Well Doughty Street was an experience , it’s a very odd environment to be in and I `m afraid the whole business of letting other people speak somewhat eluded me. I was amazed , to be honest at how ‘in my depth’ I felt but the Tasmanian Devil impression was not exactly what I had in mind . Oh well I daresay it will be a while before an outbreak of plague amongst important people recurs so 18 Doughty Street is likely to lollop along without me.( It was fun needling Devil`s kitchen a bit though.)
View the horror
OH and reason for feeling a bit stupid No. 2 I `ve had a good long think about the time I can commit to organising a group blog and the fact is I do not have the time to do what I am already involved in. Its a shame because I belive there is such a lot of unsung talent and the idea is basically sound but ...money and family must come first........
All in all feeling a bit ....feeble
I missed it "live" and I can't find a link, whenever I click on Blogger TV I get some other programme instead.
Where for art thou N?
I cant find it Ed and I may ..ahem ...have been a bit too much. I was suprisngly nervous its not something I have ever done before.
I only saw a few minutes, Newmsie and you did fine. You hardly said a thing! Shame you look about 14. Not sure about that bloke in the Arsenal shirt though...;-)
Lillith Iain was quietly telling me to shut up a fair bit
Paul you muppet.
You could have ate that UKIP bloke for breakfast after he said he found 10 a round number over 12 on his UKIP blog list now that the EU have extended indefinately imperial measures in the UK on beer and milk!
The debate about what stupid people should and should not be allowed to do interested me regarding whether people with less than $1,000,000 should be allowed to let short-sellers manage our cash.
Drugs debate was interesting, especially Jame's idea of free drugs. That would irriadicate the market but the crroks would move into prostitution, counterfeiting, people smuggling etc.
Interesting to see Iain follow up on Guido's rant against the 'lobby' system.
PS. The slightly manic laugh appeals to me, we really should get drunk sometime.
You certainly took a Big Clunking Fist to the Devil. Something of a first....Well, I mean was the chap seriously advocating that the government nationalise the narcotics trade?...er...yes, I think he actually was.
allo Steven L... I think its one of those things thast you wud be a lot more relaxed about the second time . I was just surprised how much I had to say
Chrisbis a ever such a nice chaop though Stan ...he propbably is only mucking around at UKIP but a throughly charming fellow
Iain has kindly sent me the link now, I've watched the first five minutes will watch the rest later.
I cant make it work Mr N!! I will have a try again later unless there is some clever techy trick you can tell me...
CLever techy things are not my forte Mut I `ll have another go
Awfully nice of you Ed
Mutley that is the same link as Iain sent me, paste it into your bruiser and it should work.
Mr Mania you did Just Fine, no-one wants a shrinking violet on TV, e.g. the LibDem who came across as a complete waste of sofa
you maintained a 100% appropriate tone throughout, including several sharp interjections you made - sort of thing that can appear rather thrusting but you did it well
(& if it took Dale to rein you in a bit, well That's What He's Paid For)
BY WAY OF COMPARISON - watch the average edition of Newnight Review on a Friday, it regularly degenerates into a deeply unprofessional teirgarten
I thought you were fine too N. Rather cute and animated, actually. Funnily enough, you seemed *normal*.
Kind words Nick ... Lillith I am normal...although I have a dark and peverse side that I have been meaning to discuss with you for some time now
Back to work young Phillipa.:)
Homework eh ? yuk yuk
Try again (told you it was a late night)
You are NOT feeble, you are prioritising, which is good.
Watching the Doughty thing now (soz, homework had to be handed in today and my son is presenting it to class so another late night for mummy)
PS: you were definately the cutest guy there Paul.
I thought you did okay, and were frankly the only one in danger of being accused of having a personality - a part from the host Iain which doesn't count.
Why was there no one from the left? Or was it just a gathering of the politically misinformed?
What made me laugh the most though was that despite talking for so long, you had come across as a reasonable and balanced individual (always a bonus when being a Tory!) but you then blew your cover in the final seconds with your misadvised attempt at humour:'women know your place!'
I suspect that without your nervous energy the programme would have actually been really very boring indeed, so in some ways Iain should appreciate your inability to wait your turn.
Why was there no one from the left? Or was it just a gathering of the politically misinformed?
I think thats a real problem JT on Doughty street well its role is as a campaigning body really and it is an example of soft funding ( As I would be quick to popint out usually )
You are right though that the rightier than thou stuff has got past its sell by date now . It gets dull.... They do have alternative views on though and I daresay would be happy to have you as a guest.
I can't get the link to work either, and I really want to play it. I knew it would happen one day.
I know they are having IT problems with Doughty Street, I am waiting for them to post my citizen journalism post up. Hey, how about we film a YouTube in Islington? Imagine the millions of hits it would get.
Hallo Elleee how nice to see you here ...I must pop in and see what you are up to , I got out of the habit somehow .
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