Thursday, October 02, 2008

Answer Me Farrage !

Dale is interviewing the UKIP leader Nigel Farrage , he asked for questions and this is what I would say:

... Hallo Mr. Farrage ....David Cameron has moved into One Nation Conservative territory in many ways, but if you judge him by the standards of his Centre right predecessors , Heath say or Ken Clarke ,he is a conspicuously Euro Sceptic leader .He was burned early in his career by Europe and it is likely he shares many of your concerns . He has expressed that at the conference by promising a high profile for Lisbon and the referendum in the campaign.
With Brown gloatingly playing the man of experience in the chaos he helped cause , the deal is less sealed than ever . There is a real prospect of a Labour Government. How can you possibly justify to your members, who loathe Brown as much as we do , helping the Labour Party by splitting the right .We know UKIP members and we are not a different species its a matter of emphasis .We know that the Conservative Party is instinctively sympathetic ,we know the EU`s weakness is right now showing itself and that the word is becoming global. We know events are moving your way , our way , and pressure from within the Party can stiffen the Conservative back bone .
I put it to you Nigel Farrage that UKIP `s battle, with the Conservative Party is as won as much realistically it ever could be and that there is no further point to UKIP except the careers of the political careerists and luminaries for whom it is an amusing hobby. I further suggest that your egomaniacal lust for fame is endangering the country which cannot withstand a term of Union backed Brown spending dither and above all dishonest Euro–philia.
So it comes down to this . Do you want to save the country or get on Question Time? WELL!!


Daisy said...

anymore newmania i am thinking that no one REALLY wants to SAVE either of our respective countries...they just want the power that comes with the title...i don't even know if it is possible to save the US at this point...

Daisy said...

btw...there is a get together november 12th in london...if you are interested let me or mutley know and we'll get you the details as we figure them out...

Newmania said...

Why thanks Daisy ..I would be awfully curious I must say

Old BE said...

I've always thought that Farage sounds (as a name) a bit French to me...

Newmania said...

...Yes a Gallic perfume perhaps

Anonymous said...

Are you mad? The Conservative party is awash with Europhiles like Cameron and Hague.

Sure they'll promise you a referendum if it means you give them your vote, but they don't care about getting out of Europe. They are only interested in getting into power, and they are happy to recieve the backing of international business if it helps them get there.

Newmania said...

Bollocks OM.

Mark Wadsworth said...

What Oldmania says.

UKIP are not a Tory splinter group (or they aren't any more at least). I for one would struggle to vote for Tories or Lib Dems merely on the basis that they are not Labour. And I'm an ex-Labour voter.

Newmania said...

I used to go to Bruges group meetings Mark and it was my impression that UKIP were very much a Tory splinter group.
I could easily vote for UKIP if there was any point in it although its a bit ideological for me

Anonymous said...

Yeah right, like UKIP are really anti-Europe either - even Farage has got his nose well and truly in the Brussels trough.

Philipa said...

OM's right.

I may vote Labour.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I feel your pain.

I do however feel that Farrage is necessary in the short term to put pressure on the tories to give the people a referendum on the Eu.

Such a referendum could, say, include a choice of the following

1) Withdraw completely from the Eu

2) Accept the EU as it was originally stated, the "common market"

3) Sell our souls and our parliament to the Eu as Barrosa demands

I cannot see either major party doing this without great pressure and the others are not relevant.

Happy New Year.

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