Or should I say the message they like least, because the first past the post system exentuates the powers of dismissal . I like this , and I am delighted to welcome Nick Clegg aboard the anti PR train, currently iced up near Crawley.
Nick Clegg told Radio Four “..an election is about people giving politicians the marching orders , not about politicians saying , before the people have had their say oh we are going to X Y and Z “
Well said Nick who forgot to add “..or indeed after they have had their say” ,as in PR.Strange then that Liberals have been ideologically committed to this fraud ever since they were committed to FPTP under Lloyds George ( fancy). Clegg says he feels obliged to support whichever Party has the bigger mandate ... in other words he stands for precisely feck all.
The Guardian recently wondered if a Labour / Conservative coalition was so impossible . Well old Ralph Milliband would be turning in his grave at 78 RPM and I `m not keen , but you have to ask yourself , is anything, barring Chris Huhne ,as bad as Nick Clegg. In my fantasy just as clueless Clegg walks in to sell himself to the highest bidder, marginalised Blairites, having shed their skin once more , emerge from the curtain to tell him he and his worthless Party are not required. Yes ( punch air ...)..*bliss face * LOL etc.
BTW ...Is it just me or is Michael Portillo by far the most intelligent thinker on politics the economy and just about everything there is , around . Another fantasy, but old arguments aside, the country badly needs people of his quality .Is there any way he could be brought back into Government ?
Have many countries had to go to the IMF twice? I think it would be a neat end to New Britain if we had to.
Portillo ?
that would be Michael 'S-A-S' Portillo? Michael 'OK-Maggie-I'll-drive-the-poll-tax-for-you-if-you-say-so' Portillo?
political intelligence is cheap (see Osborne, and every student union in the land); it's applied intelligence that counts
Just seen an episode of 'Dinner With Portillo' and it was fascinating. He managed the conversation very well, kept to the point and didn't rant, and encouraged an interesting discussion on diaries. Yep, I rate him too.
BE - Yes it doesnot bear thinking about
ND you say that but I acnnot help noticing the contrast between Porta-loo and Abbot and anyway I liked the Poll tax.
Phillipa you wisdom is boundless alas for poor ND that he is unable to join us in the circle of cleverness
Tell me more about Portillo's prog, Philipa, I don't watch TV because I'm deaf and the subtitles are a joke. So, as most of portillo's stuff is shaken on TV, I'm bit a of a Portillo virgin :o)
I still suffer with tinitus Flo I recall you were rather helpful
I still suffer with tinitus Flo I recall you were rather helpful
Did you try the white noise for your tinitis, newms? What else have you tried?
Just getting used to it Flo its been a two years now and I rarely think of it
Flo, watch it here:
As I'm catching up on comments I'll post link on new thread too x
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