Friday, August 24, 2007

The Coconuts Of London

Derek Laud( does not fit the stereotype)

Talking about race shouldn’t be off limits for whites says Andrew Anthony
…This was quite an interesting a piece trailing a forthcoming book from the Guardian Comment is free. I have tried to grab the bones of it doing a sort of new mania digest …

"Race is a is a no-go area for whites and perhaps we should do more . We have allowed race to become a self-perpetuating problem. ‘Black’ means more than skin colour. We can see this from the pejorative slang term “coconut”, meaning someone who is black on the outside but white on the inside .Liberal anti-racists carry around a set idea of what being “black” entails: physically strong, non-academic, in some way anti-authority and of course promiscuously heterosexual. Anyone who does not fit expectations is less ‘black‘. I have thought about this imprisoning idea of blackness .Society has become less racist in the past forty years, employment opportunities have increased, but Afro-Caribbean boys do even worse at school than before .
Liberals blame a new subtle racism. Paradoxically they are right . The racism that I witnessed came mostly from within black communities ,where low expectations and cultural stereotypes were often aggressively enforced. Then there was the kind of “well-meaning” racism, no less restricting, in which I had been complicit.
I recall an interview I did with a political aspirant called Derek Laud (later to achieve a greater profile as a contestant on Big Brother). In 1997 Laud was the prospective Tory candidate for Bernie Grant’s Labour stronghold of Tottenham. He dressed like an Edwardian gentleman, spoke in a camply posh voice, was a member of the Monday Club, and an enthusiastic fox-hunter. I said that it must have taken a great deal of willpower to ignore his own racial identity in the homogeneous environment of the Reform Club, where we met.
“This is your problem,” replied Laud. “You clearly think of me as being black.”
At the time, I thought this was a tragicomic case of self-denial. And I quickly pointed out that he was indeed black. To which he said: “I never wake up in the morning and look at my face and think: ‘Gosh, I’m black.’ ” This confused me .It was agreed by every approved authority on the matter that the way to liberation from racial prejudice was to “get in touch” with your racial identity. But what has that turned out to mean?
Urban black youths are sold a ubiquitous imagery with the crude repetition of a 50 Cent album. This self-dramatising idea of blackness has helped to create a debilitating mental ghetto and limiting as the real ghettos taking shape in our cities.
One way of correcting this situation, which almost everyone in theory agrees upon, is to challenge racial stereotypes. In which case there can be few greater challenges to the Afro-Caribbean stereotype than Laud: gay, camp, sardonic and Tory. The British African pressure group Ligali dismissed the “gay pseudo intellectual”, after his Big Brother appearance, as a “prime example of cultural disinheritance”. . The truth is, however, that until people with black skin can reject and select their own culture they will never truly be free. The Fallout: How a Guilty Liberal Lost His Innocence is published by Jonathan Cape on September 6"

I have cut this by about a half without losing any sense so the book promises to be the bore of the new Millennium . I have been saying for ages that Black people are not a group any more than white people are . They rarely agree and they are increasingly not defined in this country by Colour .Mrs . N and I socialise a fair bit with black chums and most of then could be called coconuts if you wanted to be irritating about it . It is typical of Liberal to announce as a magical discovery something that ordinary Londoners have known for a very long time and typical of the estrangement between do-gooders and the object of their intellectual charity.

Nonetheless now we are finally starting to hear some sense from the bleeding hearts what implications does this have for race policy in view of the eruption of gang violence reported in the Standard this evening. The answer is clear stop pandering to this silly image black youth like to wear. No special treatment , no “ understanding" special problems . No dealing with self appointed community leaders who have a vested interest in separation. Same as everyone else is the key including the even worse performing white working class boys .

I would suggest a sort of three month boot camp for all English youths as a little National Service . The immense good it would do deprived blacks can only be matched by the immense good it would do for Etonians . I doubt we will hear any politicians telling us the truth though …oh sorry we did . Patrick Mercer !

Porter Not Free Yet....

The Attorney General has requested the case papers on freed paedophile Michael Porter so the Government can consider whether to appeal against his non-custodial sentence.Porter, 38, of Okehampton Close, north London, was controversially handed a three-year community rehabilitation order after pleading guilty to 25 counts of indecent assault and gross indecency on young boys.(He had used his trusted position as a ministerial servant in the Jehovah's Witnesses to prey on vulnerable victims in Clevedon, Somerset, over a 14-year period. One of his victims was an 18-month-old baby.)

Perhaps we`ll see some sense after all then. Christ he is free in North London where they are about to decant the murderer Chindamo . Thank god I`m moving. On Iain Dale`s Blog they were discussing therapy and so on . I can`t see the relevance . the first point of the custodial sentence he should have got is to punish the vile sicko. When hell freezes over , the official Newmania , date for the first consideration of release we can discuss his rehabilitaion with his balls sitting on the desk between us.

This Lesbian Nonsense....

'Sexy Dannii Minogue last night vowed to put her twin lesbian nightmare behind her and said: "Now let's concentrate on the music." The X Factor beauty is desperate for fans of the hit ITV show to focus on its wannabe stars rather than the sleazy snaps which have plagued her. And now Dannii, 35, is grateful the images are in the open and fans can now forget what a pal described as "this lesbian nonsense".' - The Star.

