This weekend in sickening episode of political cynicism Livingstone cheerleaders dragged out the corpse of Stephen Lawrence onto the stage courtesy of his duped mother . It was a transparent ruse to hang the material they had gleaned for studying Boris Johnson’s 20 years of journalism Their booty was the fact that he and used the word ‘picanninnies’. In fact he has used it often and always with the intention of lampooning the Liberal Imperial pretensions of the Blair /Brown mis-government also for its comic implausibility.
. I think it was a slight linguistic impoliteness but its hardly surprising that given the volume of material he has written they found something . Such trifling matters as context have ceased to worry the Toynbee traitors who long ago traded integrity for sinecures at the BBC and they will try to misrepresent Boris, a kind and thoughtful man, and on this flimsy and thoroughly meretricious basis .
The politically correct exotica that crept out of the darkness to yip included hypocrites like “Fairdealphil” who shows his progressive underwear from the all white fastness of Lincolnshire where he innocently dodders . Other haters of the white English were delighted to point out that London was 40% black and so Boris was dished so I decided to have a look into the ethnicity of London .
. London does indeed have the highest proportion of people from minority ethnic groups in the country apart from more who identified themselves as of Pakistani origin. Black Caribbeans form more than ten per cent of the population of the London boroughs of Lewisham, Lambeth, Brent and Hackney. Over ten per cent of Southwark, Newham, Lambeth and Hackney are Black African. More than two per cent of people describe themselves as Other Black in Hackney, Lambeth and Lewisham. I have to say that’s not the way it feels when you walk down the street but perhaps the fact that The largest proportions of people of Mixed origin are in London explains the reality gap. The dominant group by a very long way however remains the white British.
The ethnic minority populations are in general concentrated in the large urban centres, with nearly half 45.7% living in the London region.78% of Black Africans live in London 61% of Black Caribbeans live in London ,54% of Bangladeshis live in London (within the boroughs of Camden and Tower Hamlets) there is great variation though The whitest place in Greater London, with a population of 94.8% White British, is the ward of Cranham, on the eastern edge of Havering . while the least white place in London - by far - is Southall Broadway, where just 8.7% of the population consider themselves White British.
The 40 % figure is this “40% of Londoners belong to a minority ethnic group, including the White Other and White Irish groups.” This is not 40% black however but contains , for example Chinese , French and a rapidly growing mixed population
The overall picture then is not of a black city but a diverse City in which Blacks form a cohesive and dominant part in patches , the problem is not in fact these groups whose voting patterns are in any case unlikely to be crucial but in the wide Liberal “ Progressive” vote who actually turn up to put their cross down in local elections and the perception amongst the white working classes that Boris is old fashioned and a toff. The wounded feelings of the blacks are ammunition only. The guilty feelings of the rich whites and the class envy of the poor whites are the real prize and I wonder how good an idea this is for the leftv Lord Haw Haws .London is not yet a foreign country although it does feel as if it is and this sort of bourgeois alignment with communities may alienate as many as it attracts . There are real problems for Labour in Barking and the BNP`s progress at Sedgefield was an unpleasant under current .
On thing is certain , inflaming racial hatred to attract Liberals shows us that the fight is not at all between black and white or rich and poor . It is between Good and evil.
PS Having spoke to various people about the statistics I have from government sources I must reiterate that nmy own impression that there was a wild dissonnance between the facts and the figures has been repeated. Just to throw something out there, I would be pretty suprised if that 40% was not in fact closer to 70% nowadays
What the hell is going on!!
that’s not the way it feels when you walk down the street
You are right. Certain places and events seem to attract hugely non-diverse populations of "minorities" - that is neither a good nor bad thing but it is very interesting how the various "communities" in London seem to stay within themselves rather than mixing.
I lived for a short time in Lewisham, and when I got on the 436 bus I was often the only white.
I lived in Brockley and it was much the same Ed.I am exceedingly suspicious of these figures
Hullo there, very interesting post and one which suggests that people might be manipulating ethnic "divides" to woo voters - shock horror!
As much as it grates me to have a labour majority in my part of Lambeth, I do think Lambeth council has worked to encourage integration rather than not - partly because of various community drives, weekend parties and events in the parks to encourage more understanding of our various ethnic backgrounds.
But you can't deny that there are embedded socio-political divides that still exist, and it is as much the role of "white" londoners to show that they really are open... for example...
