Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Garden Girl`s Tale

Mr. Brown’s peculiar personality yields much to trouble us . The persistent rumours that he behaves with Blairite arrogance to the civil service bubble from furtive off record lunches with Journalists . The sight of his physical revulsion at facing criticism at PMQ`s and the slimy way he was ready to dump Harriet Harman for example .Peter Oborne in this weeks Spectator has obviously got hold of something however that in its way , is rather more unpleasant .
The Secretaries at Number 10 are known as “Garden Girls” for some reason. I watched Winston Churchill’s now elderly assistant recalling his humour and determination her eyes still shining with affection only last year. All the recent PM`s were adored by the Garden Girls . John Major , of course , but equally Tony Blair and most of all Margaret Thatcher. None of theses PM`s were ever other than courteous and considerate even under enormous pressure . .Only Gordon Brown has vented his frustration on his secretaries . He has often shouted humiliating abuse and physically turfed a girl out of a chair to use the keyboard himself . I believe this account of intemperate conduct . I believe it because the theory that is true and it was honestly told to the Mail columnist is infinitely the most likely explanation I can come up with .

Winston Churchill had the Second World War to worry about and yet ., with a little champagne and Brandy was able to “Keep buggering on” and show the humblest worker respect. In fact his relations with the war cabinet at times of life and death for the nation were a balance of the collegiate and the decisive. What a good way of conducting the nations affairs …

Mr. Brown is consumed by the wish to be great man , but whatever power he clings onto that is something a bully can never be .


Old BE said...

It's a real test of character how you treat those "beneath" you in the chain, especially those at the "bottom". I remember when I started my current job as a fresh graduate my boss said to me make damned sure you treat the secretaries properly because your life will become hell if you don't.

As Gordon has never had a job, perhaps he never learnt that lesson?

Daisy said...

i totally agree ed...i used to be a secretary when i was 17-19 and knew the power behind the position even if it wasn't always recognized by others...i make sure they know their importance to me...the other thing is and i get this a lot...people will say "hi how are you" as they are walking past, never listening to the reply...if i say it i always stop to listen...only takes a minute and means so much

Newmania said...

Ed that is brilliant !...Daisy , I do not recall the secrataries putting up with a word of cheek when we used to have them , but then i was no the PM

Andrew Allison said...

Gordon Brown is a nasty piece of work. He deludes himself in to thinking he is going to be a great leader, when in reality he is incapable of leading.

Newmania said...

Agreed Andrew but even if he was a good man he would fibnd it impossible to behave well in the position he is

Anonymous said...

I think the Garden Girls are known as such because their office looks out on to the rear garden of No 10.

Newmania said...

Thanks typist thats rather picturesque

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