It's not nonsense Dannii love is always a beautiful thing , where are these Lebian images then ?

Incidentally Danni described an appearance in Playboy as empowering and positive for women.... Hear that girls , the kles you wear the more empowered you are !! Well.....what are you waiting for , its getting hot in here ...

BTW - The spirit of Loaded seems to have animated me a bit recently sorry about that. Last one ;promise

A Painful Seperation

'A woman set fire to her ex-husband's penis as he sat naked watching television and drinking vodka, Moscow police said Wednesday. Asked if the man would make a full recovery, a police spokeswoman said it was "difficult to predict." The attack climaxed three years of acrimonious enforced co-habitation. The couple divorced three years ago but continued to share a small flat, something common in Russia where property costs are very high. "It was monstrously painful," the wounded ex-husband told Tvoi Den newspaper. "I was burning like a torch. I don't know what I did to deserve this." ' - Reuters.

I thought my divorce was bad but at least we didn`t have to sit looking at eachother.I have a nasty feeling that being next to Scotland post independence is going to be like being joined at the hip to your ex wife.Nasty
Childish Giggle Of The Day
'The dark rings of Uranus have been seen end-on for the first time, giving astronomers the chance to detect unknown moons' - The Times.

Cheer Leader For The Free World

Name : Hayden Panettiere
Birth Name : Hayden Leslie Panettiere
Height : 5' 4¼''
Sex : Female
Nationality : American
Birth Date : August 21, 1989
The hottest girl in the coolest show on the planet .

I could get addicted to heroine. Having noticed lads mags the other day I decided to buy one . Full of rubbish but it had lots of pictures of Miss Panettiere and an interview with Quesntin Tarantino including this off the cuff remark
“ It was the best Pussy Party in Hollywood . To not get laid there you would have to be so unfamous you don’t know who you are ....”Money well spent then

Two Tragedies

Pictured : Rhys Jones his poor mother and Jamie Bulger

Looking at the picture of Rhys Jones` mother in tears caught me in the back of the throat this morning. I wonder how many people, like me, suddenly felt the need to call home and check everything was alright . So what should David Cameron make of this. He has had much to say about our “Broken Society” and Iain Duncan Smith’s Report bears directly on the atomisation and brutality of life in our country. Should he use this dead child and grieving mother as apoltical weapon as would be , in a sense, be entirely logical?
No he should not . After a period of time he may wish to count this among the many other tragedies that an opposition has a duty to call the government to account for, but he must never use this event as Tony Blair used the Jamie Bulger Murder . The following are excerpts from Nick Cohen’s assault on the depravity of the Blair / Brown media machine. Their exploitative behaviour should never be forgotten as one of the low points in the political history of this country.

Tony Blair hijacked the murder of James Bulger for political ends, and so put justice in jeopardy
Special report: James Bulger

Nick Cohen
Sunday June 24, 2001
The Observer
There's no alternative to saying it bluntly. Tony Blair robbed the grave of a dead toddler in the spring of 1993 and exploited the suffering of his family to create a dangerous and hypocritical political style. ........

...........Thatcherism..... Its clean little secret was that its crime policies were quietly sensible..... Conservative Home Secretaries tried in their muddled way to be straight with the public. Douglas Hurd, Kenneth Baker, David Waddington, Kenneth Clarke and Michael Howard refused to fill the prisons to please the tabloids.

In the weeks before James Bulger was killed, I got a draft of a torrid speech by David Maclean, a junior Minister in Howard's Home Office. The justice system was 'on the side of the criminal', Maclean had intended to rage, and vigilantes had a point. The police must have the power to drive offenders from the streets like 'vermin'.
We're used to such tosh today, but at the time Ministers didn't talk like that. Howard was appalled and Maclean's speech was rewritten. Instead of playing Dirty Harry, Howard required him to deliver a worthy lecture on crime prevention which, as I remember, made much of fitting good window locks......... After James Bulger's murder, Blair went to Wellingborough and announced that the killing was 'a hammer-blow against the sleeping conscience of the country'. It was a daring move. He was using a dead toddler as a symbol of the state of Britain under the Conservatives. Only under Labour, he said, would we find social peace by accepting we 'couldn't have rights without responsibilities'. Roy Hattersley, Blair's predecessor as Labour's home affairs spokesman, would never have used the death of a child for political advantage. Nor would most serious Conservatives. There were reasons for restraint beyond good taste. The premise of the Wellingborough speech was demonstrably false. James Bulger's murder 'said' nothing more (or less) about the state of Britain than that a horrible crime had taken place. It wasn't a symbol of anything. About 20 juveniles are convicted of murder or manslaughter each year. Nearly all are 14 or over. Killers as young as Jon Venables and Robert Thompson are incredibly rare, which is why the criminal-justice system has such difficulties knowing whether to punish or treat them. .... They don't 'tell' the conscience of the country anything.