Lambeth had only one private school in the area (my old one), which was very mixed, even when I attended it. The school encouraged students from poorer (and, in the 80's, this was mostly the ethnic minority groups) by offering a higher number of sponsorships and grants.
This, coupled with a variety of churches where there is a big mix, this has led to positive integration. Our church, for example, used to be called "little South Africa" in the 1980s, because it was mostly white. But because the people were really open and friendly and welcoming, those few black families that started to come felt they were welcome, and they in turn invited others... So now we have easily 60 per cent minority, 40 per cent white in the morning service and vice-versa in the evening service. Plus we have a massive Tamil population which gets involved in all sorts of stuff at our church and young people's groups. I really don't notice that I am the only white person on the bus or whatever. I DO notice, when I visit other areas, that there are no ethnic minorities - and that makes me feel "not at home"! I get shivers when I visit inner-London churches (usually Church of England) and there are only two black members of the 200-strong congregation. What's going on there?
It is only when all ethnic groups work together that you can achieve any proper integration or social change. the Liberal's bandwagoning approach to this, presumably playing on the "wilberforce effect" will only serve to enforce a divide rather than act as a positive move to greater cohesion.
Positive engagement rather than spurious ploys will win the day, regardless of whether people use the Lawrence family as a bargaining tool. I think people are less bothered about Boris-isms than about blatant cringe-making vote-manipulating tactics.
This post is very long - sorry - didn't have time to make it shorter. But there is another point - every Saturday my local Conservative office is open, and it's full of 80+ white-haired old (white) ladies. Yet I have many black and asian friends who are ardent conservative voters. Why are they not party members? Perhaps that's MY job to get them on board?
I lived in Brockley - Lewisham Way to be exact! I always referred to it as Lewisham because no-one has ever heard of Brockley! How funny!
I now live in Lambeth - and Mermaid is right, it's a seemingly very integrated part of town - which is part of the reason I hate this reference to "the black community" as if it was somehow separate from everyone else and that the residents of this group should somehow be treated differently from everyone else.
Thats a brillaint comment Mernaid and much appreciated
Tremendous stuff mermaid and all most interesting . I `m just going to react with my first thoughts , its quite a complex matter but better to make a start I think...so sorry if I am a bit brusque as I say I am often wrong .
Hullo there, very interesting post and one which suggests that people might be manipulating ethnic "divides" to woo voters - shock horror!
The Conservative Party do not do this and your cynical acceptance of such behaviour is not something of which I approve . Sorry
As much as it grates me to have a labour majority in my part of Lambeth, I do think Lambeth council has worked to encourage integration rather than not - partly because of various community drives, weekend parties and events in the parks to encourage more understanding of our various ethnic backgrounds.
And yet Lambeth is a basket case Borough from which rampant white flight takes place and crime is the worst in London. This is what you call a success? This pretend integration does not last. WE do the same thing but the truth is that Londn is atomised and cold bevause people are too different. Exhortation will not help only slow acclimatisation
But you can't deny that there are embedded socio-political divides that still exist, and it is as much the role of "white" londoners to show that they really are open... for example...
Why white Londoners especially ? had they been consulted about the levels of immigration into the Capital they would have not agreed and now they owe a duty that would appear not to be reciprocated. What about the duty the immigrant owe the host country to respect its customs and integrate .
Lambeth had only one private school in the area (my old one), which was very mixed, even when I attended it. The school encouraged students from poorer (and, in the 80's, this was mostly the ethnic minority groups) by offering a higher number of sponsorships and grants.
And how did those who fell foul of the quota system feel about only rich whites and ethnics getting this red carpet ? You think quotas are the answer , that’s a desperately sensitive issue . Additionally they only did this to protect their charitable status an absurdity in my view when the real point is to give the priveleged yet more privelege. The middlclasses will stop pretending and start facing up to some truths about the communitites that have been overwhelmed when they are unable to get their children out of the schools,in ethnically diverse areas. Did you see what happened in Brighton when the lottery system was announced ?
his, coupled with a variety of churches where there is a big mix, this has led to positive integration.
I agree that the black churches and Christian background is a great help but I do not myself think this is the way in the end as they encourage seperation. More to the point are the mixed marriages (like my own) and working relationships that in effect anglicise the immigrants . The truth is , that that is the only way and there is a broad recognition of this across the poltical spectrum.
