TRAGIC news, — the stockings market has gone bottoms up. Sales of the sexy leg wear have dropped from five million pairs in 2002 to just three million last year. Yet passion-stifling footless tights and knee-highs are leaping off the shelves. This important Global development has been extensively covered in the Sun and the Telegraph and I cannot for the life of me work out why ? What about a Poll ,Tights V Stockings ? I have included some handy aide memoires for anyone thinking of saying tights
I have been doing my best I need to buy at least six pairs a week in black for my act and another six pairs in black to send my dear friend Barbara Amiel, who has mysteriously run out of money...
Tragic news, indeed.
My heart bleeds for Barbara Amiel...
I need a couople for robbing security vans when I am taxed out of business
You need to get laid Newmania...if you follow the stocks instead of fucking some girl wearing them!
Say it how it is Jenny ...isn1`t that a permanent state anway ?
Newmania, you know I just like to bust your balls a bit!
You do have an exciting way of speaking Jenny a[]you aren`t a gangsters Moll are you or anything ?
Well, man, what are you doing to help the stockings market? Just please stay away from the fishnets unless you wax properly.
Don't worry about Barbara Amiel: she saves all that money by not buying underwear, so she's got plenty left over for stockings.
It's because it's so bloody cold!!
Good point R . . I daresay you could write a treatise about erotically charged garments …. But do you “walk the walk “?. I expect so .
Phillipa …I have seen your legs and they were just made for stockings .. How could you !!
I've gone off stockings to be honest. I don't know why, it just seems so hackneyed now
I just prefer a nicely waxed and lightly tanned pair of pins. In fact I'm really into bare legs, no knickers and white ankle socks as you well know. You can leave the trainers on too. Or maybe just a nice pair of heels - Mmmmm. But I'm still a leg man as ever :-)
E-K - the intellectual's blogger.
What is a gangsters moll?
I agree EK actually they ahve lost their forbidden allure .. I `m getting into farmyard animals on that basis
Jenny Gangsters Moll is a the girlfriend of a Gangster. Such a perosn might be expected to 2 Bust Ya Balls" in a Mafia film
Are you Italian American?
Those poor girls! The agonies they go through whilst waiting for breast reduction surgery! The girl in the red bra is contorted in pain..
I think breast should be allowed to go free - Liberation for women ! is what I say, Lilith.
It is hard to embarass my girl E-K but not wearing a bra will do it a treat!
Post the pictures won`t you Lillith .... Can`t wait for the next picures !
No, I am not even a bit Italian! Pure breed WASP! But I could still bust some balls if needed!
No Italisn in you eh . Would you like some ?
I do love me some Italian! Do you have anything to offer???
`fraid not .Just pasty old English pudding I`m afraid .
Fills you up though
Empty calories taste the best!
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