Thursday, August 02, 2007

Rev Batters-baby

CHURCH leaders have spoken of their shock and hurt after a former Blackburn vicar admitted downloading child porn ( Today’s Lanashire Telegraph)The Rev Paul Battersby, who was priest in charge at St Mark's Church in Witton for four years and was previously a rector at St Peter's Church, Darwen, is awaiting sentence after admitting three counts of downloading indecent images of children.....Battersby was previously the national youth officer for the Church of England .

The Church is in a perennial doo daa about sex isn’t it . Elsewhere with the approbation of Bel ( is thinking) , they are happy for people who run fetishistic sites to turn up I begin to worry that these liberated attitudes might be uncomfortably connected to further abusive relationships of the Rev Batters-baby sort . Is it time for less sexual liberty . It seems unlikely that the church will give us a lead.

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