Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Public Purse

One of the things that annoys me about lefties is that they never take responsibility. Councillor Bob Piper claims that the Coalition wants lower taxes...ho hum . The question hardly arises does it . In commenting I found myself expressing a general frustration at the auto congratulatory left .Who do they think is going to suffer most now they have screwed the country . Who always does ...

Lower taxation I wish .We are taxed about as much as we possibly can be and it will stay at the New Labour quick roast setting . The only place to go for additional big money is regressive VAT. Its coming don’t worry
Perhaps Bob , now we are falling off the debt cliff, pursued by a sovereign debt crisis bush fire , you would like to apologise.You apology might be directed at all the people on low incomes who will be hit hardest both by cuts and tax .
You appreciate , I hope , that actual 'working' families all over the country will lose their homes ...and meanwhile what do we see in Sandwell ? The PUBLIC, a £72 million project last seen £49m over budget .I am not sure if it is even open but when it was all powy nowy zowy the slush fund hosed non jobs like ,Head of Arts Programmes£49,039, Business Manager £41,616 a year Marketing and Communications Manager for £36,313 .
According to the advert the learning and community manager would be “responsible for developing an innovative approach to community learning”What a sad joke .
Hang your head in shame Councilor Piper , hang you head in shame....... and then have it lit in a quirky modern way that enhances the community learning experience ,( at our expense)

As it falls into dereliction it will be a fitting monument to New Labour.

I wonder if he will reply ?

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