The Conservative Party must never sink to the level of New Labour and I trust that alongside justifiable frustration with the government’s social and crime policies they will treat this mother and her dead child with more respect than the disgusting Tony Blair and his equally nauseating henchman Brown.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Story of Stuff

What is a country for ? Well oh best beloved this is how the “Country” came to be.
Long ago little family groups wandered about covered in blue dye and they accumulated a certain amounts of stuff with their energetic tin mining or something . Sadly being a little family group when a tribe turned up they immediately killed or enslaved them and took their stuff. From this time on little groups felt in unwise to wander about unprotected so they gathered up into tribes built a bloody great ditch and snuggled down behind it to enjoy the unalloyed pleasure of keeping all their stuff.. This would have been fine but another ditch building tribe( tribe B) finding that they were stronger together cast envious eyes at the neighbouring tribes stuff and invaded them .’ Once again the devil, farts in my face’, cried the invaded members of tribe A ,realising at once that they had to up their game stuff –keeping wise.

This process continued until the tribe reached a natural boundary like the Sea and until they met another vast accumulation of stuff-keepers. The tribes became one tribe within this boundary and they all cooperated to keep their stuff from other similar organisations. These cooperative stuff keeping enterprises were known as countries . Well of course countries wanted eachothers stuff but some countries were good at keeping stuff and became right handy at defeating successive would be invaders . They created a thing called a government or ruler and pretty much all hey did was collect money to pay for armies so everyone knew their stuff was secure .

That was all governments did really until the 19th century at which time for obscure reasons what had been merely a vehicle of protection became master of the country.
The people in it found their stuff was taken actually by the stuff-guardian . Worse still, the boundary that had been the point of the entire exercise was now a revolving door until 574000 a year of any old person could turn up and take as much stuff as they liked .
Looking at this sorry state of affairs 385 ,000 per year of the people who had made the country left wondering why they had bothered.
Here Endeth the Lesson

Pretty Vacant

'Channel 4 is to launch a reality TV show in which a group of "self-declared attractive people" live together and compete for a £10,000 prize. Vanity Lair...will begin with 10 contestants moving into a luxury mansion in London. Over 10 weeks, new recruits will arrive and attempt to win their way into the house. The new arrivals who convince the residents they are the most "attractive" will get to stay, kicking out a person already in the house that they feel shouldn't be there' - The Guardian.

That sounds a lot ,like my adolescence ....the scars still twinge from time to time

End Of The Lad`s Mag

The demise of the Lads Mag seems imminent . Wimmin everywhere are cock a hoop today that men seem to have ceased to find scantly clad women attractive.....( raises eyebrow).Only a browser myself, but they symbolised a bloke-lash of the 90s and naughties. Here’s the ‘savage indictment of a failing sector.’

ABC circulation figures show an overall year on year drop of 25.9% for FHM, 18.1% for Zoo, and 9% for Nuts.Loaded the iconic ground breaking Title is down a whopping , as they say , 35%.. The figure for Loaded is especially interesting as it was this mag, brandishing Nick Hornby and tits ,that blew up the cosy cashmere and squash racket world of GQ .GQ soon withdrew its pledge not to feature honeeez and trotted like a jaded swinger into the soft porn ‘disco’

Is the Lad culture dead then ? Well I think its subversive potential is mostly spent and porn is increasingly available elsewhere. The market is too crowded and the quality has become woeful. I wonder what normal women make of this . Men wanting to look at naked women is not likely to go away , where after all would all the little killjoys come from if they didn`t.That’s what we are designed for and that’s the way the honeeeez like it ,for the most part. Incidentally it’s a myth that breasts are really just for breast feeding. Our near higher Ape relatives get all the milk they need from a small nipple . The fatty pendulous and deliciously inviting breast is designed to be looked at ...rude not to in fact !
So two laddish fingers up at the smug mingers relishing the travails of the lads mag . They that admitted men like the female form and it was entirely healthy. For most of the 20th century through Graham Greene to Martin Amis men lived in two worlds .A Public world in which acetic Puritanism was the norm and a wildly divergent private world which only occasionally burst like Magma (or hot chilli) into public view . Lads Mags are part of the West shedding the odd dualism that is a unfortunate by product of Christianity. Body and Soul , Sex and Love , Public and Private men today are closer to the whole deal than ever and Lads mags are a step on the way.

The asymmetry has been this. While men are exhorted and cajoled , to love the whole woman, women are still allowed to sneer at most of a man. Its time for the women to stop moaning and love us the way we are ....

or should say start moaning and love us the way we are

'Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine has ditched tennis babe Maria Sharapova (pictured above) because she is a "terrible lover" who refused to move or moan during sex, “. Levine told Russian magazine Exile "She wouldn't make any noise during sex. I can't tell you how disappointed I was. I really thought, like a lot of guys, that she'd be the loud screaming type. But instead, she just lay there like a dead frog. She even got angry if I started to moan, said it 'ruined her concentration.'

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Angst In Your Pants ...

