Mac B-Ruin is continuing the gossamer thin pretence that he cares a hoots-mon about the English Football team . You may recall he claimed, risibly, that he supported England’s the World Cup bid ‘as did most Scots’ ..yes yes I recall their cheerful shouts of encouragement over the years .... Well its Birthday and Christmas time for the resistance tomorrow. Mac Bruin will be having “Talks “with Angela Merkel the Kraut mastermind behind the secret Treaty designed to sell England to the Continent . They will subsequently be rushed to an England Germany friendly where Mac Broon will cheer one or the other side ..according to taste . I do hope some of those naughty England fans notice him sitting their like a nasty alien potentate and shout abuse .
(Thats the Brits for Scottish Independence Facebook ...it says we all know the Scots want independence so lets join them in this noble cause)
Of course he'll be supporting England as he hasn't yet found a way to bleed the German people dry of every penny (or whatever the european mickey mouse money equivalent is) he can to give to his mates in Scotland
Like the cut of your jib TB
And there would be no prospect whatsoever of getting 40% share of the German team's win bonuses...
.....pity that doesn`t go well into a football song .
I hope he is sitting somewhere near me, preferably directly below :-)
What's the matter with your site, I can't post a response to your death penalty topic.
Auntie Flo'
Sorry Flo I have no idea it looks ok....
Stupid buggers can't even spell their campaign's name.
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