It was typical of him to arrange a surprise Party to which 90 people were invited fed and lavished with an endless free bar and entertainment. Now I had one of the best evenings I have had for ages . Partly because we were able to palm of the sprog on mum and actually gallivant out together but mostly it was the quality of the theme night singers . It sounds awful doesn’t it . A Vegas night with an Elvis impersonator , a Sinatra Impersonator show girls in a local Hotel . It should be dull and a gaudy disguise for pain and insecurity . In fact it was life affirming and wonderful. The Sinatra was unbelievably good and well….you are not short of top material are you and Elvis just kept delivering the best of the best. During “ My Dream” written for the 68 come back Bro Moi and Bro-in-law with others were all up there helping with the backward punching .Peter Kay territory may be but a slice of joy nonetheless . Quality...join if you will and feel free to assume the position ...........
......We're lost in a cloud
with too much rain.
We're trapped in a world
that's troubled with pain.
But as long as a man
has the strength to dream
he can redeem his soul
and fly...
Deep in my heart there's a trembling question.
Still I am sure, that the answer's
gonna come somehow.
Out there in the dark,
there's a beckoning candle, yeah.
And while I can think, while I can talk.
While I can stand, while I can walk.
While I can dream.
Please let my dream come true...
Right now.
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