Hunt V Flint
Back To The 70s
. I have never understood why such exaggerated respect is accorded to dead beats like Eric Hobsbawm who went on Parroting the same old Cruddas long after those with teeth and reliable continence could only giggle. Nonetheless ,if you will accompany back to the 70s,a la Life on Mars, he had a bout of prescience in 1978. Congratulating himself on the shiny crop of left wing intellectuals that was pouring out of Universities into the establishment, where they are still poisoning the country today, he noted a cloud due to spoil his aquamarine prospect…
“ On the other hand and dangerously ,” he said ..“ we have a simultaneous relative decline in the manual workers participation in the Labour Movement . The very fact that intellectuals are a rather numerous body creates the danger of divergence . There is a barely concealed contempt for the workers who do not happen to agree with revolutionary intellectuals. There is a danger that establishing ghetto in which intellectuals , while claiming to operate within the working class movement , really address each other often in terms that are incomprehensible to anyone outside “
Of course the touching faith in the importance of intellectuals, and the use of such risible terms as “ “Revolutionary “ may have us hiding our mirth politely today, but there is an unmistakeable echo of the sort of points made by Nick Cohen in his superb book .What’s Left. He comments that by the 21st century male members of the white working class ( The Likes of us ) were ..“sexist racist homophobes cultural conservatives and suspected of harbouring unsavoury Patriotic feelings “ to the Left. Intellectuals soi disant are now just the career professionals but the divide was always about money and class really . This schism been at the heart of the Labour Party right back to the eugenic fantasies of early Fabians and the vicious snobbery of Virginia Woolf. We can guess what they would all make of DCI Hunt , the Working man in all his unadorned glory.
The Last Days of The Working Class Hero
Jumping forward a few years lets visit the Yorkshire mining constituency of Don Valley just after the 1997 disaster .Caroline Flint ,clone Blair Babe sans pareill and witless human accessory , is returned .In so many ways she is emblematic of the new politics . Until that time this Constituency had been represented by a long line of manual workers who were also Yorkshire-men from a Trade Union background . Her predecessor was a Lorry Driver sponsored by the national Union of Mine workers . Miss Flint on the other hand was educated at East Anglia “ Uni”, and followed this auspicious beginning with a glitteringly pointless career in Equal opportunities ,working for the Local Authorities. She would never rebel against the Labour whip and is so ,‘switched on’, that she reportedly proposed to her partner by fax. She partly reflects the existence of only one working pit in the area and the new one member one vote system which was also crucial to New Labour`s 90s “Makeover “. She regards politics as an extension of the caring services ,but her role is a pretty face to make New Labour look “inclusive“. Typically the Blair inclusiveness , like the A list ,looks at every barrier except class ,and by doing so renders the effort counter productive tokenism .
Nostalgia ?
I have hated the trade unions ever since they turned the lights out in the 70s but contemplating sycophantic “Professionals “ like La Flint , I have an almost misty eyed nostalgia for the blue collar warriors . At least they cared about someone and with real working-class people in the House the Conservatives were obliged to engage with life . Now we have one lot of tiresome nits playing media ping pong often indistinguishably ,each from the other. Politics has become playground for the shallow and the end of “explicit” Union power is part of this development.
So what
I have begun some stories that I have not finished here . For example why it is that the left have won the secret battle for Labour and the mirror image problems of the Conservatives upon which George Walden in New Elites has tuned his flame thrower on to such effect in New Elites .In this post I have a limited aim of showing some of the deep the deep resentment between the working classes and the supposed natural party . Dare we hope that the Conservatives will not just gloat while new Lab lose out to the BNP in spots . Dare we wish that Cameron will try to address the people who have been betrayed more than anyone by New Labour deceit ?
The Time is Now
I wonder if the great affection DCI Hunt in particular has sparked , has anything to do with a sense I detect in the ether that some of his values have been betrayed ,.For all his faults he is loyal to his people . How many of the “Professionals “ in politics now in either Party can you say that about.
David Cameron ? Leave it out !!
Who best represents the traditional values of the working class - Gene Hunt or Peter Mandelson? Nu Labour have always hated the working class exactly because it was bloody-minded, self-willed, and has close bonds, ties, alliances and allegiances that are anathema to Big State Labour.
The archetype of the extended working class family - seemingly riven by petty feuds until some threat appears, when they lock together as tightly as an infantry square on the field of Waterloo, antipathetic to social workers, do gooders, the police and 'pointy heads' of any variety - almost seems to have been lost. It used to appear, portrayed with pride and affection, in Ealing films and early TV, as much an integral part of our national culture as toffs and vicars. And that's the attraction of Gene Hunt - he's all of that.
