I have been so enraged by the traitorous splitters over the weekend that I have written myself out on the subject on Dale . I am pleased to see is that when the going gets a little tougher there is lot more sensible support than you might of expected from the blogasphere. And I am not going to rehearse the arguments again . Iain Dale`s open thread contains some good points both ways but overall those arguing for steady nerves win the day . This should be private conversation .Whoever these cowardly letter writers are they deserve a pearl handled pistol and an instruction to take a quiet walk by the Elms. …
At the heart of David Cameron’s position is the fact that many people are not dissatisfied with the country . The grievances they had against Blair were never deeply felt they were style and posturing . As Conservatives we should have seen this . That is why given the excuse of a new name they are delighted to express their Conservatism by staying as they are . It is the wealth of the global economy that is creating this oddly weightless politics. Despite Labours loading of the public sector we are getting richer and the fact that we are the worse performing economy in the Anglo sphere does not make it less so.
Its hard to get over what I mean so allow me a Sunday jaunt . Do you see the shiny new children’s play area up there and the shiny face of newmania junior . We took him along today as we often do and as I looked at the faces like ‘petals on a sodden black bough’ I thought “ I know want they are thinking. “
They are thinking ,“Things are visibly better than they were . The drug dealers are gone , the disgusting old toilet is now a children’s centre , the greasy spoon is now a trendy looking cafĂ© and the safety of our children has been attended to in minute detail . This Council are doing something good .”
Now I happen to know that this improvement was wrought at a quite staggering cost with endless delays and eye watering exploitation by galatically over paid Consultants. They have wasted the riches of Croesus on a cheap face lift. It literally would not be possible to handle the contract so badly if you sat down and wrote an detailed plan with that in mind . The drug dealers have not gone and there was a “Respect” shooting in this Park only weeks ago.
Never mind . It looks better than before and as there is a lot more money about the fact that it is better than before has no obvious down side . When you think about it this pattern is repeated fractally throughout the Blair/ Brown morass . Defra , Tax Credits , The NHS , Education , Iraq exit strategy, prison building , immigration control,. Even if you approved of the thinking the delivery has been unbelievably cack handed with the NHS computer contracts the Palm holder fro all time contempt for the tax payer . Welfare has also been a catastrophic mess as many in the Labour party admit.
Still we are richer than we were and so the additional tax has not hurt much and there is no doubt that Education and the NHS are better funded without the usual economic collapse provoked by Labour . Immigration and its attendant tensions are reaching an explosive level and there is no return now . Again this sits uncomfortably on wealth increasing .So here we sit like the children playing in their Municipal Playground . It look s nice so we don’t question the cost. Its better than it was .
Cameron has a tough job ,he has to dislodge bovinity without being threatening . With world record personal debt £4000 each , concern about sterling and housing inflation out of control we may not have to worry to much about contentment soon .In the meantime our leader deserves support and loyalty. We change or we give up on the country.” Time to Emigrate “ says George Walden . Time to get serious says Newmania
Mr Mania, you have drawn your sword in a good cause
Yes, brilliantly put.
I don't want to emigrate but it the Tories can't turn things round then Brown will win the next election and I'll have to.
Is that really your son??? He is so handsome! Must take after his mom!
Nick I think I take your meaning . Yes he is a jolly little chap
Ed - If I were your agree I would be seriously thinking about it. I`d rather you stayed here and became an MP though
Jenny yes he does take after his mother
I concur. But the grassroots are dangerously restless. Now is the time for the party to maintain its cool for the reasons that you outline. Internicine warfare will get us precisely .....32% (if that) of the vote. Anyone read my erotic musings over at "Nourishing Smuttiness"? Stirring stuff.
I will have look is a second IT. Actually the Ealing thing seems to have scattered a cold shower of sense even onto the UKIPist Telegraph.
Ditching Cameron is absolutely not an option and I notice Janet Daley admitting that he was taking the only road there is.
When i want cumudgeonly loathign for everything I can read George Walden for fun . The Conservative Party i want to win and at the very least maintain the place of the right at the top table.
Anyhthing else is unthinkable
It's all very well fantasising about a hardline right-wing government but the fact is the the country doesn't want that. The country seems to want the fine words and comfortable malaise that we are in at the moment and lashings of public spending. Cameron needs to show that he is not a danger to the public services but has the ideas and energy to make them work a bit better. That is how the Tories must fight the next election, not get bogged down in whether DC is sufficiently anti-EU or not.