It is only when all ethnic groups work together that you can achieve any proper integration or social change.
I `m sure that’s right but as I say Lambeth is not a success . It is a failure and the big picture needs a harder look at the levels of migration ( up x 4 since the 90s) , ghettos ( more likely than ever) and cultural cringe . WE need more coconuts ..brown outside but white inside.(To put it very incorrectly )
This post is very long - sorry - didn't have time to make it shorter. But there is another point - every Saturday my local Conservative office is open, and it's full of 80+ white-haired old (white) ladies. Yet I have many black and asian friends who are ardent conservative voters. Why are they not party members? Perhaps that's MY job to get them on board?
I should imagine you would not have to much difficulty with that
Well we are ahead of you there is Islington having a good racial mix for what its worth . I tend to be somewhat unimpressed with Benetton advert tokenism as I well know myself Londoners left alone get on with it but I feel it is unrealistic to expect happy families when settled communities of the white working class are changed overnight and those who applaud do not send their children to the school or truly engage with the new realities. None of this is insoluble but to deny that immigration levels are not the key point is not to look at the problem as it is.
I don`t say anyhthing you have said is wrong but I think there also have to be a framework of care about numbers and and end to making the woking-classes pay the bill for rich white Liberals .
Both of you in Lambeth...both Conservatives why do you not know eachother there can`t be all that many. Looks like you are missing out here ED
N - a good article and I did like your response to mermaid; my feelings exactly except put with more delicacy.
Mermaid - Am I in some way evil to say I don't feel 'at home' in a mixed race community. I have lived in other parts of the world and know what it is like to be a foreigner. When I lived in central london I did not think it great that none of my neighbours spoke english or were even remotely friendly. I heard their domestic rows at full force and worried for the wives, I walked home at night passed sad looking asian hookers.
Newmania is right to nail mass immigration as the problem. Mermaid says it is up to the 'whites' to be more inclusive; but they are all long gone. Look at most of west london, such as southall and hayes. No white people there, no chance of 'integration.'
Mass immigration has produced separation on a huge scale that is almost irreversible in many areas. it will take decades to mend this; but at the moment it is not even being tried due to the PC driven mantra of the government.
I am pleased for Mermaid and she should be proud of her work in Lambeth; but there is no panacea there at all. Lambeth will be 'integrated' when it looks like southall, not when it resembles Chelsea.
CU aren`t you Jewish , doesn`t that make you part of an ethnic minority ? Some articulate stuff today ...
Nice use of the word panacea ...always a good one
Newmania - my initial comment was an aside at the "liberals" rather than at your blog. Anyway.
1) I am white, and 100% english on my mother's mother's side, as our family tree can be traced back to those who fought AGAINST the conqueror in 1066.
However, my mother's father was Jewish, while my dad has german, french-canadian and Maiti roots. What does that make me?
2) I was one of the "grateful poor" white kids who got a scholarship on basis of brain. My school looked for talent, not titles, nor did it positively discriminate. But, given that still the majority of businesses, schools and contracting firms in London are run and owned by white English, it makes sense for these business owners and leaders in education to make the initial move to greater integration.
3) When you go to a product launch or ABI awards dinner, you often go on your own, yes? And doesn't it make all the difference when someone comes up to you and makes you feel welcome and introduces you to other people? This does not mean you are incapable of meeting people yourself, but someone making the effort means more.
That's why I think people who have lived in London for many years (whether ethnic in origin or otherwise) should take some level of responsibility to reach out to the newcomers and help them to integrate.
It's good manners, for a start. And it's going back to the principles of personal responsibility that OUR GREAT ESTEEMED LEADER Mrs T (pbuh) tried to hammer into our heads, before she went off on one about Europe.
But Europe's a different matter.
Yes the Liberals are awful , You are English probably your ,“breeding “ is irrelevant to your ethnicity and I do not , of course know anything about your school. We all come from everywhere ultimately. Your third point is not wrong but as I said not fundamental. Invisible ties that make a civil society are based on real loyalties not gestures and good manners whilst laudable will not prevent the BNP making strides in Barking say. What do you say to those who feel their community is being swept away.” Be quiet until you are spoken to “ ?I don’t deny that positive gestures may help a little but only in the context of controls on immigration and having the indigenous populations culture properly recognised as pre-eminent .
