Monday, December 17, 2007

Norman Baker Cheats On Campaign Funding

The Miss Marple of Lewes Norman Baker wrestles with his ravenous ego

The Standards Committee On Norman Baker ,
“In December 2007 his parliamentary sleazebusting reputation was destroyed when the Standards & Privileges Committee found him guilty of misuing tax-payers money. The Standards & Privileges Committee report concluded: "We agree with the Commissioner that this element of Mr Donovan's complaint should be upheld, and we reiterate that the inclusion of material of a party political nature is not permissible in publications funded from parliamentary allowances."

When I retire I think I will take up a hobby .Perhaps I will also pretend to be a superannuated TinTin and seek out skulduggery wherever I go. Gosh it will be exciting although expensive .How would I be able to conduct this delightfully perfumed project of self adoration . I mean you would need a lot of money and I have no idea where to get it . Also you would need plenty of spare time and I find it hard to conceive of having no other responsibilities at all. What could the answer to this be ?
Perhaps I should ask Norman Baker our far left Liberal MP now dutifully trimming over the Clegg side of the bearded ones with an eye to his continued fun at our expense. In an article entitled “Is Norman Baker the most hated man in Westminster?” Nigel Morris, at the Independent noticed that he has been busy bodying about the place on our time and money non stop . Well Norms , about that £1,000,000 you have spent on self advertisement ; does anyone think any of it will make a jot of difference.?
Norman Baker I should explain ,is a high tax big state dinosaur of the Beveridge group . The trendy arts graduate of the 70s preserved in aspic does not see the contradiction .Of course you are going to get waste under the very conditions he wishes to perpetuate. He also wants the country floated out to Brussels and left there at a a cost of about £5000 per household . Well that will solve the corruption problem eh? . I cannot say I did not enjoy see him catch his own potential Party leader wasting cash though…
,”There might also be a certain froideur in the air when Mr Baker next bumps into Chris Huhne, his successor as the Liberal Democrat environment spokesman.” said Nigel Morris “ Mr Huhne spent £3,284 on car mileage - but only £176 on train tickets, even though his Hampshire constituency is easily reached by rail.”

Naughty naughty . Thus our hero becomes cordially loathed and an irrelevant part of an irrelevant Party incapable of delivering any support to his Constituency and having the effect of helping Brown the most illiberal PM we can remember. Its not as if he gives much time to Constituency matters anyway.His stupid book about Iraqi death squads swooping down for poor David Kelly was the self serving focus of his attention for a year . For a £50,000 fee and the serialisation rights in the Mail no doubt it served him well.( Mysteriously the proof of his fantasies was lost …….fancy)

Clearly we are dealing with an ego rampaging out of control . It may well live in a back room shouting ‘Feed me Norman feed me’, sending him off some other futile and costly act of self aggrandisement . To the entire pantomime the moral perfection of Norman Baker is essential .It is the spoon that drips the nectar of public notice into the ravening gullet with what delicious schadenfreude do I notice him in emereded in corruption controversy himself .
This from the Argus

“An MP known for campaigning for transparency in other politician's spending habits has been rapped across the knuckles for his own.
Norman Baker, Liberal Democrat MP for Lewes, was criticised for sending out an expenses-funded constituency newsletter which featured an advert about work done by a fellow member of the same political party.
The eight-page document is funded by Incidental Expense Provisions IEPs which, according to Parliamentary regulations, should not be”

And get his pathetic excuse which really draws together all the fine qualities this self satisfied showman brings to Lewes

He said: "It is very important that the highest standard of probity is maintained”
Pontificating … “so of course I accept the judgement.“ Irrelevant . You have no say( as usual)“The inclusion of advertising generally was an attempt to reduce the cost on the British taxpayer.”As Cherie would say “ That’s a Lie “If I had charged taxpayers more the trouble wouldn't have arisen. This is a marginal case, which is clearly reflected in what they have concluded."Next year I will avoid advertising and charge the taxpayer, which is the implication of what they want me to do."Sulky sanctimonious and disingenuous and this was after an endless Standards Board investigation itself a fabulous waste if money achieving little .

We need an MP with some leverage in the real world not a licensed clown and not as cheap one. With the Conservative Party as socially Liberal and as green and as localist as the Liberals nowadays I am wondering what the point of Norman Baker is at all.


Anonymous said...

Given Chris Huhne's own reputation for mishandling his funds (see links below) I would have thought the two would get on just fine!

Newmania said...

Thanks Anon

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