I have been reading the superb Pickled Politics .Leftist, and a bit PC you might not expect me to loathe it, but au contraire . We cannot all agree and it is open different and good humoured.I recommend you visit.The following remarks were made by the editor which I ended up answering fully.
Sunny Said
I’d love to see evidence of the Tory party moving on from the old days of naked racism.. ……Incidentally, it may be that a population the size of Liverpool is coming here… but around a similar size is emigrating or returning back to their home country……….The CBI has said plenty of times that immigration is economically positive for Britain."
Newmania replies
Again this meretricious mantra “ Conservatives are racists “ ?.To have every loyalty to your country and culture derided as "racism" along phoney PC lines is unacceptable . Brown is the one promising “British jobs for British workers “ not the Conservative Party whom you slander out of sheer habit .
The CBI are speaking on behalf of big business, for whom immigration is an unalloyed good. They are not paying for the services, they just like the flexible Labour force. Migration watch , a revisionist academic group, reckon that an immigrant contributes about a Mars bar a month, net. There is no accounting for the lost cultural capital though, which in practice people vote for with their feet by moving. Migration watch have been proved right in every disagreement with the government over statistics over a period of years.
Irwin Selzer is a balanced commentator, and he said there are winners and losers Employers get cheap labour and we get cheap goods . Low paid Brits lose out and those dependent on services lose out .Others note that in Iceland with 300,000 and no immigration at all they the 6th highest GDP per capita in the world. Some ,moreover, doubt that a country that fought two world wars and ran a quarter of the world could not have survived with its indigenous talents. Clearly it could, but there would have been debits to the equation.
I think immigration in moderate numbers is a sort of spiritual good, and a necessary cultural tonic.I am unconvinced that we don’t pay for it initially or that we should be expected to have no say on rate pof change.The economic argument is secondary , in my view, to the continuity and integrity of the national culture.
Many immigrants agree .A MORI Poll showed that 68% of us thought there were too many immigrants and this view was shared by 45% of Asians and 48% of blacks . 56% believed that immigrants received unfair priority on housing and services, a view popularised by the Labour Politician Margaret Hodge in Barking .Figures are clearly underestimated though - London Boroughs have vehemently complained that grants , linked on government stats are always inadequate to the real experienced immigration( Including left Councils , which may account for the cross ethnicity agreement ).Other Surveys put the level of concern higher .The Economist … found that 75% of Britain’s wish to see an overall limit to immigration.
.The white English are still the biggest ethnic group by far, but it is becoming only one of many .It is no longer true to say that the country is basically ethnically English After 1000 years of racial and cultural homogeneity and many wars fought to preserve this state, it is a remarkable how little difficulty there has been .Emigration ,at record levels , is about half as large a factor, in the rapidly changing face of Britain.
Second generation communities are sometimes less integrated than their parents, so the effect of contemporary changes will be greatly multiplied over time .
I am not against immigartion and I am certainly not unaware of the advantages of new people in our midst .I only say that the rate of change is far to fast. I advocate common sense and caution I deplore the quasi religious PC agenda whereby to comment at all is ,"Racist". . Those are my thoughts and these are …
………………………………......THE FACTS
In a recent survey of young Muslims One in 8 admires al Qa’eda ., 40% want Sharia law in Britain and 75% want women to wear the veil. In all cases the view of the over 55s are far less radical for example only 17% wanted Sharia law in Britain. .
According to almost certainly underestimated official figures , 560000 arrive and 380000 leave annually .
2000,000NI numbers issued to non Britain’s in the last four years ,last year 713000.
There was a net emigration of 107000 British and a net immigration of 292000 other ethnicities.
…So in 25 years 7.5 million approx. of other ethnicities .
The birth rate is the highest it has been in 25 years and yet the native population is replacing itself at only a rate of 1.4 (it is imploding)
Some groups , ( not the Poles for example ), congregated in small areas. 2288,000 or 31.1 % of Londoners were born outside the UK this year.
Migration watch estimates there will be 70 million of us here in fifty years overall ( The government says 70 years ) and this is in the fourth most crowded country in the word excluding City states
Nat statistics - One in Four babies is born to a foreign mother -
White children are a minority now in a fifth of education authorities
Birmingham has 300 schools 57% of primary and 52% of secondary pupils are from non white families
.35,000 of the 96000 who settled here last year do not speak English.
A survey of 300 Mosques by the BBC showed that only 6% preached in English
Nat statistics -One in ten people are born overseas
In the first year of the governments completely underestimated the Polish and EU influx .565000 came but 380000 left . Still this leaves 185000
.In the end 579,000 Eatern European immigrants have settled here.
We have 600,000 here illegally
Last year the ONS concluded they had been 45,000 under the count for years .
After the expansion of the EU 13000 were predicted but thus far that has been 70,000
Of the 3 million homes to be built in the SE 1million if them according to govt, figures ( quoted by N Soames MP and unchallenged ) will be taken by immigrants not yet here .
London has 690,000 jobless adults all of whom are eligible for skill less jobs taken on by immigrants .
A quarter of new households under Labour have been immigrant households
Some Good news .
Interesting ethnic breakdown on the work-shy of London .Least likely to be workless are THE INDIANS followed by the whites . …(This was on news night )
The Muslim Education centre of Oxford offered to help finance a schools legal challenge to a girls right ot wear a full face veil in class
The fastest growing group are mixed race and I am doing my best to make it more so.
Immigrants keep wages down which benefits big business but hammers the poor. Whose side are the Left on?
Perversely the People's Party and now riding roughshod over their own electorate. Luckily the voters aren't stupid.
Luckily the voters aren't stupid.