'A US forensics scientist who said she tested her husband's underwear for DNA to determine whether he was unfaithful has been fired. Ann Chamberlain, of Lansing, Michigan, testified in a March 7 divorce hearing that she ran the test last September on the underwear of her husband, Charles Gordon Jr. Asked by his lawyer what she found, she answered: "Another female. It wasn't me." ' - The Sydney Morning Herald.

In Praise of Nimby`s

Sometimes the political tribes throw stones from neighbouring cliffs but avoid the valley and the fight to the finish . Prominent amongst the rocks are ‘PC’ from the right and ‘NIMBY’ from the left. A NIMBY they say , is a person who does not recognise the greater social good their small sacrifice will facilitate . It is Left code for selfish small minded and stupidly unaware.
I refute this . For a Conservative my back yard is quite naturally the first area of concern.Conservatives are suspicious of claims to be concerned for “ Africa “ a la Bono recalling Johnson’s aphorism “ No man was ever truly vexed by public affairs “. Why ...well because it is an unnatural distortion of human nature and we suspect ,usually rightly, that a hypocritical gulf lied between the words and the motive . Sceptical does not mean in denial though and Conservatives are happy to recognise larger concerns but always happier at a community level or familial level . This was the meaning of the hugely de-contextualised remark “There is no such thing as Society” there is chiefly family and community .From this flows much good sense but I have a couple of recent examples of the goodness of the NIMBY

1Airports - Auntie Flo made a tremendously strong case against the expansion of Stansted and Heathrow which I have just browsed through. She certainly introduced a lot of material I was unaware of .Interestingly there are two factors here . Firstly it is what you might call NIMBY...ism. Many of the airport protesters are simply people who do not want the noise and destruction in their area, but they are allied with others who are part of a wider movement and soon realise they have to make the case on better grounds than their own inconvenience. Their inconvenience however is a perfectly valid point. Until the Contract was signed most would have been unaware of it and certainly unaware of the tax inducements and planning frame-work whereby such an outcome was likely . They were, in effect, only asked when it reached “Their back yard”

2 Housing – many people have until recently been unaware of the effect of anti family legislation and immigration, and if asked about either they might say . Well you can’t pick on single mums and “ Isn’t this a racist dog whistle “ . When their lovely village however is swamped with endless high density estates to house 1,000,000 immigrants not even here yet they get all NIMBY. Rightly so say I . People are quite entitled to get on with their life without thinking through the ramifications of every perturbation on the political pond . They are right to engage when it impinges on them and right to be outraged that their wishes were not considered before .
They will be told , yes you voted for the Government and page 56 of the manifesto.... or you signed the consultation and so on. They will , with justification reply , had you not hidden distorted and kept secret the truth I see in concrete before me I would not have acquiesced . I have a living to make and I foolishly trusted you. Now I will stand in your way.

3 Chindamo..There is a sort of NIMBY accusation here. We look at the unrepentant murderer and see he is out after twelve years and his” Right to a family life” is seriously being described as a human right preventing his deportation. Frances Lawrence has been portrayed as vengeful in a disgraceful smear campaign by the left, who are only concerned to shore up their weak flank on the EU. She is not vengeful, she has made efforts to discover if he really had truly repented and it is as clears as can be that he has not . She is in fact as a well meaning and apparently brilliant teacher, a fan of what the human rights act was supposed to be. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was not at least acquiescent on the EU . Now she is a NIMBY , told that even if we repealed UK legislation we would only be arguing the same case in Strasbourg being bound by the terms of the European Convention on Human Rights . She cannot say now she doesn’t like it , she is complicit she must think outside her own case .What nonsense ,like the rest of us the extent to which our justice and laws are not in our control and the extent to which Liberal abandonment of punishment as valid were not clear until it cut deeply into her life. She is a NIMBY and a woman who the laws have betrayed

I welcome all NIMBY`s . All those who believe what’s mine and what is right are the whole point of laws .If the laws fail we stand in front of the bulldozer and the badge NIMBY should be a badge of honour !

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Capital Punishment

When China had a drugs problem they rounded up 20,000 drugs dealers and shot them. Solved the problem. Or in Zaire before the rumble in the jungle they rounded 10,000 crims and shot every tenth one with a warning that if there was any trouble they would be back...decimated , you might say. It’s a thought ..but its not what I would base an argument for the death penalty on

. We all know that the possibility of being dead would dissuade us from a course of action more than the remote possibility of watching TV in a comfy room for a few years . According to Liberal argufiers some alchemical; process happens between the obvious truth and “ The figures” whereby the reverse is true . In fact it would appear that the prospect of being dead is actually an encouragement to run about the place committing murder.( Now just pause to ponder on the ocean going gold plated asininity of the suggestion in your own time ). This is the misuse of statistics especially across cultural divides a notoriously complex area in which straightforward comparisons are to mistake the provenance of the data .
For example during the 19th century the rate of church building across the US showed the rate of Saloon building According to some that proves churches cause drunkenness . Actually population causes both and that’s the sort of trick. Similarly the presence of guns and the incidence of murder is proven by comparison between the UK and the US .. leave Switzerland out and you have your self some “evidence” put it back in and you have a problem.

