Entertainers , snake oil salesmen and egomaniacs , all retire a few times so gimme a break . I really will have to call it a day on the blogging front for the foreseeable future. Its just too time consuming and my finances marriage and domestic arrangements need serious attention.
So now it is the end (stifles sob)..I admit I’ve made mistakes although I cannot actually specify when. I am humble and contrite and resolved to listen in the future . If there was any point to this blog , other than, calling attention to the cellular gorgeousness that be moi, it was this . Politics and its whorish handmaiden journalism, in fact the whole of public life , are dominated by a narrow clad of self obsessed , self appointed soul sappingly tedious specialists . They have never lived and so have nothing to but what each other has said . They inhabit a bizarre surreal cartoon of real life.
There is no better example that Gordon Brown, a man who denied himself sex until he was fifty . A freakish , terrifying cadaverous travesty of a man . A man who , like most of them , was chosen , not elected . A Scottish Socialist who is culpable more than anyone in the great migration of resources out of private and into public hands . This fairground turn whose shtick rests on idiot and idiot savant being indistinguishable to the casual observer. A deeply self loathing and fearful Bad King John ,who, in a process somewhat less democratic than the Norman Conquest ,now assumes the Throne . His political thinking and Marxist error are intertwined like copulating serpents but worse still his autistic magniloquence hides a cynical use of public money for electoral purposes. Via invidious regional grants and direct injections into the Smith slush fund into the New Statesman and PR lackeys from whose cooing sluttish cohorts he recruited the cardboard cut out Mrs. Brown . The mephtic nexus of putrefying not-very -soft, funding from the public purse was only partially disguised by Blair`s perfumed warbling. Now we have the beast itself frightened and snarling in the light .
In any sane environment the voter would be attacking him with pitch forks or running screaming from the room but in the rarefied public air he persists. He continues his lizard eating mouth breathing progress because he is surrounded by other fearful verminous meeja infestations who ,deep inside , know , that they know nothing . I notice by the way that despite a tremendous response at times I have been ignored by Lord “Ian Dale of Blogland “while other fatuous , apple for teacher , borathons have been garlanded with posies at every step of the way.
Bitter, you betcha !
BUT- I will be commenting around the place and the last post after this is one will consist of any advert for any blog that anyone sends me . I will put it up and it will stay there in perpetuity probably .
AVERTISE YOUR BLOG supply link if needed and any words you like I `ll try to keep it up to date . Otherwise this stay open only so I can comment elsewhere which will also be a bit occasional for a while
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All a bit dramatic Mr N.
May have got carried away.
May get carried away ...
Seriously, you've got your priorities right: best wishes
This post is sublime evidence of just why Newmania gets the readership he does - because he's good.
His opinions are often spot-on and when I take issue with them I cannot help but be beguiled with the wrapping of delicious prose they are deleivered in. If this is indeed the last post (parp parp paaarp) then we are all the poorer for it. I for one will miss Newmania's musings.
I hope and trust you will continue to visit me at Fortean Times and will most gladly host any guest posting you would care to scribble. However, I do understand about home and family and feel the pinch there myself. I'm sure we can all be understanding and will pop back here from time to time and keep the candle in the window. There's time yet. x
the star that burns twice as bright burns half as long . . .
nothing to do with your blog but I thought i'd quote it. how many times have you said goodbye to us all?
you'll be back - eventually.
The effects of 10 years of Gordon Brown, with the prospect of a few more in undiluted form, have been felt by the British in more ways than one...
I will be back eventually but it will be good long while . Months at least. I will in the meantime still opine about the place .
Well, you are generally interesting and occasionally insightful, so I will miss reading your blog. Do you need to go and earn money now? That your usual justification for many things, so is it the reason why you giving up and quitting?
Which is the reason why I don't write on my blog that much, blogs don't pay for mortgages, diapers, car payments and other stuff. Weirdly, whilst I am a part time student I teach during the week, so I wonder why you obsess about my student status so, a complex fueled by an unfullfilled desire, perhaps?
You need to improve your google/yahoo stalking techniques I reckon and find out where I work!!!!!!
Later, and (meant with genuine sincerity) good luck!
Duncan I dread to think what you might be teaching but rest assurred obsessed is the opposite of my attitude to Duncan Connors.
You are safe from stalking for the forseeable future .
Don't leave us! We can't handle it on our own!
Fair play to you N, but surely you can manage the odd post now and again in a snatched spare few seconds?
Write them on the train and upload them when you get home!
We shall miss you, Mr. N. Another baby on the way?
I need to cut down, too. Blogging takes up so much of my time, esp. the next story: "My part in Hitler's downfall"
Ed ..In many ways its more fun commenting...bit of a dull day today though
You beat me to the my joke you complete bastard
See you in a few days when you get the urge to blog again
Nice speech, Newmania. Were you studying Gwynneth Paltrow before you wrote it??
Aw shucks !
I enjoy your work immensely, Newmania. I look forward to seeing you around and you'd certainly get my vote at election time.
Life Vs Blog - no contest, you've done the right thing. Why not once a week though ?
HItch I will not I am afraid
JJ Miss Paltry does little for me and I never study here . I like perverted Lebian drug fiends ....Hey I `ve had an idea ...
Cheers EK see you around
So sad!
Months, I don't believe it, don't be so cruel to us...
Well Piss Off then!! never liked you anyway
*Stalks off*
Brilliant rant Mr N.
As will the rest, I will hugely miss your heartfelt invective. Anyone with your level of genuine passion, care and exasperation is a massive asset for this nation. Yes, forget the dilettante wannabee career politicians who infest Iain's pages - they're just a mess of piss and wind.
Please reconsider in the longer term. Get your home moved, get your 'real' life sorted and come back. Please.
Losing two friends - first Istanbultory and now Newmania - in a short time is hard. Do you have to be so cruel to us, Newmania?
Never heard anyone use 'mephitic; outside of Lovecraft.
Not going anywhere Colin I will be at the lair of his Grace and dale and Guidot ....
( Yeeees Laban ..I was rather pleased with that ...he is a horror to ghastly to describe and Lovecraft was exactly who I had in mind )
"I will be at the lair of his Grace and dale and Guidot ...."
That's good to know, Newmania, because a wise man once wrote on Istanbultory's blog: "You can`t just establish an identity then bugger off. Its like a small bereavement."
Someone contacted me here in Australia, with news that 'newmania' is closing his blog.
I couldnt believe it, but I guess I was not surprised.
It takes a big man to write opinion and listen to others in a public forum while maintaining dignity and more. It takes a bigger man to be a better husband and dad.
Pop by sometime :)
Don`t you worry Miss S I will be around. I `ve just got a lot to do at the moment
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