Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gordon Brown Is Right

Its all a matter of perspective isn’t it .I have been reading articles making this and that case for so long now, that the whole process is starting to be “Frightened out of its sense”...or deconstructed, as New-Labour would prefer (to Shakespeare .)
Yesterday I noticed Alan Johnson arguing for his DNA bank, on the basis that people didn’t like finger prints once .They didn’t like eugenic death squads once either , your point is ?
His point is that by taking a 200 year perspective today`s power grab will appear diminuished . Then,with admirable brass neck he did ,“The Science Bit”, . This is only weeks after the Nutte fracas misrepresented as a demarcation dispute ,but was actually about sexing up -plus , a report ( on drugs of course not him I mean about drugs ).
This science bit shows that fears about the Big Brother State are unfounded, just as ,topically, the Civil Service produced reports showing that WMD`s were pointed at my back garden . Well thats alright then . Is there a standard box of tricks ,a sort of liar-ator ? Perhaps there is
Peter Oborne described how the Borg managed to get every indicator ,across the country, pointing the right way ,in election material, by varying the time scale ,the region, and the subject, until they found one that worked . It is clear then that distortion is endemic , and the spectrum from lie to prsentation is abused.

On the only issue that matters , the economy ,lets get a few things nice and clear...
“Without action the UK`s budget deficit may exceed £200,000 billion in 2010 /11 more than 14% . In 2010 /11 total managed expenditure ,if not cut , is likely to exceed 50 % of GDP . On current tax and spending plans , UK government debt may exceed 100% of GDP , in 2013/14 (even excluding the Nationalised Banks ).At the time of writing there have been eight straight months of deflation , interest rates are at an all time low , much of the banking sector has been taken into state ownership and the economy is still in the deepest recession since the Second World War”
(Policy Exchange )Is this Brown’s fault ? Well quite obviously yes it is . In 2000 Govt Expenditure was about 35% below the G7 average at just below 37%. By 2005 we are on our way to 40% with the G7 average still down at 36% and a bit . Now we are over 46% while the G7 average is about 40%” . In as much as such a thing can possibly be blamed on one man Brown is to blame . Politically he ought to be in tiny pieces but he lumbers on...god knows how . Perhaps because as we enjoy our hearty breakfast of swollen demand borrowing and printed money , we forget the noose

Well while we skip lightly into what will be a blood bath whoever wins the next election Labour and Conservative are swapping “narratives” about fine tuning of cuts and taxes as if there was any alternative to huge Public Sector cuts . There is not .Brown knows this , long long ago he used to say some sensible things :
“ During the 1990s the National Debt has doubled . This year alone the tax payer will pay out 2.5billion in interests Payments on debt , more than we spend on schools . Public finances must be sustainable over the long term. If they are not then it is the elderly , the poor and those on fixed incomes who depend on public Services that will suffer most
Gordon Brown is Quite Right sadly this was the 1997 Budget , since then he has been wrong


Electro-Kevin said...

God ! The hard work you've been doing during the Credit Crunch really has made you a dull boy !

If you and yours ever fancy a trip out west with the E-K clan

Newmania said...

I ve always been a bit dull EK ..ta , next time |I am out that way maybe ?

Newmania said...

I ve always been a bit dull EK ..ta , next time |I am out that way maybe ?

Electro-Kevin said...

That's not what I've heard from my creditable sources.

The beer down this way is top spec btw.

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