The death penalty is present in far fewer countries in the developed world because in tandem with industrial and post industrial economic development there has been a the growth of a certain moral relativism and a cowardice in confronting moral choices. Assuming that everything that is modern is good is required to make the statistics work.The conclusion is in the premise . Liberals do not want to unpack these statistics because they are too convenient despite the glaringly obvious problem with the nonsensical topsy turvy conclusion about the motives of individuals .It is perfectly straightforward to do so along the lines I suggest.

In any case deterrence is secondary, The primary purpose of law is justice and in some cases there is no doubt and there is no question that death is the only fit punishment. Rose West should not be alive .
Yes its expensive and yes its difficult to look at but if we go on avoiding right and wrong we will end up with animals where once there were men ....It looks to me as if we are long way to far down that road already. The death penalty comes from the love and duty you bear the departed.This moral abstention is nosing its way down our streets with insidious intent . That’s why the people who live in them are in favor of returning Justice and punishment to the heart of our penal system.

Crime of the day

A robber who held up a (British) betting shop with his girlfriend's sex toy was jailed for five years on Monday. Nicki Jex, 27, concealed his partner's "Rampant Rabbit" vibrator in a plastic bag during the raid on a Ladbrokes shop in Leicester, east central England, on December 27 last year. The city's crown court was told that he pointed the sex aid at a cashier and forced her to hand over more than 600 pounds in cash' - Newswire.

Brits for Scottish Independence

Mac B-Ruin is continuing the gossamer thin pretence that he cares a hoots-mon about the English Football team . You may recall he claimed, risibly, that he supported England’s the World Cup bid ‘as did most Scots’ ..yes yes I recall their cheerful shouts of encouragement over the years .... Well its Birthday and Christmas time for the resistance tomorrow. Mac Bruin will be having “Talks “with Angela Merkel the Kraut mastermind behind the secret Treaty designed to sell England to the Continent . They will subsequently be rushed to an England Germany friendly where Mac Broon will cheer one or the other side ..according to taste . I do hope some of those naughty England fans notice him sitting their like a nasty alien potentate and shout abuse .

(Thats the Brits for Scottish Independence Facebook says we all know the Scots want independence so lets join them in this noble cause)

Hi Hooooooooooo..

A Dwarf performing at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe was taken to hospital after he glued his private parts to a vacuum cleaner. Daniel Blackner 42 said during the show. The Circus of Horrors – he pulls a vacuum cleaner across the floor attached to his penis . The incident happened after he had used glue to fix the nozzle in place . Nurses at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary struggled for an hour to free him” It was the most embarrassing moment of my life “ he said ...and this from a man who drags vacuum cleaners across a stage with his penis !

Monday, August 20, 2007

Ken Smears But Who Pays ?

How much of our money is Ken Livingstone spending on smearing Boris ? The Standard this eve carries the shocking news that Boris has been talking to Sheriff Lee Baca.Sheriff Baca is the"elected " Sheriff of Los Angeles County, California.(He was re-elected to a third term in 2006).Naturally the man who fights crime in LA could not possibly have anything to tell us about the ethnically diverse City of London where knifings and shootings are escalating out of control…oh no ..According to the Livingstone droogs the only thing that matters is some Hallo Magazine thing about Paris Hilton which shows that Boris is obsessed with celebrity.Pitiful.
I `ll tell you the things that interest B Johnson about this man . His experience and that magic word “ Elected”. Lee Baca is directly accountable to the people he serves and has to produce results . Boz is rolling up his sleeves and getting stuck into the problems that Londoners really care about and if anyone thinks the Met would not benefit by that sort of accountability they have not been watching the show. Whats more Boris is using ...his own money.
Still I love this ” By his friends shall ye know him “ motif . Livingstone by contrast admires Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. Castro runs a regime that rejects democracy, jails political opponents and reporters. Chavez tells public workers to support him or leave the country, sanctions beatings . Ken is planning a massive festival across London, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Castro revoltion in Cuba costing us an expected £2million!! That when he isn`t chatting to the IRA, abusing the Jews ,apologising for Islamic extremism or insulting America .
Or does Ken object to foreign travel ? Hardly. . The cost of foreign travel by the Mayor’s Office was £36,490 in 2004-05. This rose to £103,130 in 2005-06. However for the year up to December 2006 it had soared to £229,942.
Or is it as his office claim typically ..clumsy? As clumsy as comparing the American Ambassador to a 'chiselling little crook' for refusing to pay the congestion charge
Who would Ken like the prospective Mayor to be visiting then ( on our money) ? How about China ? .The known expenditure for the trip to China is over £400,000. “"One thing that Chairman Mao did was to end the appalling foot binding of women," he announced. "That alone justifies the Mao Tse-tung era." Half of Mao's tens of millions of victims were also women of course their feet didn`t hurt at least
Its not as if he has ever been very clear about what he can or cannot spend our money or indeed very careful at counting it .For example spending public money on a publicity campaign attacking nuclear power in tandem with the less than open-minded Greens ."Under the headline '£70 billion - Nuclear Waste?' the Mayor invited Londoners to participate in a debate . Or the 2012 Memorandum of understanding potentially leaving Londoners with an unlimited liability to pay for any overspend on delivering the Olympics in 2012. Thanks for that ! Remrember in June 2000, the GLA precept for a Band D property was £122.98 yet by April 2006 this has increased a staggering 134.6% to £288.61 with little to no visible increase in the level of service . Transport for London in 2005/06 spent £78 million of Londoners money on advertising what is effectively a public transport monopoly. A little spent smearing Boris hardly registers does it ...
The Londoner newspaper contains pro-Ken publicity alongside practical information about life in the capital. The Mayor's freesheet The Londoner cost £2,857,488 in 2006/7. Also this budget is net cost not gross cost. Every issue carries 4 pages of full page display ads from bodies in the GLA family. They have no choice about these ads and it means that the Londoner costs more like £4-5 million. £227,375 of this was paid to the PR agency Freud Communications. This it seems included organising a Girls Aloud concert in Shanghai
I ask again . Just how much of our money is Ken spending on smearing Boris ?Just how scared is he to be coming up with this sort if infantile twittering, when Boris is looking for fresh ideas on crime .
As they eyeball eachother over a dusty Mexican village it is increasingly clear that what we have is the Good ( Boris) and the 'Bad and Ugly' in one Ken Livingstone

