Monday, May 14, 2007


This free space is available for anyone who wishes to entice by-passers.

Number 1 is Jungle Jane with " jungle jane said...
My blog is shit, but i do have a large rack... "

Number 2 is Duncan Connors , see link on comments

"Well shit,

I only starting my blog as an occasional way to vent steam and have a pop at the more backward elements in society, but if you want to read the rantings of an overweight, balding, Americo-Franco-Scottish, Jewish/Catholic halfbreed whose wife earns more than him, then be my guest and visit my blog.

It is extremely libertarian and rather arsey and I suppose the only thing going for it is my 'being there/life at the hard end' view of the so called war on terror....the retired pension is great, but the training injury was bad I'ld rather play rugby again and screw the money!

Paul, how's that for advertising speel?

Dunc. "

No. 3 PHILLIPA FORTEAN TIMES SAID - " Pop by you are welcome " She is on the Blog Roll

Go and see Eds Blog his link is under commnents and a fine fellow he is He did not supply reasons for visiting but they are many.

No. 4-Justin at " Huntin and Shootin" came up with these winning words.." always looking for new readers " . he is on the blog roll as well

No.5-Blogging James

Come and visit my blog, because it will make you realise how good your own blog actually is!

A win-win, synergistic solution, I think you'll agree

No. 6-Men Sana is a really interesting Blog with an NHS slant. Also an good line in self deprecating humour ( not much option as a Doctor really)

There are only 3 or 4 lunatics who regularly comment on my blog. Newmania was one and now he is gone


Don't let him have commented in vain

mens sana-blogging at its most average

See blog roll

No. 7-IIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttsssssssssssssssss Muttley !!!

'I have a serious political blog and am noted in the same sentence with Guido Fawkes and Iain Dale...

This is true..


OK I do snatch and pussy shots as well as loads of porno links and crappy jokes!! '

And Now The End is Near ...........

Entertainers , snake oil salesmen and egomaniacs , all retire a few times so gimme a break . I really will have to call it a day on the blogging front for the foreseeable future. Its just too time consuming and my finances marriage and domestic arrangements need serious attention.
So now it is the end (stifles sob)..I admit I’ve made mistakes although I cannot actually specify when. I am humble and contrite and resolved to listen in the future . If there was any point to this blog , other than, calling attention to the cellular gorgeousness that be moi, it was this . Politics and its whorish handmaiden journalism, in fact the whole of public life , are dominated by a narrow clad of self obsessed , self appointed soul sappingly tedious specialists . They have never lived and so have nothing to but what each other has said . They inhabit a bizarre surreal cartoon of real life.
There is no better example that Gordon Brown, a man who denied himself sex until he was fifty . A freakish , terrifying cadaverous travesty of a man . A man who , like most of them , was chosen , not elected . A Scottish Socialist who is culpable more than anyone in the great migration of resources out of private and into public hands . This fairground turn whose shtick rests on idiot and idiot savant being indistinguishable to the casual observer. A deeply self loathing and fearful Bad King John ,who, in a process somewhat less democratic than the Norman Conquest ,now assumes the Throne . His political thinking and Marxist error are intertwined like copulating serpents but worse still his autistic magniloquence hides a cynical use of public money for electoral purposes. Via invidious regional grants and direct injections into the Smith slush fund into the New Statesman and PR lackeys from whose cooing sluttish cohorts he recruited the cardboard cut out Mrs. Brown . The mephtic nexus of putrefying not-very -soft, funding from the public purse was only partially disguised by Blair`s perfumed warbling. Now we have the beast itself frightened and snarling in the light .

In any sane environment the voter would be attacking him with pitch forks or running screaming from the room but in the rarefied public air he persists. He continues his lizard eating mouth breathing progress because he is surrounded by other fearful verminous meeja infestations who ,deep inside , know , that they know nothing . I notice by the way that despite a tremendous response at times I have been ignored by Lord “Ian Dale of Blogland “while other fatuous , apple for teacher , borathons have been garlanded with posies at every step of the way.
Bitter, you betcha !

BUT- I will be commenting around the place and the last post after this is one will consist of any advert for any blog that anyone sends me . I will put it up and it will stay there in perpetuity probably .

AVERTISE YOUR BLOG supply link if needed and any words you like I `ll try to keep it up to date . Otherwise this stay open only so I can comment elsewhere which will also be a bit occasional for a while

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