Theory A- Itwas a Cricket Loon
Theory B.....
Where is Poi rot ? We have been mulling over the Woolmer case this morning and this is the answer.
We think that Woolmer knew Pakistan , had thrown the game against Ireland and knew therefore that bribes had been taken ,. He must have had a shrewd idea about who was responsible and no doubt confronted them discreetly in recent days. Little did he know that with that meeting he had signed his own death warrant !!! Bum Bum BAAAAAAAAAA!
According to the paper there was no sign of struggle or forced entry so it must have been someone he knew. Given that the suspect is in the Pakistani team now it could be that if you were to watch them play now you will be looking into the eyes of a cold blooded killer , a man who can take another man’s neck in his hands and wring the life out of him
Thursday, March 22, 2007 in Kingston, Jamaica. Pakistan cricketers were finger printed and interviewed on Thursday by police
I think it was Colonel Mustard in the Lounge with the lead pipe...
Afridi always struck me as a bit shifty looking.
You know my methods Mutley and Steven L ...APPLY THEM
Having said that the Irish are also notorious gamblers and race-fixers...
A new meaning to:
"It's just not cricket."
Wa wa wa waaaaaa....
(a similar sound to Bum Bum BAAAAAAA ! But comic rather than dramatic.)
Spent a day at the Oval watching groundsmen pulling tarpaulin back and forth in the rain. Only marginally less entertaining.
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