The puzzle is why a soap such as Eastenders has never actually managed to capture it or foster any affection for it. It manages to portary the working class of the 21st century as selfish, obsessive, crim, benefit scrounging, insular individuals - a very nuLab vision - deeply in need of health workers, smoking cessation outreach teams and a clutch of ASBOs.
As our opinions are shaped so much by media presentation these days, I don't think this is a minor issue. When millions of Brits who watched Life on Mars look with affectionate nostalgia at Hunt's values, doesn't that say something important?
I love your contrast between the Ealing films and East Enders R which now you mention it is obvious. Media imagery is important . The bias of the BBC is not so much in the news output as in the Dramas
'Pointy Heads' made me laugh as well although I couldn`t say why exactly.
( I `m afraid I only have the time for an occassional bash but thanks for looking in )
PS is Peter Mandelson a special favourite of yours by any chance?
Loyatly and leadership are tow things missing for the current government which this DCI Hunt had in bucket loads.
Nice to have you back.
Only from time to time CU busy busy
Indeed, nice to have you back.
If you want to know what the left-wing think of DCI Gene Hunt then look no further than the forthcoming BAFTA awards where he won't get a look in - his foil the politically correct DCI Sam Tyler gets a nomination.
The vanguard of the political elite was the satirical movement in the form of such productions That Was The Week That Was and later Spitting Image, Ben Elton et al - I'm hoping that TV has unwittingly produced Gene Hunt as the antethisis of this leftist tripe; he was meant to be an object of ridicule and watch them deconstruct him in a contemporary sequel. It is almost gratifying to hear the Teacher's Union up in arms about his influence on school children (did we ever hear their complaints about the influence of misogynistic and racialist Gansta Rap ?)perhaps the kids are as sick of this PC tripe as much as we are.
There are a number of reasons for the elitist hatred of working class values: their ignorance of world view (you have to be rich to be able to afford to have one), their liking for basic food, conservative (small c) approach to adventure but above all their paternalism which did not fit with the all important feminist post 60s doctrine.
So much for womens' lib now we all have to work to afford a roof over our heads, and for their right to have free love which has left so many of them as housebound single parents with kids on Ritalin. But worst of all is the feminisation of our criminal justice system from top to bottom, especially the police for which I hope the fictional DCI Gene Hunt becomes a true nemesis.
Oh - and don't tell me you don't love him ladies.
As a "left of centre" "feminist" I say bring back the death penalty, and fuck violent prisoners human rights.
Regarding EastEnders:
Why are professionals/middle class/religious always portrayed as twisted and deviant - with the exception of Dr Legg, whatever happened to him ?.
rats my guests have just arrived later ...
Yes Kev I see what you mean how would you feel about a charactyer like Alf Garnett though ?
I get fed uo when I am watching Have I got News for You. It inludes a cartoon " Amusingly 2 suggesting that the US went there for the Oil. Nuts and insultingly so but the BBC is always on the sdie of the Liberal.
They thought it was an illegal war ? Why not campaign for the restoration of Hussein then ? Free The Genocidal One?
There is no one nice or normal in Eastenders -they all end up as serious criminals or loonies, and then they go to live in Spain, Florida or Scotland. Oh,the Police are always villainous as well..
Can't say I liked Gene Hunt either - did he have to shout all the time? And why did the coppers in the 70s live in really grotty bedsits?
You don`t like shouting then Mutley , I `m a bit of a fan myself and often shout quite loudly for sheer pleasure !!
Have replied fully to your comment at my place.
Appreciate more info.
Thanks for your advice
Mutley - single coppers generally lived in Section Houses in the 70s. I know this because I once woke up next to a strapping lass and noticed the sergeant's tunic on the wardrobe for the first time ... and when I tried to sneak out, the place was full of half-naked women coppers. I was lucky to get out alive.
when I tried to sneak out, the place was full of half-naked women coppers. I was lucky to get out alive.
But what a way to go !!!!
Cheers Calum
Hi Calum
Advice much appreciated . Will action.
Fascism, by any stretch of the imagination. Stalin was good at that as well, he did away with people who spoke out against him. I am so sad that Mr Newman chooses to follow this path, especially as he chose to come over to my blog and attempt to give ME a lecture on morals and whom I should aquaint myself with.
This is freedom of speech Tory style?
I imagine by your jejune consternation you are a student R ? Sorry but I can do what the fuck I like its just that there is nothong but endless tedium in the current subject. You know the facts I assume, make your own mind up.
Stalin`s best trick by the way was to have the civil servant who stopped clapping first shot .Broon may soon be reduced the the same thing.
Ron has no blog Mr N - he does not allow access to his profile.I wonder if it is because he is a well known scumbag professional terrorist?
He does somewhere Mut . I `m afraid I have gone and got myself into trouble with my big mouth again.
A long period of being nice to everyone will now commence.
