grammar schools
"It is no use the Tory party now calling for a wholesale restitution of grammar schools, as some kind of symbol of ideological virility, when many parents would simply interpret that as a savage willingness to let their children be judged and found wanting at the age of 11."
On the tabloid press
"The paradox, the mystery, is that this paper - let us call it the Beast - is just about the most savage and hysterical and reactionary paper in Britain.... Every week these tabloid papers pry, bribe, lie and bug in order to reveal that human beings are sometimes engaged in carnal activity.... They then publish these titillating details, which are devoured across the land with a mixture of gratitude and self-disgust, and which are indispensable to maintaining circulation."
On jobs
"It would be wrong to go into the next election promising a huge purge of public-sector jobs."
On Iraq (let me remind you of the Compass report's take: "Boris Johnson’s support for the war in Iraq was extreme – indeed to a point that even many supporters of the war might find distasteful ...")
"It is now commonplace for people like me, who supported the war, to say that we "did the right thing" but that it had mysteriously "turned out wrong". This is intellectually vacuous.
...we must be honest and accept that the price has been far too high, and that General Dannatt is right to say that our presence is making things worse.
...There is one last excuse for those of us who were so trusting as to support the war in Iraq -- and that excuse is disintegrating before our eyes.
...look at the war in Iraq, which I supported, but which has proved a grim lesson in the hazards of imposing one's own world-view on others. because it was in the interests of the people of Iraq.
... We didn't do it for ourselves - oh no, we weren't being selfish - we did it FOR THEM. And that was the argument I swallowed myself, when I spoke for the war in March 2003; and I must now admit, in all intellectual candour, that it looks pretty thin.
So this is the incurably hardline Tory right-wing monster you so despise.
How many of you have got this far, or is it fingers in ears, la-la, turn the page quickly?
I must, however, commend the authors of the Johnson assassination for one thing. At least they did not label him a child killer, as some of the left have done, for his rational objection to an EU proposal forcing parents to buy car booster seats for their children. Ten to one they were tempted, though.
In your assassination job on Boris, could you please explain why the following were not included in the "setting out of his record"?
On the low-paid http://www.boris-johnson.com/archives/2005/04/whos_fighting_for_the_hardwork_1.php
"...the best thing I can do is to publicise this outrage, that in a country of ever rising taxes it is the poorest who seem to be clobbered the hardest..."
On Tories
"Why is the Tory party - the TORY party - proposing an infringement of liberty, when of the 19,000 accidents involving cyclists per year, not a single one involved the use of mobile phones? It may be that it will gratify the resentment and jealousy that burns in the breasts of British motorists, to see the pedallists punished. But that is no way to make law."
On degrees
"We can laugh at degrees in Aromatherapy and Equine Science, but they are just as vocational as degrees in Law or Medicine, except that they are tailored to the enormous expansion of the service economy."
On grammar schools
"It is no use the Tory party now calling for a wholesale restitution of grammar schools, as some kind of symbol of ideological virility, when many parents would simply interpret that as a savage willingness to let their children be judged and found wanting at the age of 11."
On the tabloid press
"The paradox, the mystery, is that this paper - let us call it the Beast - is just about the most savage and hysterical and reactionary paper in Britain.... Every week these tabloid papers pry, bribe, lie and bug in order to reveal that human beings are sometimes engaged in carnal activity.... They then publish these titillating details, which are devoured across the land with a mixture of gratitude and self-disgust, and which are indispensable to maintaining circulation."
On jobs
"It would be wrong to go into the next election promising a huge purge of public-sector jobs."
On Iraq (let me remind you of the Compass report's take: "Boris Johnson’s support for the war in Iraq was extreme – indeed to a point that even many supporters of the war might find distasteful ...")
"It is now commonplace for people like me, who supported the war, to say that we "did the right thing" but that it had mysteriously "turned out wrong". This is intellectually vacuous.
...we must be honest and accept that the price has been far too high, and that General Dannatt is right to say that our presence is making things worse.
...There is one last excuse for those of us who were so trusting as to support the war in Iraq -- and that excuse is disintegrating before our eyes.
...look at the war in Iraq, which I supported, but which has proved a grim lesson in the hazards of imposing one's own world-view on others. because it was in the interests of the people of Iraq.
... We didn't do it for ourselves - oh no, we weren't being selfish - we did it FOR THEM. And that was the argument I swallowed myself, when I spoke for the war in March 2003; and I must now admit, in all intellectual candour, that it looks pretty thin.
So this is the incurably hardline Tory right-wing monster you so despise.
How many of you have got this far, or is it fingers in ears, la-la, turn the page quickly?
I must, however, commend the authors of the Johnson assassination for one thing. At least they did not label him a child killer, as some of the left have done, for his rational objection to an EU proposal forcing parents to buy car booster seats for their children. Ten to one they were tempted, though.
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