Saturday, September 15, 2007

Langham In Danger

I know Conservatives are supposed to want to string up Langham`s sort by the balls but I would like him to serve his sentence like everyone else and be protected as he should be.
Former prison governor turned criminologist, Professor David Wilson, thinks Langham, may be at risk. "Amongst some prisoners, there's a lot of kudos in bragging that you 'did that Chris Langham', so he'll almost certainly be offered Rule 45 and end up in the Vulnerable Prisoner Unit (VPU)," he said.
No Rule 45 application may be rejected and every prison is supposed to have separate cells and waiting rooms in which those who ask for protection can be processed apart from other newly convicted prisoners. However, the prison grapevine is remarkably effective and Langham's presence will be known from day one. The former Chief Inspector of Prisons, Lord Ramsbotham, has pointed out that being within sound of the rest of the prison, even if out of sight, can be intimidatory. Shouted abuse and threats have driven some sex offenders to self-harm and suicide attempts and, given Langham's troubled background with alcohol and drugs, he will probably be placed on a suicide watch.At its most stringent, this can mean observation every 15 minutes.

Source BBC


Raedwald said...

A gifted entertainer with a real comedic genius. Question is, with his career now over, will he do a Glitter / Jonathan King when he's released next February and use his infame to promote his perversion as 'normal'?

Anonymous said...

Newms -

...but I would like him to serve his sentence like everyone else and be protected as he should be.

I for one really appreciate your reasoned and calm approach to Conservatism. It's a sort of approach that needs to be more visible both within the party and to the public generally. It's by far the best way to "detoxify the Conservative brand".

idle said...

"I know Conservatives are supposed to want to string up Langham`s sort by the balls"

Not nearly as reliably as the British working class, newmania, who largely vote Labour.

I have no interest in the outcome of Langham's incarceration, and liberal handwringing about the threat to him is self-indulgent rubbish.

Old BE said...

Doesn't the need to "protect" him in prison really show how out of control the mainstream prisons are?

Newmania said...

Idle , I am not a hand wringer , I am just slightly concerned about a witch hunt . Did you know the second choice of 35% of Labour voters is the BNP? How right you are

Raedwald delighted to see you old chap . I have been reading your stuff with admiration
THis post really goes with another longer one I did about PC attitudes ... I may mend it

Lud I suspect a lot of the fun and games on the web is not the real opinion of the writer. I certainly adopt absurd positions for the fun of it ( always a good idea)

I think bog standard Conservatives who support Cameron and want Brown gone should speak up too...dull though we may be

Newmania said...

Ed...if you read the whole article on the BBC site you question looks even more apposite

idle said...

Newms, the "witch hunt" is over, not that there was a need for one in this case. He's bang to rights and has a brief spell in chokey to get through. What happens to him whilst inside is a matter for the Prison Service and no one else. To advocate special treatment suggests that we choose between establishing celebrity prisons or not locking up criminal celebrities at all.

Newmania said...

I think all prisoners should be free of the predations of other criminals in that I believe in the rule of law not of mob.If it makes you feel better My opinion is that that about five times as many people should be in prison as are and I would also bring back the death penalty.

A Liberal I am not. In the case of Chris Langhamm its not what happened to him its the reaction, as if he had actually raped someone which he did not .

His crimes deserve prison true , they could have been a lot worse . Also true .

Liam Murray said...

Thanks for the link and the comments NM - when I get my blogroll up & running I will reciprocate...

p.s. you template is shot!

Anonymous said...

And there was me thinking you wanted chemical castration for crimes of this ilk.

What if some star struck nutter were now to come forward, make an unfounded claim that they have been raped by Langham - and were able to convince a court of that?

If I remember correctly, in the terms you've previously set out, all convicted rapists should be chemically castrated and all murderers hung, regardless of whether or not they really are guilty. That's because justice is almost infallible and where it's not the execution or horrible punishment of an innocent is a small price to pay for hard justice for the guilty.

Doesn't your wish for Langham to be protected undermine the hard justice you call for in other respects?

Perhaps you are a closet Liberal after all, n? :)

Auntie Flo' - ducking behind her desk.

Old BE said...

It's the fallibility of the courts which prevents me from wishing the return of the death penalty.

Newmania said...

p.s. you template is shot!

What does that mean I wonder ? It all look ok to me

Newmania said...

If I remember correctly, in the terms you've previously set out, all convicted rapists should be chemically castrated and all murderers hung, regardless of whether or not they really are guilty

Flo that is a travesty of any view I have expressed. I would not have all rapists chemically castrated . I don`t see why it should not be available for serial sexual offenders . It is actually nothing to do with castration anyway. I did not say that murderers should be bumped off guilty or not I said that there was no , in this life , the psossibioity of 100% certaintyl about anyhting but that a justice system cannot function by convicting noone on this theoretical grounds .

Why is Rose West alive ? Does it not show contempt for her victims and their families they our tender consciences are more important that the unpleasant duty if killing her

Anonymous said...

Flo that is a travesty of any view I have expressed. I would not have all rapists chemically castrated.

Apologies for that then, N, you're right, I have distorted your views on this.

Auntie Flo'

Anonymous said...

However, I stil don't accept your views on the death penalty and don't apologise for my comments about this.

On my way out now, so post later re this.

Auntie Flo'

Newmania said...

However, I stil don't accept your views on the death penalty and don't apologise for my comments about this.

The problems you have raised are descisive for many flo and I recall Boris agreeing with your point.
Off out eh ? I imgine you cycling around a village somewhere in floral prints ...

Anonymous said...

Off out eh ? I imagine you cycling around a village somewhere in floral prints ... (newmania)

Nope, wrong on all counts. I've been out swearing in church - two churches, actually.

I'm obsessed with old churches, as you know. Almost every church I visit these days the members have been half bribed and half bullied by nulab to begin the process of turning it into a block of flats.

It's so depressing,n, and makes me so bloody angry. I usually end up losing my temper.

One poo faced church warden strutted around, visibly orgasmic with power, and, pointing at the interior of a stunning, thousand year old church, said, 'it's all being ripped out'.

WHY? Said I, feeling my blood run cold.

Er...beyond repair, said poo face.

Bare faced lie, said I. This is all about money and ego - your ego, a stage for you to bl**dy strut on. You'll make yourself hated for this, you moron.

The warden of another church whined on about their 'need for toilets, facilities for people with disabilities and to open the church up for community use.'

In other words, I said, it's all about money. The government will only give you money for upkeep if you turn the church into Sodom and bloody Gomorrah or a block of flats.

She nodded.

I drove home swearing. You can bet that this wholesale destruction of heritage is not happening in Scotland.


Auntie Flo'

Electro-Kevin said...

If he hadn't been so arrogant about it all I might have agreed with you, Newmania.

Newmania said...

Flo ,,....your passion is thrilling to behold

lilith said...

Perhaps they will send him to Usk prison, where ALL the prisoners are "Rule 45". Fancy that! Nonce University.

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