It was quiet on the yabobo river ....too quiet. Its one of those moments . Our move has been a spectacular succes . Our marriage feels in a happy phase and Master Newman is mastering skills ranging from eating nicely to using the potty.The Conservative Party are 11 % (60 Seats says clever Mr. Croydonian)ahead and I am watching Caroline Flint getting a roasting on Question time ,only able to bleat on about party funding which means Union money and more taxes. Work is getting better and I have got my broad band connection back .All in all I feel a strange thing I can only imagine is contentment.Nemesis is surely licking her dry lips even now .
Please give me just a few days before I am once again in a right pickle - Amen
I also often wonder when things are going to fall apart if life is going "a bit too well". I was thinking about his just yesterday and then simultaneously the pipes in my bathroom went up the spout.
Long may your contentment last x
When folks told me that I should aim to happy in life I told then I didn't want to be happy, 'happy' is too fleeting an emotion, I wanted to be content - that's a lifestyle.
That is quite profound P, I like it.
I like that alot as well P .
What a delightful little chap Master Newman looks.
Enjoy your contentment NM xx
He's such a poppet isn't he? Bless. So munchable at that age x
Sorry, thanks guys *blushes*
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