I Shouldn`t Laugh

'An Australian woman was killed by a pet camel given to her as a 60th birthday present after the animal apparently tried to have sex, police said on Sunday.
'The woman, whose name was not released, was killed on Saturday at her family's sheep and cattle ranch near Mitchell, 600 kilometers west of Queensland's capital Brisbane, state police Detective Senior Constable Craig Gregory said.
'The 10-month-old male camel -- weighing about 150 kilograms -- knocked the woman to the ground, lay on top of her, then exhibited what police suspect was mating behaviour, Gregory said.
'"I'd say it's probably been playing, or it may be even a sexual sort of thing," Gregory said, adding the camel almost suffocated the family's pet goat by straddling it on several occasions'

OK insert own hump gag.....sigh

Men prefer attractive women regardless of age

Michelle Pfeiffer (59) and Caroline Flint b well into her 50s
"Men's criteria for choosing a mate have always been based on her biological ability to produce offspring; younger healthier women are likely to produce more children. Recent information however suggests men's choices may have evolved to a higher level of sophistication. According to Dr George Fieldman of Chilterns University College in England, men consider attractiveness more important than age in their selection of a mate. In his study 200 men average age 30, were asked to select a partner for a long term relationship from a number of photos. In every case the men chose the older attractive women .....Fieldman"

I found this on .I seem to have phases, its like sometimes you want ice cream and sometimes you want steak. I wonder though if age rules between men and women might be starting to loosen up after all when you`ve done the breeding thing you are actually still alive !. My theory is that the most attractive thing about anyone is if they think they are great and a lot of women become very insecure a long time before they need to. I have a feeling as time goes on that a lot more women will be in that gym and looking after themselves and teaching some grateful young chaps delightful lessons . Never underestimate the sexiness of intelligence and experience!

Caroline Flint ( above) is rather nice looking but in view of her despicable part in banning smoking and Labour Party membership. I shall refuse to have sex with her even if she begs ....

PS Or indeed anyone except Mrs. N in reality but looking isn`t buying ...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Soixante-neuf of Liberty

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the arguement of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves".
William Pitt

Or is it ? It appears certain that Gordon B-ruin is going to sign off on ID cards , the contracts are already out and we are right to be concerned . With CCTV and the nascent self propogating technologies I worry that there is too much bourgeois affectation. Some people do not like being filmed driving to fast in sports cars while young women on tough estates would have no freedom at all without CCTV. But is it all about revenue ? The £3 billion Brown is soaking out of landfill tax , for example ,is passed onto us as recycling fines by such weird and wonderful methods as cameras hidden in tins of beans and bricks the fines we pay cover the costs .The EU dimension is terrifying with the emergence of a cross border data base and the sheer technology confuses 'could' with 'should'. The government would ideally like 90 days of detention and while they say Terrorists we are right to think ..‘me’ . I am firmly against
On ID cards the sheer cost is absurd even by the governments highly optimistic measure and I cannot see any benefit while there are great dangers. The Conservative party have given a commitment to rid us of it and it is to their great credit.Census information is sacrosnact until it isn`t as in the case of American Japs rounded up during the war...24 pages they want in 2010

Freedom is not a one way argument though at 40 mph you have a 10% chance of surviving an impact at 20mph a 95% chance. With 35,000 deaths and serious injuries a year that’s a lot of families to tell you that if people will not slow down they will have to made to. In particular young drunk drivers are an annual source of carnage 27% of 17-19 year old males are involved in a crash in first year behind the wheel and every year 100 deaths are killed in accidents involving 17 to 25 year olds usually drunk and usually male. “Those who give up their Liberties in the name of safety deserve neither Liberty nor safety” said Benjamin Franklin but try that glib little sentence on a bereaved mother. I have come to see that speed cameras properly used are a net good the handling has of course been woeful in the best Labour tradition.

