Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mike, Patricia,Caroline Oakes (and Football )

MIKE made an appearance at what for him was an unholy hour of the morning (about 1.00 PM). Always such a pleasure to see Mike. He is a thoughtful and kindly chap beneath his hideous outer shell (just kidding). For some reason, I thought of Mike when I was chatting to woman about her soft drugs habit. She said “Well why shouldn’t I, you have a Gin and Tonic ?"… (And some actually). I pointed out that in a supermarket next to the “Fair Trade “ counter her product would be in the “Child Slave Labour “ ,section. Hashish production is often precisely under such conditions. She said she grew her own and I must admit I was a bit stymied. If anyone can think of a good reasons why she should not please let me know. I was reduced to saying it is against the law and you can’t pick and choose but it felt a bit weak. I do believe my last point is a crucial one but it isn’t very impressive. Now why would all this remind me of Mike? Was there a leaflet ……?
Ho Ho Ho you `ll never live that one down I `m afraid. Sorry about that.
A Great Conservative a thought provoker and dedicated Party activist. Thanks for coming along.

PATRICIA- I have never seen anyone deal with people the way Patricia does . (Except perhaps Caroline S. as vital as ever , she hasn`t been all that well and I hope we will all support her in any way she needs ). Nervous youngsters should watch Patricia and her relaxed direct approach with members of the public. I think we saw why the campaigning skills she has which, combined with transparent honesty, are so effective. Most of us could learn a thing or two from her, me very much included.
Great to see you
CAROLINE OAKES - If there is anyone who is the perfect Conservative it is Caroline. A cultured woman who is a classical music booking agent, she is also an Arsenal season ticket holder and deeply embedded into all aspects of community life. She went out of her way to support us despite an exceedingly busy schedule and it is greatly appreciated. Caroline was a big help in our campaign in Hillrise. The truth is that she should be the candidate there and next time I hope she runs. She was resplendent in her hoodie outfit ready for the match.
FOOTBALL - I had to leave a bit early and went to see St Albans City playing. It was an exciting game and reminded me of what we have lost in top class football. No diving, the thousand strong crowd were good natured, the game was flowing and the players were all connected to the community. Local heroes. . When you see a real game you do remember what football used to be. I loved the long haired fellow getting,"man of the match". Here are some of the comments
“Best set of curlers more likely “
“Because you’re worth it ….
“Do me Vidal do me…?”

Good old English banter .I’ve missed It.!!

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