The alternative to a Cameron government (another Brown one) is just too awful to think about. The restless "trad" crowd need to be reminded of it.
I think that a really reforming government would only be an option iof the economy ran into difficulties .
yeah, all you need is Blair mark 2-no substance, just style,a lick of paint if you will.
This is right up there with your "the economy has performed well for 10 years in spite of the governing party" gem, that brought the house down over at Dales blog :-)
"the economy has performed well for 10 years in spite of the governing party"
It has .Brown and the Labour Party do not create wealth they only put obstacles in its way. That is why we are lowest growing economy in the anglosphere. I don't see what is so hard to understand about this ? The wealth in England has been created almost entirely in the South east where thay are almost without any support at all.
Hint hint
N your posts on Dale are obviously attracting the less intelligent socialists to the site!
Keep up the good work.
Sadly Ed I badly need to do soewmreal work :)
Are the grassroots restless ? I can't judge - but the ones who are restless are the self same Europe obsessed political fanatics who have hated DC since the start. If it was possible t win an election on the issues that internet political commentators obsess about then the tories would have been in power non-stop since 1979. You are a true voice of reason Mr N.
And incidentally you are quite right. I have been impressed that a lot of the actual party members are chiefly concrned that we stick togther and do a better job . Even if you din1t liek Caeron , and Ido , there is nothing to be gained by giving Brown disunity now .
IT ...saw yours , shocking !
He is really really cute! Sorry, I know you had a point with this post, but put a cute kid in front of a woman and they loose their brains!
Jenny, Ihave to agree
Excellent post Paul - I've never been a Cameroon but excellent persuasive post nonetheless.
(and gorgeous boy :-)
Tanky koindly Miss.
It's kind of pathetic...but I blame hormones!
Having bought myself a 'Boris' sweatshirt from chargrilled shirts:
They now tell me that they'll soon have 'Boris For Mayor' shirts for sale.
Boris should be selling these
Auntie Flo'
P.S. Your son is a little angel :)
Auntie Flo'
Lovely to see you chez moi Flo.... I `ve liked you ever since you confessed to being an ace dancer....ho ho.
I am hoping to help with the Boris campaign...we`ll see
The Conservatives have not unambiguously promised a penny off my total tax bill; therefore how do you know if 'the country' doesn't want a tax cut (e.g. the abolition of inheritance tax or stamp duty or a doubling of the personal allowance) if none of the main three parties are offering that option?
The problem with offering tax cuts is that they are presented as a false choice between better public services and lower taxes.
To win the next election the Tories need to have a proper strategy for government not just red meat for the Right.
AL- David Cameron has promised to share the proceeds of growth and simplify the taxation system. Gordon Brown is in hoc to the Unions and the rank and file Party members.They are talking about redistribution as a positive goal openly for the fist time since Thatcher
Who do you think is going to tax more ? You have to pick the least worse and belive me I would like to see considerably more by way of tax cuts than is on the current menu. Its how you navigate your ay there .Not by allowing the Labour Party to win ..a Labour Party that promised o tax risesby the way !
Ed The problems with tax cuts is that you cannot win if you offer to cut the jobs of voters you need , Cameron can`t really go any further.
promised no tax rises by the way !.. I mean
Yes and Brown who claimed for years that taxes hadn't risen even though we could see that they had now is proud of it because it shows the Labour Left where his true sentiments lie.
You are right, turkeys don't vote for Christmas. The socialised electorate is upon us as Labour have dreamed of for many years.
Several comments.
Why should people think that the Tories want tax cuts? They never say it openly. If people who don't pay attention at the best of times don't hear it, why should they understand the rather convoluted "sharing the proceeds of growth" formula. After all, Brown has been sharing the proceeds of growth for the last 10 years - 45% for him - 55% for us.
When did the Tories last noticeably cut taxes? People understand by seeing, not just hearing. There is a new political generation now of millions who probably don't recall the last time the Tories visibly cut any taxes.
And when does the Tory leadership make the moral and practical case for lower taxes? Once every 6 months in a TV interview watched by obsessives is not good enough.
If they don't have the courage of their convictions on this issue to say openly and boldly, why should I vote for wimps?
You shouldn't think that people pay enough attention or understand things like you and are happy with a nod and a wink.
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