I have never been a great fan of Liberty. Libertarians like to sit on a piano Conservatives play it . We need a balance of Liberty and order and there are tempting gains to be had from the national DNA base for example ( see 66).The worry is that like the quangos now costing £190 billion per year the process has its own momentum and the possibilities are not properly discussed with freedom balanced in the mix. . Here are some illustrative facts I have gathered with a number designed to create the pretence this is not an obsessive non funny excavation of data . Sorry it is ….my hopes for readers are low.
Sadly the number of real X ray cameras able to see you naked hidden in lampposts- Nil( Despite the Sun story suggesting otherwise)

Soixante-neuf - Liberty facts

1 The elite fire arms unit responsible for the death of Charles Menzes CO…..?-CO19
2 Armed Met Officers-2060
3 Safety Camera Partnerships budget for operating speed cameras-£95,000,000
4 Gloucestershire Safety Camera Partnership’s budget for advertising-£326000
5 Cost of next census in 2010-£300,000,000
6 Pages of information in 2010 census including religion and income-24
7 Fine you will face for not completing the 2010 census-£1000
8 Number of people in a U-Gov Survey who did not trust the government to keep national database information about them confidential- 66%
9 Numbers opposed to national ID cards on principle ( U Gov)-70%
10 Number prepared to pay no more than £66 for an ID card (U Gov)-85%
11 Number who approve of speed cameras (U Gov)-50%
12 No. times on average each Briton comes under the watch of surveillance cameras
each day-300
13 Number of Surveillance cameras4,200,000
14 Our position in league table of monitoring in the developed world -1
15 Number of countries developing biometric passports -50
16 Annual cost of identity fraud according to Tony Blair-£1.7 billlion
17 a )The amount of the figure £1.7billion not regarded as identity theft by the banks and b) the amount that is an illustrative thin air amount of the rest -£½ billion and 25%
18 Amount of crime prevention budget spent on CCTV by the Home Office-78%
19 No. of recognition reads by speed cameras by 2008-50,000,000
20 Number of civil servants with access to national at base information-400,000
21 Number of recorded prints that Lantern the electronic checker can compares yours with-6,500,000
22 proposed fine for failing to I form the authorities of a change of address under the national ID system-£1000
23 No, of requests made by the Police to see Oyster card movement records-2040
24 Number of unsolved cases for which the Head of the Homicide and serious crime squad of the Met feels we need ensamples from babies to solve-300,000
25 Government est. cost of the ID database-£5.4 billion
26 Independent Estimate -£21 billion
27 Proportion of people who voted for the Hunting ban as their top law to repeal on the R4 Poll-52%

( The next was29% who wanted to repeal the European Communities Act of 1972)
28 The number of requests made to under the freedom of information act and the number that have not been granted- 65852 And 26083
29 Number of separate data bases from national Insurance to the DVLA to be allowed to share information under Labour plans -8
30 The amount by which photographs of homes taken for tax purposes increased from May 2006 to January 2007-514000 to 2,200,000
31 The amount spent on , and the number of , digital cameras in the hands of Council Tax Inspectors -£483,739 and2126
32 Unequivocal commitment by the Conservative party to scrap the ID card scheme-1
33 Number of people held on a DNA database who have never been charged-140,000
34 Number of countries that will have access to the UK DNA database and fingerprints under a EU agreement -27
35 Number of heroic Peers who defeated an enlargement of the mental health bill whereby someone can be detained if it is merely “appropriate “ and not “beneficial”-71
36 The grant Dr. Richard Harvey is working with to perfect a system that will read lips from CCTV footage-£391,814
37 Cost the Government claims of the FOI act-335,000
38 The cost above which all cooperation can be withdrawn under the FOI act ( see cost of ID cards)_£600
39 No. of requests for bugging operations in a year-450,000
40 The cost per check and the number of organisations to be accredited to check data from the ID card scheme to offset the cots of the scheme-60p and 40
41 The accuracy of tax evaluation spy in the sky pictures currently employed in N Ireland to be introduced here after the election- 1 in 1250
42 The number of authorities installing talking CCTV to issue admonishments . Cost £500,000 from the “Respect budget”20
43 the amount of pieces of information required for a British citizen to obtain a passport-200
44 The number of civil servants involved in the granting of a passport-700
45 The number of countries with as many CCTV cameras per head as us -none
46 The number of offences that under EU law you can be locked up for in tn=his country which are not a crime in this country eg Holocaust denial-32
47 The number of years since the freedom to fish at sea was enshrined by Common law to be overturned by David Milliband who will require anyone over 12 to have a licence-800
48 The position of ID cards in the Telegraphs Poll of brainless laws-1
49 The number of ways the state has of entering your home -266
50 The number of statute rights to enter your home in the 1950s-10
51 Cost of a Camera Helmet for a Lollipop Warden Beijing tried in Oxford-£900
52 The amount raised by speed cameras in a year-£1 billion
53 The increase in child road deaths recorded between 2005 and 2006-141 t0 169
54 The number killed or seriously injured in 2006-31845
55 The amount of improvement from the previous year-1%
56 Survival chances at 20mph and 40mph respectively 95% and 10%
57 Landfill tax Councils would have to pay extra over the next four years( hence fines and cameras in tines of beans )-£3 billion
58 The proportion of requests granted under FOI since Jan 2005 and the proportion granted in the last quarter of 2006-59% and 17%
59 Number of forms to be filled in to perform a “Story telling “ act-6
60 Fine for stubbing a cigarette out on the street-£80
61 During the same period this shows the increase in cots deaths as against the amount of people smoking its supposed cause- Up 500% and halved
62 The figure somehow arrived at by the Study commissioned by 33 Coucil sof the annual number of deaths from passive smoking…(There is absolutely no evidence of this )-617
63 This many non smokers living with smokers were studied in the only ever serious research showing no significant risk over 40 years ( American Cancer Society)-35000
64 The height from which the micro drone ( new Police Toy) can film you -1600 ft
65 Number on the Police DNA data base as it stands -3,500,000
66 DNA matches last year for
Homicide -422
Violent crime-1974