( And I can`t go back to Bel`s Blog which is annoying because I love her stuff)
I enjoyed a roll in the hay with a lady copper in uniform once.
Phwoar !
I've had a thing about it since. Yes - she took down my particulars (groan).
My God ! Do you remember my first submission to this site ? All politically serious and earnest ?
How it's degenerated into a smutfest !
Now the glorious Ms Smack has liberated me from bondage you may see more of me elsewhere.
Does on want to be liberated from bondage by Miss Smack EK ? Glad to see you actually I `ve had a bit of bruising day . I am sticking to safe places as of now
...Congratulating himself on the shiny crop of left wing intellectuals that was pouring out of Universities into the establishment, where they are still poisoning the country today...
If I didn't happen to believe in the truth, I'd take you to task, Newmania, for this unflattering portrait of our PC and Marxist academics.
By the way, are you aware that Croydonian has been going around posting commetns in your name? And I really believed it was you who'd come to my blog.
Croydonian? I wonder what he is up to. James I`m sorry i dion`t keep up with you . I run out of time I `m afraid
Sign in problems, promptly retracted. No fraud intended.
Forgot about that C I suppose you could make my life a misery if you wanted to .
( A fairly unambitious project)
Newmania said: "I can`t go back to Bel`s Blog which is annoying because I love her stuff"
I know you said you had to leave Bel's but you can go back if you want. The decision is yours. You may have to do something or accept something but you can definitely return. Don't cut off your nose .......
Please think about it.
Allo Callum well its not a big deal is it really .Its the being under implicit threat all the time up with which I don`t like.
However I rarely resist temptation for long and I do not take myself all that seriously.
(This makes me better than everyone else ...natch)
Well I want to talk about politics Mr N, even if you are obsessed with porn and ridiculous jokes.
I watched the Conservative Party PPB tonight for the first time,and I have to say I was absolutely glad about it. The party and the leadership it portrayed to me are ones I would want to support. And I will do. It is a genuinely acceptable and credible party - for the first time in a long time I was very happy with a politician. Elsewhere (Ian Dale) you seem to be defending right wing nationalism. This is kids stuff to me. Like being a football fan -good fun but ultimately meaningless and only appealing to a small minority of the population -like night beach fishing in December. (Raedwald will get it). Nationalism don't butter no parsnips Mr N - its just hot air and vainglory, and when its spouted for local elections by UKIP and the BNP its ridiculous- like the Tooting Popular Front.
I'm with call me Dave - as I suspect are many other people.
Well I will certainly vote Dave and campaign on his behalf. I do on the other hand feel that the support the BNP musters is not to be dismissed. I `m not a racist but I am a Nationalist.
I dunno Mutley sometimes I feel a bit Peter Hitchens and sometimes I feel a bit more Borissy. I can be a bit of a contrarian just for fun as well.... In the end I`m just a Conservative.
To me the key for the Conservatives is to get people in this huge mixed race and religion country to even listen to them. I think Our Dave is getting somewhere with that - I wish him well and I hope he has a message to get over when he does get people to listen.
Well mixed race is fine but I am against multi culturalism and in particular against the theocratic fascism of Islam. I am for reducing the state ie taxes getting out of Europe , ending the Union and a number of other things that your girly writer friends would probably think were dreadful. I would bring back the death penalty and sell off council housing (slowly) and privatise large parts of the NHS oh I could go on ......(
So I am, not in favour of pandering to the Liberals just for the sake of it. My heroine os Margaret Thatcher not Edward Heathand I prefer Old Labour to the Marketing nihilists and Millipedes
Cameron is seeking areas of agreement but without a genuine COnsevative agenda its a complete waste of time . I think he is balancing the need to recast the Party with convictions not as far from mine as all that.
Fine by me but I am not amd never could be a Liberal Consrervative .I am to fond of Liberty
( The Crowd Roar Yaaaaaa!)
I am not sure we disagree by much - maybe just the order. The thing is people have to listen to what you are saying before it matters what you say. I was born in the English midlands, where the Conservative Party became an anathema regardless of what it said. We need to win seats in Leicester, Derby, Nottingham, Birmingham, Wolverhampton etc. In so far as the first and crucial task is winning the right to be heard -then I believe the Dave team is doing well. The more detail you look at the more it is obvious how much ground is gone. The CP was in danger of becoming a rump party of the rural south east... and now it isn't. Lets build on that.
Yes well I am always telling my young friends that find Dave cynical and shallow exactly that. You have to win.
Aren't I a tosser??
"Aren't I a tosser"
Read that and look at the picture of the dog with a hat on and try to do so without saying 'Oh bless !'
This comment has been deleted for deletion's sake
Oh crickey Ron you are so callow its sweet..I have such nostaligia for that sort of jejune parody.
Go on do some more .....
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