Try this on for wierd , I went to meet an old friend for a drink in what is my closest pub and the barmaid was one 'Angela Bruce '.
I`m not a great watcher of TV drama but I immediately recognised her " Umm... do I know you from somewhere I said " ...she said she was an actress and that was it . She was pretty slippy with providing lagers as well so seems a bit of a sort. Odd though she is still doing all sorts of things so I wonder why she does it , she is a strong performer actually and gave me a big beamy smile when we left. Do you think .........bet I could . You might know her from Angels or Red Dwarf
Meanwhile I have managed to gte my first letter in the local Paper. I am hoping to develop these themes of anti Norman Bakerlite.
Busy Mr. Baker may have all sorts of interesting ideas about the EU`s stipulations for waste,(Letter 1.4.08), but it will be news to many, that unelected foreign bureaucrats have any say on the vexed question of local incinerators at all. It will puzzle yet more, that an MP who advertises his concerns about transparency graft and local decision making, should blindly support an internationalist project awash with waste, and contemptuous both of our country and democratic accountability, as his Party does.
Busy Mr. Baker may have all sorts of interesting ideas about the EU`s stipulations for waste,(Letter 1.4.08), but it will be news to many, that unelected foreign bureaucrats have any say on the vexed question of local incinerators at all. It will puzzle yet more, that an MP who advertises his concerns about transparency graft and local decision making, should blindly support an internationalist project awash with waste, and contemptuous both of our country and democratic accountability, as his Party does.
Contradictions abound. His much mocked parallel career in investigative journalism has earned our MP the reputation of being Lewes`s Miss Marple, but as a member of the left wing Beveridge group he supports exactly the dinosaur sized state which makes the abuse of taxpayers money he reveals ,inevitable .Furthermore, confusing our friendship with the US with handing over our country’s right to decide anything at all ,as he did, strikes me as ..what was the word he used about UKIP ..“unhinged”.
There may be a place for such picturesque “radicalism”, animal rights obsession and bizarre conspiracy theories. A sixth form debating society in about 1979 would be my suggestion but others, no doubt , find his eccentricities more appealing .Perhaps they would bear in mind that the best way to ensure we continue to be bullied by the most authoritarian regime since the war is to vote for Norman Baker."
You're wasted, Newmsie.
Most 'celebs' are brassic.
She was sweet actually EK...I `m not wasted at the moment
perhaps she was researching a role she is going to play...actors do that all the time over here...
I think she may want to keep her hand in with being normal
Glad to se that you are helping Lewes get into the 19th century!
BTW, she was in Del Boy as the councillor who he helped dressed as Batman (I think).
Actually, Lewes is a favourite place for me, is the Parham Arms still any good?
Haven1t tried it yet Scrobs ...yes i thought I remembered tbhat as well, I think you are right
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