You think Europe is different but is it ? We cannot decide what we want to do if the government of our country is taken away from us . We also cannot decide what we want to do if there is no such thing as a “we” only a name and a set of entitlements.” British”. Destroying accrued sub state loyalties suits some all to well , notably big business and socialists.
Ah, here's something to set the tiger among the doves. I used to be all for British sovereignty. But actually, for wealthy states such as the UK, having the euro would be very positive, as in France and Belgium. Not so good for Greece or Germany at the moment, admittedly.
And a single, pan-European financial services regulator would make a hell of a lot of sense under MiFID.
Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing the Queen's head on a € coin as long as it means we can keep a lid on inflation and maintain our own jurisdictional financial services targets. Let's face it, London would still be the world's primary financial centre...
Sorry Mrs T (pbuh)... I still love you!
Jesus H Mr mania
If you ever decide to leave Mrs Mania (or more likely she boots you out)
Mermaid is your ideal catch , just like you she loves to use 100 words when 10 will do .
No doubt the sort of woman who wants to engage you in a conversation at 8 am (well they all do that) or discuss feelings and situations a chap such as myself didnt even know existed.
I like clever women , but ones that know their place.
They'd be great at aural (sic) sex, wouldn't they, Hitch ?
Really Hitch I am shocked at your outdated sexism......( yuk yuk).
EK ... as you well know I only ever think in the most elevated way about women and the fact that Miss Mermaid appears to be slightly gorgeous had escaped me when she is commenting so readably. Are you lot by any chance feeling a teeny bit threatened ? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?
You ignore them Miss M they are lovely people really
And a single, pan-European financial services regulator would make a hell of a lot of sense under MiFID.
What does that mean( Mi FID). I `m afarid if you want to hand the country to unelected bureaucrats Miss M shall have to disagree. I would like us out entirely
Good points, newmania.
And Mermaid, you're a churchgoer, so you presumably believe it was necessary that God gave us the freedom to choose whether or not to believe in him or her and whether or not to abide by God's rule book because any coercive basis for loyalty would have been empty and meaningless.
So why should it be any different for nationals of a sovereign state? should we not have the freedom to make informed choices about who governs us and the contents of our national rule book?
Under the EU, such freedoms would be destroyed because that self serving, elitist gravy train organisation is fundamentally undemocratic and has no intention of ever becoming democratic.
Auntie Flo'
EK - Aren`t there enought real wierdos without you pretending to be one ? In fact I`m starting to suspoect this is not EK at all
I must admit I don`t think I could kiss a Europhile on the first date Flo and as far as Europes interventions into financial services are concerned well they ahve made a bloody mess of mine.
So mermaids shares are dropping fast
Sorry, Paul,
Just a my attempt at a joke gawn a little awry. Been a long day.
Group hug
our family tree can be traced back to those who fought AGAINST the conqueror in 1066
Hurrah, we must be sworn enemies! My grandmother traced her line back to William the Conqueror's court! Let the battle-lines be drawn 1000 years later on the streets of Lambeth Town.
Well I can trace a line to Lord Longford and from there I daresay you could go a long way. I reckon that Mermaid could probably beat you in a fist fight though ED.
Big hug back, N.
you smutty, smutty man E-K. 'Twas just a "meeting of like minds".
Aunty Flo - Indeed, freedom to choose is the ultimate human freedom and I am always thrilled when people actually use that freedom, whether to vote or to demonstrate. I don't like people moaning about stuff if they never bother to exercise their freedom to vote. And let me reassure you, I will always vote Tory, until I unleash my plans for total domination on the world. Then there will be no freedom, mua ha ha ha ha
Hitch, I am appalled. 8am in the morning is no time to talk. It is a time for sleeping, or breaking toilet seats. Sexism indeed! And you can't pimp me to Newmania. It's Old Tarf's job to sell me to the highest bidder.
Newmania, thank you for your *sympathy*... but you can't buy shares in a private company. I could incentivise you with some private equity that you are free to cash in after a few years as a form of short-term golden handcuff.
Ed - you wouldn't last two seconds with me. I eat men like you for breakfast. Well used to, until I found out they used up all my Weightwatchers' points.
GAH! politics! Sex! Religion! Adult conversations...argh.... You're getting into my brain - must... think... of kittens... small.. fluffy things... Ahhh... I can relax! politics, finance and religion has been replaced by an image of a farting cat.
