Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I hate Blogger

God I hate blogger , I hope you are listening you bastards. Uploading pictures is a lottery I rarely win , my functions are reduced for no reason ,and not a day goes past with out some problem. I would pay for something that worked, and some back up to sort out problems .Now it won`t let me have any pictures honestly I just despair. with it . Why do we all put up with such a shoddy product? Don`t ask me


Anonymous said...

use wordpress its much I am told...

sally in norfolk said...

now why wont my name link back to my blog :-(

Anonymous said...

Looks fine from here N. Keep up the quality of your writing regardless. David Allen was right earlier - it's down to you to maintain the tone and get the right ballance between jollity and seriousness.

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