67No. MPs backing the BMA`s call for 9 PM watershed for alcohol advertising -29
( Thats where it started for smoking)
68 Proportion of pub goers who smoke -80%
69 Amount Budweiser are sponsoring the Olympics for -£80,000,00

Come Into My Parlour ....

I have just watched John Denham MP claiming that anyone who worried about the fact only 3% of people fail A levels and that the pass rate can be as low as 17% was a bitter cynic. According to this genius, to complain about the dumbing down of A levels is to admit that schools and opportunities cannot unlock the potential . Have you ever heard such a lot of verbal offal. Guess who he quotes in his defence ,,the "Teaching profession" ? Oo Goody birthday and Christmas .Are you seriously telling me that when you asked teachers if they thought they were doing a good job they said yes? I am bedazzled and astonished….

Of course the exams have been dumbed down ,and of course schools can work ,its just that they haven’t during the ten years of New Labour misrule .That is why we are so far behind our competitors .

I see this Denham is going to be a big friend of mine ,he went on the brag about the governments record on crime ,despite the fact that a survey out last week reported 175 knife robberies are happening everyday in England and Wales in what is a national catastrophe. The continual dissonance between Police figures and absolutely everyone else`s is another question that might exercise this pitiful apologist`s scarcely sentient brain . The police are enmired in bureaucracy but they are also wasting efforts massaging statistics with the governments tacit approval. Conservatives must hear the calls for the Police to be independently monitored .

We have just been treated to the bewildering spectacle of Darling claiming the £21 billion of proposed tax cuts would be taken out of the economy . He has been accused of economic illiteracy but of course he knows money out of government hands is more active in the economy. Knowing this ,he is still prepared to hope sufficient people are too uninterested that the most transparent of lies will nonetheless cause a little doubt.

There is a theme developing here.As the problems caused by New Labour policies mount ,the separation of “New brown’ from his own actions becomes an increasingly preposterous imposture . Labour are obliged to defend their record as is right and just.Hence they are trapped into pretending there is no problem to be solved.That is why New Brown, New Labour aka 'same old crap', can do nothing for the country even if they wanted to . Brown can twist and finnesse as much as he likes but the web of lies New Labour spun paralizes them . He thought he was the spider, but he is becoming the fly .It would be a kindness to finish him quickly and cleanly

(PS £21 billion is also approximately the projected cost of the ID card white elephant according to outside observers. With the governments record on the Olympics and the NHS data bank its all too plausible )

Farewell Bill Deedes

I felt a real lump in my throat when I heard the news I don`t know if its the man, although I have loved his writing.I think it might be a feeling that a link to something better than we have has been broken. Ignoring B ruin`s meretricious garbage I like Norman Tebbit`s tribute
Lord Tebbit, the former Conservative Party chairman, said: “Bill was a link with a British past which for all its faults encompassed a society overwhelmingly and immensely superior to that of today. It was for that society that Bill Deedes always spoke.

I commented:

The perspective was long, but the focus stayed sharp….For example ..“What makes me thoroughly uneasy about David Blunkett's decision to make incitement to religious hatred an offence is that it overturns a long-established principle, firmly upheld by a Labour government 35 years ago………..”This is the value of experience and memory in the year zero world of New Labour , for whom he had an unwavering distaste.
I wish he was here to mock the preposterous imposture of “New Brown”. He consistently argued that the Brown v Blair pantomime was for public consumption and that this entity was more left and more singular than it appeared .I think he knew his time was short. There was a passage describing the ‘roses’ this year with an almost elegiac serenity but England was not a view of Roses to him .England was found in the integrity of the political process His distaste for New Labour ,therefore ,was commensurately strong albeit ironically expressed ....

He could still draw blood in his nineties , astonishingly comfortable in the contemporary world his columns should not be dismissed as charming for all their good nature.
Others have mentioned the affection he inspired but the respect he is due for his writing and political thinking is what will remain an inspiration to me and others. Had the nauseating unctuous fraud Brown actually either read or been enlightened by his work ( as he claims )he would walk out of No. 10 tear off his clothes and never be seen again.

Thanks for the company Bill.

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