Thursday, September 13, 2007

Fantastic I`m Average !

It is obvious that if you are like the voters then they will like you isn`t it? No surprise then, that both Parties are desperate to locate on the fabled middle ground
Populus has conducted a special poll of voters’ views about the main parties and their leaders . 1,004 adults polled between September 7 and 9 have been asked to place themselves, the three main parties and their leaders on a left-right spectrum. So who is the best at followership?

Scale O-10 Average Voter 5.37 (from 5.27 a year ago. )

Mr Brown- at 5.16, 0.31 points to the right of last year,
Labour Party -5.20
Mr Cameron -5.63, 0.37 to the left of a year ago.
Conservative Party - 5.76, a leftward shift of 0.33, ( closest to the centre in any of the five surveys so far.)
Gap Mr Cameron /Mr Brown from 1.15 to 0.47 over the past year
Gap between the Tories and Labour from 1.12 to 0.56.
Conservative voters moved 0.25 to the right to 6.30( Go us )

Its getting mighty crowded in the middle thats for sure , but just a word of warning . A year ago, Mr Blair was in almost exactly the same position as the average voter. …………

…….And everyone hated him . Perhaps there is scope for leadership after all.I have left out the Lib Dums who are seen as somewhat to the left of Labour but this spectrum does not work so well for them as they would see themselves as Libertarian Socialists ( hence Lib Dum !).People are just starting to notice just what trouble they are in with all their supposed territory eaten away. ....

Neologism of the day- To feel " Mingy"- A sense of diffuse foreboding such as when foot steps follow you in the night , the shadow of a knife crosses the window , or your party starts forgiving drunks .....

Source of figures Times On Line ,


Mayden' s Voyage said...

A good word! :)
I'm average too~
Thanks for visiting MV :)

I want to reply to your most recent post- but I need to think about it for a bit.

Newmania said...

I wish I had more time for visiting MV, its difficult trying to work , stay married and write a blog .......

Newmania said...

I wish I had more time for visiting MV, its difficult trying to work , stay married and write a blog .......

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Oh- believe me...I know ;)

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