Hmm presentable ,a bit wet ,media friendly religious could this be the next leader of the Conservative party.
I think it could be
Mermaid could probably beat you in a fist fight though ED.
Ed - you wouldn't last two seconds with me.
Hey, what did I say!? Am I really that much of an e-wimp?
could this be the next leader of the Conservative party.
You are so fickle, N. Last week you said I should be fast-tracked to the top, or is it to be a dual-premiership?
Youy time has gone Ed.They all want mermaid mermaid mermaid now
Ed said...
Mermaid could probably beat you in a fist fight though ED.
Ed - you wouldn't last two seconds with me.
Hey, what did I say!? Am I really that much of an e-wimp?
You don't sound like a wimp at all, Ed, you sound a decent and honest bloke with the courage of your convictions. Good for you. And I'm definitely not after you, I'm definitely not after you, I think I'm old enough to be your Great Aunt :)
Auntie Flo'
Mermaid said:
Aunty Flo - Indeed, freedom to choose is the ultimate human freedom and I am always thrilled
I'm sure you are, mermaid :)
Auntie Flo'
An acquaintance taught in a Lambeth primary school...never a week went past without another poor little traumatised refugee from yet another nation arrived..its overload.
My Irish grandfather, a Ua Brian, was told by his Great Grandmother that our family are direct descendants of Cennétig mac Lorcáin, King of Thomond and his wife Bé Binn ingen Murchada, through their son, Brian Bóruma mac Cennétig, born in 926 or 941, and known by the English as Brian Boru, the High (or Mad) King of Ireland.
As a child I laughed at my granddad's blarney. Yet so many improbable things he told me proved to be true that I began to wonder if there might be grain of truth in this.
Then I was given a book about my granddad's clan and was amazed to find photographs and paintings of my immediate family members - even of myself - on page after page. Except of course they weren't my immediate family members, some had been dead for centuries. Sent a shiver down my spine that did.
Auntie Flo'
SO why have they crammed all the black folk into inner-city ghettos then?
Could it be so they can keep them in the dark, voting Labour?
Someone need to explain that the socialist lie 'The Tories will take your council house away' actually means 'The Tories will let you buy your house cheap and set you free.'
Yes Flo Ed is a popular chap with good balance to his views.
Lillith - Thats is exactly where the problems come ., the schools cannot cope and nor can the police or the community . Its too much change all at once and too many strangers all at once. God knows i gave nothing aganst races or cultures but if you understand what a culture is you cansee it can be damaged
Flo I would have said it was entirely obvous you had Irish Blood. Poltical, garrulous , feisty but good natured and with a sense of the romance and spell of the past ..the ancient. Oh yes you are that hybrid English Irish that has been such a part of our story
'The Tories will let you buy your house cheap and set you free.'
Steven have tried explaining to someone that less benefits will be good for them ? Tough sell
Hmmm, I see your point.
Newmania said...
Flo I would have said it was entirely obvous you had Irish Blood.
Thanks, newmania. And I s'pose you're right.
I got Bob Piper to say the NHS was 'institutionally racist', fancy diverting him some unwanted attention for publicising the Guardian smear?
You don't have to cut off people's benefits, you just have to make it easier and more profitable for people to get themselves off them.
True Ed but that is a multigenerational thing politically as DC said
You don't have to cut off people's benefits, you just have to make it easier and more profitable for people to get themselves off them.
good point, Ed. you can be my home secretary when I become the next Iron Lady. I do recall once telling my old headteacher I was going to be PM. she didn't bat an eyelid when she told me she had no doubts about that.
Ed. you can be my home secretary when I become the next Iron Lady
Best offer Ed will get this year. Enjoy your role playing frolics
is a multigenerational thing politically as DC said
I agree, which is why winning the next election is only the first step to rebuilding the country. But if even a lot of Tory voters can't see it then is it really possible?
I think DC is on the right track but he needs some way of getting through to the old-skool activists like Mr EK who want a bit of meat. The problem is if he hints too much then the media will present it as a lurching to the left.
A difficult game to play.
N, Mermaid and I are deadly serious!
You wish Ed !!
'good point, Ed. you can be my home secretary when I become the next Iron Lady.' (mermaid of moorgate)
Will you abolish tax credits? No phasing out, no namby pamby, just abolish the foul things outright?
If so, then I'd vote for you.
PS. Can I have foreign?
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