Not sure i share your optisim on that score Ed and i am not aguianst immigration I would just like to see some common sense and caution about the rate and the effect in an open discussion
I am not against immigration either just not by the 100,000 and not through open borders.
In Oz, Canada, NZ can do it sensibly so can we.
Hello, my name is jaq and i'm concerned about uncontrolled immigration. I also think we should have bobbies back on the beat and..... I'm a conservative.
I also like the way Peter Hitchens writes.
It's an affliction :-(
(i don't drink, smoke, do drugs or have casual sex though, but no-one seems to care much about that nowadays)
Jaq...I think I recognise the style ...haven`t heard that name for while
Immigration undoubtedly holds down wages for the very low paid. These non-doms are immigrants as well they should pay tax at the same rate as every poor bloody Pole and Nigerian has to...
Jaq - you would have casual sex if you met me...
I think so Mutley . Polly Toynbee is simultaaneously arguing that there is too much tax to be replaced and that it will effect no-one
jaq said...
Hello, my name is jaq and i'm concerned about uncontrolled immigration. I also think we should have bobbies back on the beat and..... I'm a conservative.
Hello jaq! Great to see you, how you doing?
Auntie Flo'
Hi Flo, I still love reading your comments and I'm still missing Mac :-( I wonder what he would make of the current political climate?
Mutley - you dog you ;-))
Ha ..its always the nes I try with that are the most boring isn`t it .
Must try less hard
Thanks, jaq! I think Mac would spit fire over B ruin's latest con trick. How dare he mislead our brave troops and their families into believing a thousand troops are coming home when that's a lie! hasn't he betrayed them enough?
This is Blair all over again. What a vile specimin he is. The whole blogosphere is buzzing with condemnation of the old git for this.
From BBC's Have Your Say citizen jounalists to the good old Sun's bloggers, the majority are united in fury at Brown's cynical lies and spin.
Auntie Flo'
And on the subject of the Sun, don't you just love that brilliant newspaper?
"The Tories rose to our Mission Impossible" challenge yesterday with some real fighting talk.
Shadow Chancellor George Osborne strode onto Gordon Brown's turf yesterday amd threw down the gauntlet on pverty and welfare.
He promised to slash tax and help families.
More importantly, he described precisely how he would do it.
This was the first time in years that the Tories had something worth hearing about governing Britain."
Auntie Flo'
Eek, what am I saying? Apologies for my appalling spelling, Mr M.
I should have said:
I must admit I thought the front opage was great....I have just spent an hour waffling .....and produced a steaming pile of dung.ooops
Here comes THE SUN,
Here comes The Sun,
and I say it's alright
Mr Murdoch, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Mr Murdoch, it feels like years since you've been here
Here comes The Sun
Here comes The Sun
and I say it's alright
Little darling, the smiles returning to our faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes The Sun
Here comes The Sun
and I say it's all right
Sun, Sun, Sun, here it comes...
Sun, Sun, Sun, here it comes...
Sun, Sun, Sun, here it comes...
Sun, Sun, Sun, here it comes...
Sun, Sun, Sun, here it comes...
Mr Murdoch, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Mr Murdoch, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes The Sun, here comes The Sun, right now!
and I say it's all right
It's all right!
Auntie Flo'
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
I need to laugh, and when The Sun is out
I've got something I can laugh about
I feel good, in a special way
I'm in love and it's a sunny day
Good day SUN shine
Good day SUN shine
Broon takes a walk, the sun is shining down
Burns his feet as they touch the ground
Good day SUN shine
Good day SUN shine
Good day SUN shine
Then we lie beneath a shady tree
I love him and he's loving me
He feels good, he know she's looking fine
I'm so proud to know that Mr Murdoch's mine
Good day SUN shine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day sunshine
Good day SUN shine
Auntie Flo'
Cuando calienta EL SOL aqui; en la playa,
Siento tu cuerpo vibrar cerca de mi;
Es tu palpitar, es tu cara, es tu pelo,
Son tus besos, me estremezco, oh, OH, OH!
Cuando calienta EL SOL aqui; en la playa,
Siento tu cuerpo vibrar cerca de mi,
Es tu palpitar, tu recuerdo, mi locura,
Mi delirio, me estremezco, oh oh oh!
Cuando calienta EL SOL
Aqui; en la playa
Cerca de mi
Es tu palpitar
Auntie Flo'
Having lots of fun laughing in the SUNshine
Happy as a girl can be
Everybody dance have a good time
SUN is music to me
Mallorca, Rio, Mexico, Miami
We love the sun, oh oh
Viva the sun
The beach la playa, playa, playa
Barbados, Brasil, Africa, Sweden..., Sweden
We love the sun, oh oh
Viva the sun
The beach la playa, playa, playa
We love the sun, oh oh
Viva the sun
The beach la playa, playa, playa
And Mr Murdoch
Auntie Flo'
Lost me on the last one fLO
Newmania said...
Lost me on the last one fLO
This one?
Cuando caliente el sol aqui en la playa
(When The Sun beats down here on the beach)
Siento tu cuerpo vibrar cerca de me
(I feel your body throbbing close to me)
Es tu palpitar,
(It's your heartbeat)
Es tu cara
(It's your face)
Es tu pelo
(It's your skin)
Son tus besos
(It's your kisses)
(I tremble)
Cuando Caliente El Sol.
When the sun beats down here on the beach
Auntie Flo'
Cuando caliente el sol aqui en la playa
(When The Sun beats down here on the beach)
Siento tu cuerpo vibrar cerca de me
(I feel your body throbbing close to me
Funny...( and quite sexy )
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